Satellite images definition

Satellite images means digital images of the earth's surface compiled from spectral data collected by sensors carried in special-purpose satellites, readily available for all parts of the world from various commercial and government sources.

Examples of Satellite images in a sentence

  • Satellite images correctly indicated the start-up of the 5MWe reactor, but gave no details about its operations.

  • Satellite images were obtained and developed with the help of GIS technologies.

  • Satellite images in late April and mid-June 1999 were obtained from the National Oceanic and AtmosphericL is the number of observations, AMP is the amplitude, ϕis the phase, subscripts o and m represent the observations and model, respectively.These statistics for model tidal elevation and observations at coastal tide gauges are given in Table 1.

  • Satellite images may also prove useful to demonstrate the commission of these crimes.

  • Satellite images of actual storm surge events can also be better interpreted using the coincident tide gauge observations.

  • Use modern data sources such as Satellite images and Aerial photos to generate a comprehensive 3-tier GIS database in the scale of 1:10000 for Master Plan and 1:2000 for detailed Town Planning Schemes and 1:1000 for utility planning.

  • The range of these funds is remarkably broad, including UCITS that provide some sort of capital protection by means of dynamic trading strategies (such as Constant Proportion Portfolio Insurance (CPPI) and Variable Proportion Portfolio Insurance (VPPI)).The portfolio allocation of total return funds across assets and asset classes may change rapidly over time, following market dynamics or according to managers’ views.

  • Satellite images are used to determine whether drought prevailed in the area concerned during the seeding, germination, or ripening period.

  • Satellite images show tropical depressions as brilliant white masses of clouds.

  • Satellite images docu- ment large sources such as input from deserts and provide information about suspended loads and varia- bility of load within the atmosphere.

Related to Satellite images

  • Antenna means communications equipment that transmits or receives electromagnetic radio frequency signals used in the provision of wireless services.

  • Spacecraft (9) means active and passive satellites and space probes.

  • Server Software means software that provides services or functionality on a computer acting as a server.

  • Application Software means Software formulated to perform specific business or technical functions and interface with the business or technical users of the System and is identified as such in Appendix4 of the Contract Agreement and such other Software as the parties may agree in writing to be Application Software.

  • Telecommunications Equipment means equipment, other than Customer Premises Equipment, used by a Carrier to provide Telecommunications Services, and include software integral to such equipment, including upgrades.

  • Customer System means the Customer's computing environment (consisting of hardware, software and/or telecommunications networks or equipment) used by the Customer or the Supplier in connection with this Contract which is owned by or licensed to the Customer by a third party and which interfaces with the Supplier System or which is necessary for the Customer to receive the Services;

  • Network Interface Device or "NID" is a Network Element (including all of its features, functions and capabilities) that includes any means of Interconnection of End User Customer premises wiring to Qwest's distribution plant, such as a cross connect device used for that purpose. "New Service Provider" means the Party to which an End User Customer switches its local Exchange Service or the Party to which an End User Customer is porting its telephone number(s).

  • Module means specific portion of the Application Software designated as such in the Documentation made available to the Customer under the Notification Form.

  • Embedded Software means one or more software applications which permanently reside on a computing device.

  • Customer Software means software which is owned by or licensed to the Customer;

  • Customer Equipment means hardware, software, systems, cabling and facilities provided by you and used in conjunction with the Equipment that we supply to you in order to receive the Services;

  • Subsystem means any subset of the System identified as such in the Contract that may be supplied, installed, tested, and commissioned individually before Commissioning of the entire System.

  • Standard Software means Software identified as such in Appendix 4 of the Contract Agreement and such other Software as the parties may agree in writing to be Standard Software.