TI Architect Sample Clauses

TI Architect. The architect for the Landlord’s TI Work and for Tenant’s Work (if any), which architect shall be mutually selected and approved by Landlord and Tenant, such approval not to be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed by either party. Upon such mutual approval, the TI Architect shall be engaged by Landlord to design the Tenant Improvements. Landlord and Tenant hereby mutually select and approve DES Architects + Engineers as the TI Architect.
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TI Architect. Exhibit C, Paragraph 3..................3
TI Architect. Tenant shall retain HOK Interiors, or another architect reasonably acceptable to Landlord (the “TI Architect”) to design the Tenant Improvements consistent with the applicable Space Plan, which shall be compatible with the design, construction and equipment of the existing building shells, comply with all applicable Laws, be capable of logical measurement and construction, contain all such information as may be required for the construction of the Tenant Improvements and the preparation of the Engineering Drawings (as defined below), and contain all partition locations, plumbing locations, HVAC requirements and duct work, and ceiling plans. Tenant shall retain the engineering consultants designated by Landlord and reasonably approved by Tenant (the “Engineers”) to prepare all plans and engineering working drawings relating to the structural, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, HVAC, life-safety, and sprinkler work of the Tenant Improvements (“Engineering Drawings”) as part of the Working Drawings. Tenant shall, prior to delivering the Preliminary Plans to Landlord for Landlord’s approval, deliver to Landlord certificates evidencing that TI Architect and all Engineers have in force, with insurance companies reasonably acceptable to Landlord, (i) Professional Liability Insurance with limits of not less than $1 million per claim and annual aggregate, with a retention of not more than $25,000 per claim, (ii) Workers Compensation Insurance as required by state and federal statutes, (iii) Commercial General Liability Insurance in the amount of not less than $1 million per occurrence, $1 million annual general aggregate and $1 million completed operations aggregate, and (iv) Commercial Automobile Liability Insurance for all owned and non-owned automobiles utilized in connection with the services performed by the TI Architect and Engineers under this Exhibit in the amount of not less than $1 million per occurrence combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage combined. All such insurance must be maintained for the entire period during which services are performed under TI Architect’s and Engineers’ contracts, with the exception of the Professional Liability Insurance policy, which must be maintained in force for at least five years following completion of the Tenant Improvements. Landlord must be named as an additional-insured on all required Commercial General Liability policies, and the required certificates of insurance shall include an additional i...

Related to TI Architect

  • Architect 4.1.1 The Architect is the person lawfully licensed to practice architecture or an entity lawfully practicing architecture identified as such in the Agreement and is referred to throughout the Contract Documents as if singular in number. The term "

  • Selection of Architect/Construction Drawings Tenant shall retain an architect/space planner reasonably and mutually agreed upon by Landlord and Tenant (the “Architect”) to prepare the “Construction Drawings,” as that term is defined in this Section 3.1. The Contractor (as that term is defined in Section 4.1 of this Work Letter) shall provide design-build services from qualified, Landlord-approved mechanical, electrical and plumbing contractors for the preparation of plans and engineering working drawings related to the Improvements. Landlord hereby approves Gensler as the Architect if Tenant decides to select them. Tenant shall retain the engineering consultants designated by Landlord (the “Engineers”) to prepare all plans and engineering working drawings relating to the structural, HVAC, lifesafety, and sprinkler work in the Premises, which work is not part of the Base Building, provided that Tenant shall retain the subcontractors designated in Schedule 2 attached hereto for the fire alarm design and programming work (the “Fire Alarm Subcontractor”) and for building management systems (the “BMS Subcontractor”). Landlord hereby approves Gensler as the Engineer if Tenant decides to select them. Should Tenant choose to prepare fully engineered drawings in lieu of the design-build approach described above, then Tenant shall retain the Engineers to prepare all plans and engineering working drawings relating to the mechanical, electrical and plumbing work of the Improvements. The plans and drawings to be prepared by Architect, the design-build contractors (unless Tenant selects the fully engineered drawings approach described above), the Fire Alarm Subcontractor, the BMS Subcontractor and the Engineers hereunder shall be known collectively as the “Construction Drawings.” Landlord hereby approves Gensler and Revel to be the Architect if Tenant selects them. All Construction Drawings shall comply with the drawing format and specifications reasonably determined by Landlord, and shall be subject to Landlord’s reasonable approval. Tenant and Architect shall verify, in the field, the dimensions and conditions as shown on the relevant portions of the Base Building plans, and Tenant and Architect shall be solely responsible for the same, and Landlord shall have no responsibility in connection therewith. Landlord’s review of the Construction Drawings as set forth in this Section 3, shall be for its sole purpose and shall not imply Landlord’s review of the same, or obligate Landlord to review the same, for quality, design, Code compliance or other like matters. Accordingly, notwithstanding that any Construction Drawings are reviewed by Landlord or its space planner, architect, engineers and consultants, and notwithstanding any advice or assistance which may be rendered to Tenant by Landlord or Landlord’s space planner, architect, engineers, and consultants, Landlord shall have no liability whatsoever in connection therewith and shall not be responsible for any omissions or errors contained in the Construction Drawings, and Tenant’s waiver and indemnity set forth in the Lease, as amended, shall specifically apply to the Construction Drawings.

  • Construction Drawings After approving the Additional Programming Information, Landlord shall cause the Architect and the Engineers to prepare and deliver to Tenant Construction Drawings that conform to the approved Space Plan and the approved Additional Programming Information. Such preparation and delivery shall occur within 15 business days after the later of Landlord’s approval of the Additional Programming Information or the mutual execution and delivery of this Agreement. Tenant shall approve or disapprove the Construction Drawings by notice to Landlord. If Tenant disapproves the Construction Drawings, Tenant’s notice of disapproval shall specify any revisions Tenant desires in the Construction Drawings. After receiving such notice of disapproval, Landlord shall cause the Architect and/or the Engineers to revise the Construction Drawings, taking into account the reasons for Tenant’s disapproval (provided, however, that Landlord shall not be required to cause the Architect or the Engineers to make any revision to the Construction Drawings that is inconsistent with the Landlord Requirements or that Landlord otherwise reasonably disapproves), and resubmit the Construction Drawings to Tenant for its approval. Such revision and resubmission shall occur within five (5) business days after the later of Landlord’s receipt of Tenant’s notice of disapproval or the mutual execution and delivery of this Agreement if such revision is not material, and within such longer period of time as may be reasonably necessary (but not more than 15 business days after the later of such receipt or such mutual execution and delivery) if such revision is material. Such procedure shall be repeated as necessary until Tenant has approved the Construction Drawings. The Construction Drawings approved by Landlord and Tenant are referred to in this Work Letter as the “Approved Construction Drawings”.

  • Construction of Tenant Improvements Promptly following approval of the Final TI Working Drawings, Landlord shall apply for and use reasonable efforts to obtain the necessary permits and approvals to allow construction of Landlord’s TI Work. Upon receipt of such permits and approvals, Landlord shall, at Tenant’s expense (subject to the application of the Tenant Improvement Allowance provided in this Workletter, and subject to any other applicable provisions of the Lease or of this Workletter expressly making any specific item of expense or cost the responsibility of Landlord), diligently construct and complete Landlord’s TI Work substantially in accordance with the Approved TI Plans, subject to Unavoidable Delays and Tenant Delays (if any). Such construction shall be performed in a good and workmanlike manner and shall conform to all applicable governmental codes, laws and regulations in force at the time such work is completed. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Landlord shall be responsible for compliance of Landlord’s TI Work with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act and all similar or related requirements pertaining to access by persons with disabilities, but nothing in this sentence shall be construed to make Landlord responsible for bearing the cost of any such compliance, to the extent the compliance work is reasonably attributable to or related to the particular nature or design of the Tenant Improvements or is for any other reason expressly made Tenant’s cost or responsibility under any applicable provision of the Lease or of this Workletter. Landlord shall have the right, in its sole discretion, to decide whether and to what extent to use union labor on or in connection with Landlord’s Work, and shall use the TI General Contractor to construct all of Landlord’s TI Work. Landlord and Tenant shall each have a right to approve all subcontractors engaged in connection with the construction of the Tenant Improvements and to review and approve all competitive bids for any elements of the Tenant Improvements, such approval in each instance not to be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed by either party.

  • Tenant Improvements Subject to this Section 4, Tenant shall accept the Suite 110 Premises in its “as is” condition (subject to Landlord's continuing repair and maintenance obligations, as outlined in Section 10 of the Lease (as may be amended)), and Landlord shall have no obligation to make any alterations or improvements thereto whatsoever (provided that Landlord shall deliver same in good and tenantable condition, broom clean, with all systems serving same in good working order). Any alterations that Tenant desires to make in the Suite 110 Premises shall be subject to all the terms and conditions set forth in Section 11 of the Lease. Notwithstanding anything in the Lease to the contrary, Landlord hereby agrees to grant Tenant an allowance in the amount of $10,000 to be applied toward the cost (including architectural and engineering fees) of alterations performed by Tenant in the Suite 110 Premises (the “Granted Allowance”) in conjunction with Tenant’s initial occupancy of Suite 110 Premises. Provided no Event of Default then exists under the Lease, the Granted Allowance (or portions thereof) shall be disbursed to Tenant within thirty (30) days following Tenant's submission to Landlord of paid invoices for work related to alterations performed by Tenant in the Suite 110 Premises, accompanied by waivers of liens executed by all contractors employed by Tenant for the performance of such work. If the cost of Tenant's alterations in the Suite 110 Premises exceeds the amount of the Granted Allowance, the excess shall be paid by Tenant after the Granted Allowance is fully exhausted. Any portion of the Granted Allowance that has not been applied (or contracted to be applied) in the manner set forth above by the date which is twelve (12) months following the Eighth Amendment Commencement Date shall revert to Landlord, and Tenant shall have no further rights with respect thereto.

  • Plans and Specifications Tenant shall be solely responsible for the preparation of the final architectural, electrical and mechanical construction drawings, plans and specifications (called “plans”) necessary for Tenant to construct the Premises for Tenant’s occupancy, which plans shall be subject to approval by Landlord’s architect and engineers and shall comply with their reasonable requirements to avoid aesthetic or other conflicts with the design and function of the balance of the Building. Landlord’s approval is solely given for the benefit of Landlord, and neither Tenant nor any third party shall have the right to rely upon Landlord’s approval of Tenant’s plans for any purpose whatsoever other than that Landlord does not object thereto under this Lease. Landlord’s architects and engineers shall respond (with approval or disapproval) to any plan submission by Tenant within 8 business days after Landlord’s receipt thereof. If Landlord fails to respond to any such submission within such 8 business day period, which failure continues for more than 2 business days after Tenant gives Landlord a written notice (the “Deemed Approved Notice”) advising Landlord that such plan submission shall be deemed approved within 2 business days of Landlord’s receipt of the Deemed Approved Notice, then such plan submission shall be deemed approved hereunder. The Deemed Approved Notice shall, in order to be effective, contain on the first page thereof, in a font at least twice as large as the font of any other text contained in such notice, a legend substantially as follows: “FAILURE TO RESPOND TO THIS NOTICE WITHIN TWO (2) BUSINESS DAYS AFTER RECEIPT HEREOF SHALL CONSTITUTE LANDLORD’S APPROVAL OF SUBMITTED PLANS.” In the event Landlord’s architect’s or engineers’ approval of Tenant’s plans is withheld or conditioned, Landlord shall send prompt written notification thereof to Tenant and include a reasonably detailed statement identifying the reasons for such refusal or condition, and Tenant shall promptly have the plans revised by its architect to incorporate all reasonable objections and conditions presented by Landlord and shall resubmit such plans to Landlord. Landlord’s architects and engineers shall respond (with approval or disapproval) to any plan re-submission by Tenant within 8 business days after Landlord’s receipt thereof. Such process shall be followed until the plans shall have been approved by Landlord’s architect and engineers without unreasonable objection or condition. Without limiting the foregoing, Tenant shall be responsible for all elements of the design of Tenant’s plans (including, without limitation, compliance with law, functionality of design, the structural integrity of the design, the configuration of the Premises and the placement of Tenant’s furniture, appliances and equipment), and Landlord’s approval of Tenant’s plans shall in no event relieve Tenant of the responsibility for such design. Tenant agrees it shall be solely responsible for the timely preparation and submission of all such plans and for all elements of the design of such plans and for all costs related thereto. (The word “architect” as used in this Section 3.2 shall include an interior designer or space planner.) Tenant shall reimburse Landlord Landlord’s reasonable out-of-pocket expense incurred in connection with the review of Tenant’s plans.

  • Budget For Tenant Improvements A preliminary detailed breakdown by trade of the costs incurred or that will be incurred in connection with the design and construction of the Tenant Improvements is set forth on Schedule 3 attached hereto (the “Budget”). The Budget is based upon the TI Construction Drawings approved by Tenant and shall include a payment to Landlord of administrative rent (“Administrative Rent”) equal to 1.5% of the TI Costs, which Administrative Rent shall include, without limitation, all out-of-pocket costs, expenses and fees incurred by or on behalf of Landlord arising from, out of, or in connection with monitoring the construction of the Tenant Improvements and Changes, and shall be payable out of the TI Fund. Landlord shall provide Tenant with a final Budget promptly following approval of the TI Construction Drawings by Landlord and Tenant. The Budget shall be subject to Tenant’s review and approval which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed by Tenant. Tenant shall have the right to approve any use of the contingency in the Budget by Landlord; provided, however, that, Tenant’s approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed, and the contingency shall not be available for use by Tenant for any Changes until all unforeseen conditions, changes to resulting from governmental agencies and the like have first been paid for out of the contingency.

  • Space Plan Tenant or Tenant’s Architect shall prepare a proposed space plan for the Tenant Improvements in the Premises which shall include a layout and designation of all partitioning, intended use for such space and equipment to be contained therein (the “Space Plan”) and shall deliver the proposed Space Plan to Landlord with a request for Landlord’s approval. Landlord shall approve or disapprove the Space Plan by written notice given to Tenant within ten (10) Business Days after receipt of the Space Plan. Landlord shall not unreasonably withhold its approval of the Space Plan, provided that, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Landlord shall be entitled to withhold its consent to the Space Plan if, in Landlord’s good faith judgment, any one or more of the following conditions exist: (a) the proposed Tenant Improvements will adversely affect the exterior appearance of the Building; (b) the proposed Tenant Improvements may impair the structural strength of the Building, affect any of the Base Building Systems or adversely affect the value of the Building; or (c) the proposed Tenant Improvement Work would trigger the necessity under Applicable Laws or otherwise for work to be performed outside the Premises. If Tenant’s proposed interior partitioning or other aspects of the Tenant Improvement Work will, in Landlord’s good faith judgment, require changes or alterations in the Base Building Systems located outside of the Premises, and Landlord approves such changes or alterations, such changes or alterations shall be made at Tenant’s expense. If Landlord disapproves the Space Plan, Landlord shall return the Space Plan to Tenant with a statement of Landlord’s reasons for disapproval, or specifying any required corrections and/or revisions. Landlord shall approve or disapprove of any revisions to the Space Plan by written notice given to Tenant within five (5) Business Days after receipt of such revisions. This procedure shall be repeated until Landlord approves the Space Plan (as so approved, the “Approved Space Plan”).

  • Cost of Tenant Improvements Unless specified otherwise herein, Landlord shall bear and pay the cost of the Tenant Improvements (which cost shall include, without limitation, the costs of construction, the cost of permits and permit expediting, the costs of code compliance work, if such work is required as a result of, or is a condition imposed by appropriate governmental authorities for, construction of the Tenant Improvements, and all architectural and engineering services obtained by Landlord in connection with the Tenant Improvements, the Contractor's fees, Landlord's fee for construction administration in an amount which shall not exceed three percent (3%) of hard costs, utilities, and Landlord's Insurance Costs (including, without limitation, course of construction insurance), from the date of this Work Letter until the Lease Commencement Date up to a maximum of $450,000.00 (the "Tenant Improvement Allowance"). The Tenant Improvement Allowance shall be utilized only for building improvements to the Building, and not for signage, furniture costs, any third party consulting or contracting fees, any telecom/cabling costs, or any other purpose. Tenant shall bear and pay the cost of the Tenant Improvements (including but not limited to all of the foregoing fees and costs) in excess of the Tenant Improvement Allowance, if any. The cost of the Tenant Improvements shall exclude the cost of furniture, fixtures and inventory and other items of Tenant's Work (as defined below). Tenant shall have the right to elect to increase the Tenant Improvement Allowance by up to an additional $450,000.00 (the "Additional Allowance"), subject to the following terms and conditions: (i) Tenant shall make such election, if at all, no later than August 15, 1998; (ii) such amount shall be paid to Landlord in equal monthly installments over the seven (7) year Lease Term with interest at 10%, as additional Base Monthly Rent in the manner specified by Article 3 of the Lease; and (iii) the Additional Allowance shall otherwise constitute a part of the Tenant Improvement Allowance and shall be subject to the restrictions and conditions on such Tenant Improvement Allowance provided in this Work Letter. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein or in the Lease, Landlord shall be responsible at its sole cost and expense for the incremental costs incurred by either Landlord or Tenant for asbestos removal within the interior of the Leased Premises required solely as a result of the construction of the Tenant Improvements. 5.

  • Construction of the Tenant Improvements Landlord shall construct the Tenant Improvements in accordance with this exhibit and the construction contract to be executed by Landlord and its contractor(s). The construction contract for constructing the Tenant Improvements and the contractor(s) to perform the work shall be approved and/or selected, as the case may be, by Landlord at its sole and absolute discretion without the consent of Tenant.

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