Eurobonds definition

Eurobonds means the 5.25% bonds due January 2015 issued by WPP Finance S.A., the 4.375% bonds due December 2013 issued by WPP 2008 Limited (formerly WPP Group plc and subsequently substituted as issuer by WPP plc) and the 6.625% bonds due in 2016 issued by WPP 2008 Limited (formerly WPP Group plc and subsequently substituted as issuer by WPP plc).
Eurobonds means any €900,000,000 4.75% Eurobonds issued by CEMEX Finance Europe B.V. and guaranteed by CEMEX, España S.A. dated 5 March 2007 (as amended from time to time).
Eurobonds means debt securities which are denominated in Australian Currency, are issued by the issuers listed below and which have the following characteristics: (a) the principal amount outstanding on the date of determination is at least equal to A$50 million, (b) the security is publicly traded, (c) the security is non-callable, (d) the security is rated at least AA- by S&P and (e) the maturity date of the security is not later than the 10th anniversary of the issuance date of such security.

Examples of Eurobonds in a sentence

  • Investors holding Common Depository Notes through Euroclear, Clearstream or such other clearing system shall follow the settlement procedures applicable to conventional Eurobonds in registered form.

  • Investors holding Common Depository Notes through Euroclear, Clearstream or any other designated clearing system shall follow the settlement procedures applicable to conventional Eurobonds in registered form.

  • Investors holding Other Registered Debt Securities through Euroclear, Clearstream, Luxembourg or such other clearing system shall follow the settlement procedures applicable to conventional Eurobonds in registered form.

  • In December 2012, the Group issued US dollar denominated Eurobonds in the amount of USD 1 billion.

  • Whilst the UK Notes are and continue to be quoted Eurobonds, payments of interest on the UK Notes may be made without withholding or deduction for or on account of United Kingdom income tax.

  • Eurobonds shall mean bonds and other debt securities issued by Italian or foreign companies or entities or by governments or international organisations that are subject to a different law from that to which the issuer is subject and/or placed in two or more countries.

  • There remains a sharp divide between northern EU countries favouring low debt to GDP and annual balanced budgets and southern countries who want to see jointly issued Eurobonds to finance economic recovery.

  • Whilst the Notes are and continue to be quoted Eurobonds, payments of interest on such Notes may be made without withholding or deduction for or on account of United Kingdom income tax.

  • Whilst the Notes are and continue to be quoted Eurobonds, payments on such Notes which are considered to be payments of interest for United Kingdom tax purposes may be made without withholding or deduction for or on account of United Kingdom income tax.

  • The Russian rouble denominated Eurobonds were issued with an annual coupon rate of 7.75 percent, payable semi-annually.

More Definitions of Eurobonds

Eurobonds means the E 500,000,000 5.625 per cent. bonds due 2005 and the E 1,000,000,000 6.375 per cent. bonds due 2010, both issued by Corp and both guaranteed by plc; EXCHANGE GAIN means an exchange gain as defined in section 103 Finance Xxx 0000;
Eurobonds means the €800,000,000 1.875 per cent notes issued by the Company on 24 July 2017, unconditionally and irrevocably guaranteed by SIHNV, due 2025 (ISIN: XS1650590349).
Eurobonds shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in the recitals hereof.
Eurobonds means the €800,000,000 1.875 per cent notes issued by SEAG on 24 July 2017, unconditionally and irrevocably guaranteed by SIHNV, due 2025 (ISIN: XS1650590349).
Eurobonds means bonds that are offered outside the country of the borrower and outside the country in whose currency the bonds are denominated;
Eurobonds means the 7.625% Guaranteed Fixed Rate Bonds due 2005 of Milacron Capital Holdings B.V. in the original aggregate principal amount of (euro)115.0 million.

Related to Eurobonds

  • Covered Bonds means any and all the covered bonds (obbligazioni bancarie garantite) issued or to be issued by the Issuer pursuant to the terms and subject to the conditions of the Programme Agreement.

  • Eurobond Basis has the meaning given in Condition 5.10 (Definitions);

  • Corporate Bonds means a debt obligation of a United States-chartered corporation with a maturity date greater than 270 days, which may be interest-bearing or discount-purchased.

  • Bank Bonds means any Bonds purchased with moneys received under the Letter of Credit in connection with a Liquidity Drawing and held by the Tender Agent, or its agent, in each case, for the account of the Issuing Bank.

  • Zero Coupon Bond Any debt security that by its terms (a) does not bear interest for all or part of the remaining period that it is outstanding, (b) provides for periodic payments of interest in Cash less frequently than semi-annually or (c) pays interest only at its stated maturity.

  • Variable Rate Bonds means Current Interest Bonds, which may be either Serial Bonds or Term Bonds, issued with a variable, adjustable, convertible or other similar interest rate which is not fixed in percentage for the entire term thereof at the date of issue, which Bonds may also be Option Bonds. Section 102.Rules of Construction. Words of the masculine gender shall be deemed and construed to include correlative words of the feminine and neuter genders. Unless the context shall otherwise indicate, the words "Bond," "Escrow Agent," "Owner," "person," "Paying Agent," and "Bond Registrar" shall include the plural as well as the singular number and the word "person" shall mean any individual, corporation partnership, joint venture, association, joint stock company, trust, unincorporated organization or government or any agency or political subdivision thereof. All references to applicable provisions of Law shall be deemed to include any and all amendments thereto.

  • covered bond means a debt security issued by any member of the banking group, for which repayment to holders is guaranteed by a SPV, and investors retain an unsecured claim on the issuer.

  • Debt bondage means the status or condition of a debtor arising from a pledge by the debtor of his or her personal services or of those of a person under his or her control as a security for debt, if the value of those services as reasonably assessed is not applied

  • Term Bonds means Bonds that mature on one date and that are subject to mandatory redemption from Amortization Installments or are subject to extraordinary mandatory or mandatory redemption upon receipt of unscheduled Pledged Revenues.

  • Bonds means any bonds (including refunding bonds), notes, interim certificates, certificates of indebtedness, debentures or other obligations.

  • Stocks and bonds means stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and all other types of securities and financial instruments, whether held directly, indirectly, or in any other manner. The term does not include commodity futures contracts and call or put options on stocks or stock indexes.

  • Floating Rate Notes means the Class A-2b Notes.

  • Commercial Paper Notes means short-term promissory notes issued or to be issued by a Conduit Purchaser to fund its investments in accounts receivable or other financial assets.

  • Corporate bond means a senior secured debt obligation issued by a domestic business entity and rated not lower than “AA-” or the equivalent by a nationally recognized investment rating firm. The term does not include a debt obligation that, on conversion, would result in the holder becoming a stockholder or shareholder in the entity, or any affiliate or subsidiary of the entity, that issued the debt obligation, or is an unsecured debt obligation. Gov’t Code 2256.0204(a)

  • Fixed Rate Notes Together, the Class A-1a Notes, the Class A-2 Notes, the Class A-3 Notes, the Class A-4 Notes, the Class B Notes, the Class C Notes, the Class D Notes and the Class E Notes.

  • Issuer’s Bonds means any Bonds which are owned by the Issuer or any Affiliate of the Issuer.

  • Fundserv Notes means Notes purchased through Fundserv.

  • Global Bond means a 2013 Bond in registered global form without interest coupons.

  • Treasury Bonds means United States Treasury Bonds or Notes.

  • Pledged Bonds means any Bond at any time purchased, in whole or in part, with the proceeds of a draw on the Letter of Credit upon tender of such Bond and held by the Trustee as nominee for the Bank pursuant to the provisions of Section 305 of the Indenture.

  • Reference Security means the security specified as such in the relevant Final Terms. If a Reference Security is no longer outstanding, a Similar Security will be chosen by the Quotation Agent at 11:00 a.m. (CET) on the third Business Day preceding the Make-whole Redemption Date, quoted in writing by the Quotation Agent to the Issuer and published in accordance with Condition 12 (Notices).

  • Hedge Treasury Note(s) means, with respect to any Accepted Note, the United States Treasury Note or Notes whose duration (as determined by Prudential) most closely matches the duration of such Accepted Note.

  • Floating Rate Security means a Debt Security that provides for the payment of interest at a variable rate determined periodically by reference to an interest rate index specified pursuant to Section 2.03.

  • Senior Bonds means all Bonds issued as Senior Bonds in compliance with the provisions of the Indenture.

  • 2024 Notes means the 7.625% unsecured notes due April 15, 2024, issued pursuant to the 2009 Notes Indenture.

  • Series 2020 Bonds means the West Virginia Hospital Finance Authority Refunding Revenue Bonds (Thomas Health System, Inc.), Series 2020 A to be issued as a combination of tax-exempt and taxable non-rated fixed rate bonds by the Issuer, subject to its authority and discretion, in the aggregate principal amount of $60,100,000, to (i) refund and retire the Series 2008 Bonds at a discount to the current par amount outstanding, (ii) fund a debt service reserve fund for the Series 2020 Bonds, (iii) fund the Operating Reserve Fund, if necessary, as described in Article IV.C.1 of the Plan and (iv) finance costs of issuance of the Series 2020 Bonds.