Theory and Practice Sample Clauses

Theory and Practice. History of a Concept from Aristotle to Marx. Notre Dame - London: University of Notre Dame Press. Lobkowicz, N. (1977). On the History of Theory and Praxis. In T. Ball (Ed.), Political Theory and Praxis: New Perspectives (pp. 13–27). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota. Locke, J. (1999). An Essay Concerning Human Understanding by John Locke. Retrieved from The Pennsylvania State University. Lukasiewicz, J. (1994). The Ignorance Explosion: Understanding Industrial Civilization. Ottawa: Carleton University Press. Lyotard, J.-F. (1979). La Condition Postmoderne: Rapport sur le Savoir. Paris: Éditions de Minuit. Lyotard, J.-F. (1984). The Postmodern Condition: a Report on Knowledge. (G. Bennington & B. Massumi, Trans.) (Repr). Manchester: University Press (La condition postmoderne: rapport sur le savoir, 1979).
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Theory and Practice. Cambridge: The MIT Press. classi cation taks: the kappa statistic. Com- putational Linguistics 22 (2). [4] Xxxxxxxxx, P. & Xxxxx, J. (1996). Bayesian Classi cation (AutoClass): Theory and Re- sults. In Fayyad, Piatetsky{Shapiro, Smyth, & Uthurusamy editors, Advances in Knowl- edge Discovery and Data Mining, AAAI Press/MIT Press. [5] Xxxxx, J. (1960). A xxx cient of agreement for nominal scales. Educational and Psych. Meas. 20: 37{46. [6] Davies, M. & Fleiss, J. (1982). Mea- suring Agreement for Multinomial Data Biometrics,38:1047{1051. [7] Xxxxxxx & XxXxxxx. (1986). Category Dis- tinguishability and Observer Agreement. Austral. Journal of Statistics, 28(3):371{388. [8] Xxxxxxx, L. (1974). Exploratory la- tent structure analysis using both identi - able and unidenti able models. Biometrika, 61(2):215{231. [9] Xxxxxxxxxx, J. & Xxxxxxxx, C. (1996). A prosodic analysis of discourse segments in direction-giving monologues. In Proc. ACL- 96, pp. 286-293. [10] Jing, H., Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, V., Passonneau, R., and XxXxxxx, Xxxxxxxx (1997). Inves- tigating complementary methods for verb sense pruning. In Proc. SIGLEX Workshop on Tagging Text with Lexical Semantics, pp. 58-65. [11] Xxxxxxx, P., Iba, W. & Xxxxxxxx, K. (1992). An analysis of bayesian classi ers. In Pro- ceedings of the 10th National Conference on Arti cial Intelligence, pp. 223{228. [12] Lazarfeld, P. (1966). Latent structure analy- sis. In S. A. Stou er, X. Xxxxxxx, E. Such- man, P.Lazarfeld, S. Star, and X. Xxxxxxxx (Ed.), Measurement and Prediction, New York: Wiley. [13] Xxxxxx, D. & Passonneau, R. (1995). Com- bining multiple knowledge sources for dis- course segmentation. In Proc. 33rd Annual Meeting of the Assoc. for Computational Linguistics, MIT, pp. 130-143. [14] Marcus, M., Santorini, B., & Xxxxxxxxxxxxx, M. (1993). Building a large annotated cor- pus of English: The Penn Treebank. Com- putational Linguistics 19 (2): 313{330. [15] Xxxxx, M. & Xxxxx, J. (1995). Investigating cue selection and placement in tutorial dis- courses. In Proc. 33rd Annual Meeting of the Assoc. for Computational Linguistics, MIT, pp. 130-143.
Theory and Practice. 3 hrs. This course will offer a basic foundation in theories and practices underlying curriculum development in the past, the present, and the future. The goal is to enable students to develop curricula for 21st Century learning. Models of curriculum design and development will be explored on the basis of curriculum specialists. A critical review of these models and their theory and practice will take place. Students will become aware of contemporary trends of curriculum design. They will be encouraged to use their acquired knowledge to build their own effective curriculum for any setting and any level, by integrating the best of theories and practices of what they have learned.- 534. CONTEMPORARY APPLICATIONS OF EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY – 3 hrs. This course provides an advanced study in the use of technology and instructional design principles to create innovative learning environments and authentic learning experiences that accommodate learner needs and align with content area standards. Particular attention will be given to instructional applications and tools incorporating visual design, multimedia, collaborative learning experiences, digital literacy, and responsible social media for face-to- face and online teaching and learning. 535. ARTS INTEGRATION AND MULTICULTURAL LEARNING - 3 hrs.
Theory and Practice. Dhaka: The University Press Limited. Nahar, S., & Costello, A. (1998). The hidden cost of 'free' maternity care in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Health Policy & Planning, 13(4), 417-422. National Institute of Population Research and Training. (2003). Bangladesh Maternal Health Services and Maternal Mortality Survey, 2001. Dhaka, Bangladesh and Calverton, Maryland USA: Center for Health and Population, John Hopkins University & ORC Macro.
Theory and Practice. History of a Concept from Xxxxxxxxx to Xxxx (Notre Dame, 1967), 9.
Theory and Practice. Honoring Xxxxx Xxxxx’x 64th Birthday (Taormina, Italy, June 2003), volume 2772 of Lecture Notes in Computer Sci- ence. Springer-Verlag, 2003. [49] Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx X’Xxxxx and Xxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxx. Objects, Components, and Frameworks with UML: The CatalysisSM Approach. The Addison Xxxxxx object technology series. Addison Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx, Inc., 1998. [50] Xxxxx Xxxxx (ed.). XSL Transformations (XSLT) Version 1.0. W3C, November 1999. Available for download at xxxx:// [51] Xxxx Xxxxx, Xxxxxx Xxxxxx, Xxxxx Xxxx, and Xxxxxxxx Xxxxx. Developing the UML as a formal modelling notation. In Xxxx Xxxxxxx and Xxxxxx-Xxxxx Xxxxxx, editors, The Unified Modelling Language UML’98 — Beyond the No- tation, volume 1618 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 297–307, Berlin, Heidelberg, New-York, June 1998. Springer-Verlag. [52] Xxxxxx Xxxxxx, Xxxxxx Xxxx, Xxxxx X. xx Xxxx, and Xxxxxx-Xxxx xx Roever. Compositional operational semantics of an UML-kernel-model language. In Pe- ter X. Xxxxxx and Xxxx Xxxxxxxxx, editors, Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Structural Operational Semantics (SOS 2005), Electronic Notes in Theoreti- cal Computer Science. Elsevier, 2005. Accepted for publication. [53] Xxxxxx Xxxxxx, Xxxx Xxxxxxxxx, Xxxxxx Xxxx, and Xxxxxx-Xxxx xx Roever. 29 new unclarities in the semantics of UML 2.0 state machines. In Kung-Xxx Xxx and Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx, editors, Formal Methods and Software Engineering (ICFEM 2005), volume 3785 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 52–
Theory and Practice. London, NYC: Bloomsbury T&T Xxxxx, 2015. Xxxxxx, X. Xxxxxxx. “The Discovery and Reconstruction of the Mesha Inscription.” In
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Theory and Practice. London: L.E.A. [4] Xxxxxxxxx XX, Xxxxxxx XX (1991). The contribution of list length to the absence of the primacy effect in word recall in dementia of the Alzheimer type. Psychological Medicine 21, 1047-1050. [5] Xxxxxxxxx XX, Xxxxxxx XX, xxx Xxxxxx, GMJ (1996). Recall performance in acutely depressed patients and plasma cortisol. Biological Psychiatry 39, 750-752. [6] Xxxxxxxxx XX, Xxxxxxx G, Xxxxxxxxxx K, ten Xxxxx JMF, Xxxxxxx XX (2002). Evidence for two processes underlying the serial position curve of single- and multi-trial free recall in a heterogeneous group of psychiatric patients: A confirmatory factor analytic study. Memory 10,151-160. [7] Xxxxxxxxx XX, Xxxxxxx XX, de Xxxx R, xxx Xxxxxx GMJ (2003). Recall performance,plasma cortisol and plasma norepinephrine in normal human subjects. Biological Psychology 62,1-15. [8] Xxxxxxxxx XX, Xxxxx A, de Rijk R, Xxxxxxxxxx HAM, xxx Xxxxxx GMJ, Xxxxxxx XX (2007). Plasma cortisol and norepinephrine in Alzheimer’s Disease. Opposite relations with recall performance and stage of progression. Acta Neuropsychiatrica 19, 231-237. [9] Xxxxxxx XX, xxx Xxxxxx XX (1988). Serial position curves in spatial memory of rats: Primacy and recency effects. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 40b, 135-149. [10] Xxxxxxxx E, Xxxxx Xxxx S, Xxxxx XX, Xxxxxxxx H (1992). Recency, primacy, and memory: reappraising and standardising the serial position curve. Cortex 28, 315-342. [11] Xxxxx LA, Xxxxxx D (1991). Tripartite model of anxiety and depression: psychometric evidence and taxonomic implications. Journal of Abnormal Psychology 100, 316-336.
Theory and Practice. London: Palgrave-MacMillan, 2019. Tamhankar, D V. Lokamanya Tilak: Father of Indian Unrest and Maker of Modern India. London: John Murray, 1956. Taylor, Charles. Sources of the Self: The Making of the Modernity Identity. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1989 Tejani, Shabnum. Indian Secularism: A Social and Intellectual History, 1890-1950. Ranikhet Cantt.: Permanent Black, 2007. Thapar, Romila. “Historiography of the Concept of ‘Aryan’.” In India: Historical Beginnings and the Concept of the Aryan (2006). Edited by Romila Thapar, Jonathan Mark Kenoyer, Madhav M Deshpande and Shereen Ratnagar. 2nd edition, 2nd reprint. New Delhi: National Book Trust, 2007: 1-40.
Theory and Practice. London: Prentice – Hall. Samah, Kristin and Fransiska Ria Susanti (2014), Berpolitik Tanpa Partai: Fenomena Relawan dalam Pilpres. Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama. Samsa, Gregor (2005), ‘Tinjauan Literatur Hukum Perburuhan di Indonesia’ in Surya Tjandra, and Jafar Suryomenggolo (eds.), Makin Terang Bagi Kami: Belajar Hukum Perburuhan. Jakarta: TURC, 6-10. Sanda, Abun (ed.) (2011), Sofjan Wanandi: Aktivis Sejati. Jakarta: Buku Kompas. Saptorini, Indah and Surya Tjandra (2005), ‘Faktor-faktor Penghambat Kebebasan Berserikat’, paper presented at Seminar and Workshop on Five-year Reflection on the Trade Union Act No. 21/2000, organised by the Trade Union Rights Centre, Jakarta, September 20. Sassen, Saskia (2000), ‘The State and Economic Globalization: Any Implications for Internation- al Law?’, China Journal of International Law, 1 (1): 109-116. Sayogyo (1971), Kemiskinan dan Distribusi Pendapatan Di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 1984-1987. Yogyakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Gadjah Mada. Serikat Buruh Sejahtera Indonesia (1992), Keputusan-keputusan Pertemuan Buruh Nasional, tgl.
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