Electrical Service to the Premises Sample Clauses

Electrical Service to the Premises. Anything set forth in Section 7.01 or elsewhere in this Lease to the contrary notwithstanding, electricity to the Premises shall not be furnished by Landlord, but shall be furnished by the approved electric utility company serving the Building. Landlord shall permit Tenant to receive such service directly from such utility company at Tenant's cost (except as otherwise provided herein) and shall permit Landlord's wire and conduits, to the extent available, suitable and safely capable, to be used for such purposes.
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Electrical Service to the Premises. Anything set forth in Section 7.01 or elsewhere in this Lease to the contrary notwithstanding, if Tenant elects to provide its own electricity to the Premises and does not require that the same be furnished by Landlord, then the same shall be furnished by an electric utility company serving the Building which is approved by Landlord. Landlord shall permit Tenant to receive such service directly from such utility company at Tenant's cost (except as otherwise provided herein) and shall permit Landlord's wire and conduits, to the extent available, suitable and safely capable, to be used for such purposes. In said event, Tenant's Percentage Share of Operating Expenses shall be adjusted to include only electricity furnished to the common areas of the Building and Real Property.
Electrical Service to the Premises. Landlord shall install, as a part of the Leasehold Improvements to the Premises, three (3) 220-volt outlets in a location approved by Landlord and Tenant for use by Tenant in connecting and operating Tenant's photocopying equipment in the Premises.
Electrical Service to the Premises. Tenant agrees that if it purchases any lamps, bulbs, ballasts and starters used in the Premises from anyone other than Landlord, all such items shall be of the same type as those used in the Building. Landlord agrees that it shall provide Tenant use of the existing supplemental electrical generator serving the Building reasonably adequate to operate life safety systems such as, but not limited to, emergency lighting and security/fire prevention controls, in the event standard electrical service to the Building becomes unavailable, but Tenant acknowledges and agrees that Landlord shall not be responsible for repairing, replacing or installing any new generator equipment except to the extent required to comply with any applicable ordinances, codes or government regulations.

Related to Electrical Service to the Premises

  • Office Space, Equipment and Facilities Provide such office space, office equipment and office facilities as are adequate to fulfill the Adviser’s obligations hereunder.

  • Installation Tenant may install and use Tenant's Lines and make connections and disconnections at the terminal blocks as described above, provided Tenant shall: (i) obtain Landlord's prior written approval of all aspects thereof, (ii) use an experienced and qualified contractor designated or approved in writing in advance by Landlord (whom Landlord may require to enter an access and indemnity agreement on Landlord's then standard form of agreement therefor), (iii) comply with such inside wire standards as Landlord may adopt from time to time, and all other provisions of this Lease, including Paragraph 8 respecting alterations, and the Building rules respecting access to the wire closets, (iv) not install Lines in the same sleeve, chaseway or other enclosure in close proximity with electrical wire, and not install PVC-coated Lines under any circumstances, (v) thoroughly test any riser Lines to which Tenant intends to connect any Lines to ensure that such riser Lines are available and are not then connected to or used for telephone, data transmission or any other purpose by any other party (whether or not Landlord has previously approved such connections), and not connect to any such unavailable or connected riser Lines, and (vi) not connect any equipment to the Lines which may create an electromagnetic field exceeding the normal insulation ratings of ordinary twisted pair riser cable or cause radiation higher than normal background radiation, unless the Lines therefor (including riser Lines) are appropriately insulated to prevent such excessive electromagnetic fields or radiation (and such insulation shall not be provided by the use of additional unused twisted pair Lines). As a condition to permitting installation of new Lines, Landlord may require that Tenant remove any existing Lines located in or serving the Premises.

  • LANDLORD’S MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR Subject to Section 7.1 and Article XI, Landlord shall maintain in good operating condition and repair all parts of the Premises that are not Tenant’s obligation under Section 7.1 and all areas outside of the Premises including, without limitation, all portions and elements of the roof (including sky lights and related seals), foundations, footings, the exterior surfaces of the exterior walls of the Building (including exterior glass and doors), structural walls, passenger and freight elevators and the structural, life/safety, electrical and mechanical systems (except for HVAC systems and equipment) in or serving the Building, except that Tenant at its expense shall make all repairs which Landlord deems reasonably necessary as a result of the act or negligence of Tenant, its agents, employees, invitees, subtenants or contractors. Landlord shall have the right to employ or designate any reputable person or firm, including any employee or agent of Landlord or any of Landlord’s affiliates or divisions, to perform any service, repair or maintenance function. Landlord need not make any other improvements or repairs except as specifically required under this Lease, and nothing contained in this Section shall limit Landlord’s right to reimbursement from Tenant for reasonable maintenance, repair costs and replacement costs as provided elsewhere in this Lease (but subject to any limitations therein provided). Tenant understands that it shall not make repairs at Landlord’s expense or by rental offset. Tenant further understands that Landlord shall not be required to make any repairs to the roof, foundations, footings, the exterior surfaces of the exterior walls of the Building (excluding exterior glass), or structural, electrical or mechanical systems unless and until Tenant has notified Landlord in writing of the need for such repair and Landlord shall have a reasonable period of time thereafter to commence and complete said repair, if warranted. Except as set forth in Sections 2.4 and 4.2 of this Lease, all costs of any maintenance, repairs and replacement on the part of Landlord provided hereunder shall be considered part of Project Costs.

  • Premises Building Project and Common Areas 1.1 Premises, Building, Project and Common Areas.

  • Leased Premises Lessor hereby leases to Lessee, and Lessee leases and takes from Lessor, the Leased Premises subject to the conditions of this Lease.

  • The Premises Landlord hereby leases to Tenant and Tenant hereby leases from Landlord the premises set forth in Section 2.2 of the Summary (the “Premises”). The outline of the Premises is set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto, and an outline of the Project is set forth in Exhibit A-1 attached hereto. The parties hereto agree that the lease of the Premises is upon and subject to the terms, covenants and conditions herein set forth, and Tenant covenants as a material part of the consideration for this Lease to keep and perform each and all of such terms, covenants and conditions by it to be kept and performed and that this Lease is made upon the condition of such performance. The parties hereto hereby acknowledge that the purpose of Exhibit A is to show the approximate location of the Premises in the “Building,” as that term is defined in Section 1.1.2, below, only, and such Exhibit is not meant to constitute an agreement, representation or warranty as to the construction of the Premises, the precise area thereof or the specific location of the “Common Areas,” as that term is defined in Section 1.1.3, below, or the elements thereof or of the accessways to the Premises or the “Project,” as that term is defined in Section 1.1.2, below. Except as specifically set forth in this Lease, Tenant shall accept the Premises in its presently existing “as-is” condition and Landlord shall not be obligated to provide or pay for any improvement work or services related to the improvement of the Premises. Tenant also acknowledges that neither Landlord nor any agent of Landlord has made any representation or warranty regarding the condition of the Premises, the Building or the Project or with respect to the suitability of any of the foregoing for the conduct of Tenant’s business, except as specifically set forth in this Lease. However, notwithstanding the foregoing, Landlord agrees that base Building electrical, mechanical, heating, ventilation and air conditioning and plumbing systems located in the Premises shall be in good working order and the roof shall be water tight as of the date Landlord delivers possession of the Premises to Tenant. Except to the extent caused by the acts or omissions of Tenant or any Tenant Parties (as defined in Section 10.13 below) by any alterations or improvements performed by or on behalf of Tenant, if such systems and/or the roof are not in good working order as of the date possession of the Premises is delivered to Tenant and Tenant provides Landlord with notice of the same within ninety (90) days following the date Landlord delivers possession of the Premises to Tenant, Landlord shall be responsible for repairing or restoring the same at Landlord’s sole cost and expense. Subject to any repairs or restoration required by the immediately preceding sentence, the commencement of business operations from the Premises by Tenant shall presumptively establish that the Premises and the Building were at such time in good and sanitary order, condition and repair. For purposes of Section 1938 of the California Civil Code, Landlord hereby discloses to Tenant, and Tenant hereby acknowledges, that the Premises, the Building and the Project have not undergone inspection by a Certified Access Specialist (CASp).

  • Electricity 14.01 Tenant shall obtain electricity for the Demised Premises on a direct meter basis, Tenant shall be responsible for and pay to the applicable utility all charges for electricity as measured by such meter. Landlord shall not in any way be liable or responsible to Tenant for any loss or damage or expense which Tenant may sustain or incur if either the quantity or character of electric service is changed or is no longer available or suitable for Tenant’s requirements. Any additional riser or risers to supply Tenant’s electrical requirements, upon written request to Tenant, will be installed by Landlord, at the sole cost and expense of Tenant, unless, in Landlord’s reasonable judgment, the same will cause permanent damage or injury to the Building or the Demised Premises or cause or create a dangerous or hazardous condition or interfere with or disturb other tenants or occupants. In addition to the installation of such riser or risers, Landlord will also at the sole cost and expense of Tenant, install all other equipment proper and necessary in connection therewith subject to the aforesaid terms and conditions. Tenant covenants and agrees that at all times its use of electric current shall never exceed the capacity of the feeders to the Building or the risers or wiring installation which Landlord represents is sufficient for ordinary office use. It is further covenanted and agreed by the Tenant that all the aforesaid costs and expenses are chargeable and collectible as Additional Rent and shall be paid by the Tenant to the Landlord within ten (10) days after the rendering of any xxxx or statement to the Tenant therefor. Tenant shall make no alterations or additions to the electric equipment and/or appliances without the prior written consent of Landlord in each instance, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, should electric service be interrupted for a period of more than five (5) consecutive business days through the sole fault of Landlord so as to prevent Tenant from using at least seventy-five (75%) percent of the Demised Premises, Fixed Rent shall xxxxx until such service resumes and Tenant is able to resume the use of at least seventy-five (75%) percent of the Demised Premises. Should such service interruption prevent Tenant from using at least seventy-five (75%) of the Demised Premises for more than sixty (60) days and be due to the sole fault of Landlord, Tenant shall have the right to terminate this Lease by giving written notice to Landlord no later than the seventieth (70th) consecutive day and vacating no later than the ninetieth (90th) consecutive day. TIME BEING OF THE ESSENCE for Tenant as to both dates.

  • TENANT’S MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR Tenant at its sole expense shall comply with all applicable laws and governmental regulations governing the Premises and make all repairs necessary to keep the Premises in the condition as existed on the Commencement Date (or on any later date that the improvements may have been installed), excepting ordinary wear and tear, including without limitation the electrical and mechanical systems, any air conditioning, ventilating or heating equipment which serves the Premises, all walls, glass, windows, doors, door closures, hardware, fixtures, electrical, plumbing, fire extinguisher equipment and other equipment. Any damage or deterioration of the Premises shall not be deemed ordinary wear and tear if the same could have been prevented by good maintenance practices by Tenant. As part of its maintenance obligations hereunder, Tenant shall, at Landlord’s request, provide Landlord with copies of all maintenance schedules, reports and notices prepared by, for or on behalf of Tenant. Tenant shall obtain preventive maintenance contracts from a licensed heating and air conditioning contractor to provide for regular inspection and maintenance of the heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems servicing the Premises, all subject to Landlord’s approval. All repairs shall be at least equal in quality to the original work, shall be made only by a licensed contractor approved in writing in advance by Landlord (which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld), and shall be made only at the time or times approved by Landlord. Any contractor utilized by Tenant shall be subject to Landlord’s standard requirements for contractors, as modified from time to time. Landlord shall have the right at all times (upon at least 24 hours’ prior notice) to inspect Tenant’s maintenance of all equipment (including without limitation air conditioning, ventilating and heating equipment), and may impose reasonable restrictions and requirements with respect to repairs, as provided in Section 7.3, and the provisions of Section 7.4 shall apply to all repairs. Alternatively, Landlord may elect to make any repair or maintenance required hereunder on behalf of Tenant and at Tenant’s expense, and Tenant shall promptly reimburse Landlord for all costs incurred upon submission of an invoice. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Section 7.1, in the event Tenant’s obligation for compliance with all applicable laws and governmental regulations, or making repairs, results in a capital improvement on Tenant’s part (or Tenant’s being obligated to reimburse Landlord for a capital improvement), Tenant shall only be responsible for the amortized cost of such capital improvement (amortized at a market cost of funds as reasonably determined by Landlord) over the useful life of such improvements during the Term (except in the event obligation for any such capital improvement is required due to Tenant’s particular use of the Premises, in which case Tenant shall be fully responsible for the entire cost and installation of such capital improvement).

  • Subleased Premises Sublandlord does hereby sublease to Subtenant, and Subtenant subleases and rents from Sublandlord, the Premises (the “Subleased Premises”).

  • Demised Premises 1.1 Landlord hereby leases to Tenant and Tenant hereby leases from Landlord for the term and upon the terms, conditions, covenants and agreements hereinafter provided, the Premises. The Premises consist of space which: (i) is located on the floor or floors of the Building as is specified in Item B(1) of the Basic Lease Provisions, (ii) is located in one or more areas or parts of each such floor, and (iii) is bounded by the proposed or existing demising walls therefor, the approximate locations of such demising walls and space being marked in color or crosshatched and shown on the diagram(s) of the floor plan for each such floor, such diagram(s) being attached to this Lease as Exhibit A and made a part hereof. The Premises is to be known and called by the Suite Number or Numbers specified in Item B(1) of the Basic Lease Provisions. The appropriate number of rentable square feet contained in the Premises, as determined by Landlord, for identification purposes only, is specified in Item B(1) of the Basic Lease Provisions (the "Rentable Area"). The lease of the Premises includes the right, together with other tenants of the Building and members of the public, to use the common public areas of the Building, but includes no other rights not specifically set forth herein. Landlord shall finish the Premises as set forth in Exhibit B attached hereto and made a part hereof. It is understood and agreed that Landlord will not make and is under no obligation to make, any alterations, decorations, additions or improvements in or to the Premises, structural or otherwise, except as set forth in Exhibit B. Landlord agrees to deliver possession of the Premises to Tenant and Tenant agrees to accept the same from Landlord, upon written notice from Landlord to Tenant, that Landlord's work in the Premises described in Exhibit B has been substantially completed.

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