By Palomar Sample Clauses

By Palomar. Palomar hereby represents and warrants and covenants to Syneron that (a) Palomar has the full power to enter into this Agreement and to perform its obligations hereunder; (b) except as otherwise set forth in the MGH Agreement, Palomar is the exclusive licensee of the entire right, title and interest in and to the Xxxxxxxx Patents; (c) Palomar has the sole right and authority to enter into this Agreement and grant the rights, licenses, and immunities granted hereunder, without the need for any licenses, releases, consents, approvals or immunities not yet granted or obtained; and (d) Palomar has not previously granted and shall not grant any rights in the Xxxxxxxx Patents that would cause Syneron or Syneron’s Affiliates not to have the sublicense granted in Section 2.1(a).
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By Palomar. Palomar represents and warrants to Cutera as of the Effective Date that Exhibit B contains a complete and accurate list of all Patents issued or pending as of the Effective Date that claim priority (directly or indirectly) to one or the other Patent applications that issued as U.S. Patent Nos. 5,595,568 or 5,735,844.
By Palomar. Palomar hereby covenants that Palomar and Palomar Affiliates shall not xxx or assert any claim or counterclaim against any Cutera Parties, or support or encourage any Third Party to do any of the foregoing, on the basis that the manufacture, have manufactured, use, sale, offer for sale or importation of any Cutera Current Products (but no other goods or services) in the Professional Field, occurring before or on the Effective Date, or after the Effective Date until the end of the Term (but not thereafter), constitutes patent infringement of any Subject Palomar Claims. Palomar shall impose the foregoing covenant on any Third Party to which Palomar or any Palomar Affiliate may after the Effective Date Transfer any Subject Palomar Claims in the Professional Field along with the right to enforce the same in the Professional Field. For clarity, nothing contained in this Section 5.6(a) shall limit any remedies under any Patents in the Consumer Field.
By Palomar. (i) Palomar and Palomar Affiliates shall not bring, pursue or maintain, or cause or encourage any Palomar Sublicensee or Third Party to bring, pursue or maintain, any claim or other assertion in any court or other governmental forum of competent jurisdiction (including any patent office) seeking a judgment or other decision that any claims of the Cynosure Patents are invalid or unenforceable or not patentable or otherwise not proper (any such claim or other assertion, a “Cynosure Patent Challenge”). In the event that any Cynosure Patent Challenge is brought, pursued or maintained in contravention of this Section 8.6(b), Palomar and Palomar Affiliates each understands and agrees that, in addition and without prejudice to any of Cynosure’s other rights or remedies hereunder, (i) Palomar and Palomar Affiliates shall be in material breach of this Agreement, and (ii) Palomar and Palomar Affiliates shall reimburse Cynosure for all reasonable costs and expenses of attorneys, professionals and accountants incurred by Cynosure to respond to and defend any such Cynosure Patent Challenge.
By Palomar. (i) Each Palomar Releasor (as defined in the Settlement Agreement) does hereby, jointly and severally, remise, release and forever discharge the Released Axxx Entities (as defined in the Settlement Agreement) of and from any and all Trade Dress Claims which the Palomar Releasors now have or ever had against the Released Axxx Entities, whether or not the facts giving rise to such Trade Dress Claims are now known or unknown, from the first day of the world to the Effective Date (but not thereafter). It is the intention of the Palomar Releasors fully, finally and forever to release the Released Axxx Entities from Trade Dress Claims released by this Section 6(a). In furtherance of such intention, this release shall be and remain in effect notwithstanding the discovery subsequent to the Effective Date of any presently existing fact.
By Palomar. Each of Palomar and all Palomar Affiliates, together with (as applicable) their respective officers, directors, employees, shareholders, insurers, agents, trustees, attorneys, heirs, administrators, executors, successors and assigns (collectively, “Palomar Releasors”), does hereby, jointly and severally, remise, release and forever discharge Cutera and all Cutera Covenanting Affiliates, together with (as applicable) their officers, directors, employees, shareholders, insurers, licensees, sublicensees, customers, agents, trustees, attorneys, parents, subsidiaries, successors and assigns (collectively, the “Released Cutera Entities”), of and from any and all Claims which the Palomar Releasors now have or ever had against the Released Cutera Entities, whether or not the facts giving rise to such Claims are now known or unknown, from the first day of the world to the Effective Date (but not thereafter), which Claims are asserted or could have been asserted in the Lawsuits. It is the intention of the Palomar Releasors fully, finally and forever to release the Released Cutera Entities from Claims released by this Section ý4(c)(i). In furtherance of such intention, this release shall be and remain in effect notwithstanding the discovery subsequent to the Effective Date of any presently existing fact. (ii)
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By Palomar. In partial consideration of the various terms of this Agreement, Palomar and Palomar Affiliates hereby covenant not to xxx, or support or assist any Third Parties in suing, any Released Laserscope Entities (as defined in Section 7.2(a), but excluding licensees or sublicensees of Laserscope or Laserscope Affiliates) for infringement of any Patent that is owned or in-licensed by Palomar or any Palomar Affiliates as of the Execution Date or as to which Palomar or any Palomar Affiliates has the right to xxx as of the Execution Date, together with any other Patent claiming priority (directly or indirectly) thereto (collectively, the “Palomar Patents”), but excluding the Xxxxxxxx Patents, by the manufacture, use, sale, offer for sale or importation of any Lyra Laser System, Gemini Laser System, Xxxxx System, Aura Laser System, Venus Laser System, Greenlight HPS or PV Systems, StoneLight Laser System, 800 Series System, or Orion 532/1064 nm Laser System, which Orion 532/1064 nm Laser System Laserscope hereby represents and warrants has never been marketed or Sold by Laserscope or any Laserscope Affiliates for hair removal, together with all handpieces and associated cables, scanners and surgical fibers, in each case limited to the form those products are sold and to the treatments for which those products are marketed by Laserscope prior to or as of the Execution Date, and in the Professional Field only (collectively, the “Laserscope Products”). Palomar shall impose the foregoing covenant not to xxx on any Third Party to which Palomar or any Palomar Affiliate may after the Execution Date Transfer any of the Palomar Patents with respect to the Professional Field along with the right to enforce the same in the Professional Field to the extent applicable to the Laserscope Products. For clarity, nothing contained in this Section 5.3(b) shall limit any remedies under any Patents in the Consumer Field.
By Palomar. Palomar hereby covenants that Palomar and Palomar Affiliates shall not xxx or assert any claim or counterclaim against any Cutera Parties, or support or encourage any Third Party to do any of the foregoing, on the basis that the manufacture, have manufactured, use, sale, offer for sale or importation of any Cutera Current Products (but no other goods or services) in the Professional Field, occurring before or on the Effective Date, or after the Effective Date until the end of the Term (but not thereafter), constitutes patent infringement of any Subject Palomar Claims. Palomar shall impose the foregoing covenant on any Third Party to which Palomar or any Palomar Affiliate may after the Effective Date Transfer any Subject Palomar Claims in the Professional Field along with the right to enforce the same in the Professional Field. For clarity, nothing contained in this Section 5.6(a) shall limit any remedies under any Patents in the Consumer Field. (b) By Cutera. Cutera hereby covenants that Cutera and Cutera Covenanting Affiliates shall not xxx or assert any claim or counterclaim against any Palomar Parties, or support or encourage any Third Party to do any of the foregoing, on the basis that the manufacture, have manufactured, use, sale, offer for sale or importation of any Palomar Current Products (but no other goods or services) in the Professional Field, occurring before or on the Effective Date, or after the Effective Date until the end of the Term (but not thereafter), constitutes patent infringement of any Subject Cutera Claims. Cutera shall impose the foregoing covenant on any Third Party to which Cutera or any Cutera Covenanting Affiliate may after the Effective Date Transfer any Subject Cutera Claims in the Professional Field along with the right to enforce the same in the Professional Field. For clarity, nothing contained in this Section 5.6(b) shall limit any remedies under any Patents in the Consumer Field. (c)

Related to By Palomar

  • By Licensor Licensor will indemnify, defend and hold harmless Licensee and its Affiliates, and their respective directors, officers and employees (“Licensee Indemnitees”) from and against any and all Third Party Claims and associated Liabilities to the extent arising directly or indirectly from any material breach by Licensor of the terms of this Agreement..

  • By Licensee Except for claims for which Oracle is obligated to indemnify Licensee under Section 7.2, Licensee shall defend, at Licensee's expense, any and all claims brought against Oracle, and shall pay all damages awarded by a court of competent jurisdiction, or such settlement amount negotiated by Licensee, arising out of or in connection with Licensee's reproduction, development or distribution of product(s) developed using the TCK. Licensee's obligation to provide a defense under this Section 7.5 shall arise provided that Oracle: (a) provides notice of the claim promptly to Licensee; (b) gives Licensee sole control of the defense and settlement of the claim; (c) provides to Licensee, at Licensee's expense, all available information, assistance and authority to defend; and (d) has not compromised or settled such proceeding without Licensee's prior written consent.

  • Licensed Patent Rights The term “Licensed Patent Rights” shall mean rights arising out of or resulting from:

  • No Improper Use of Materials During his or her employment with the Company, Employee will not improperly use or disclose any Confidential Information or trade secrets, if any, of any former employer or any other person to whom Employee has an obligation of confidentiality, and Employee will not bring onto the premises of the Company any unpublished documents or any property belonging to any former employer or any other person to whom Employee has an obligation of confidentiality unless consented to in writing by that former employer or person.

  • Licensee Licensee represents and warrants that:

  • Licensor any Person from whom a Grantor obtains the right to use any Intellectual Property. Lien: any Person’s interest in Property securing an obligation owed to, or a claim by, such Person, whether such interest is based on common law, statute or contract, including liens, security interests, pledges, hypothecations, statutory trusts, reservations, exceptions, encroachments, easements, rights-of-way, covenants, conditions, restrictions, leases, and other title exceptions and encumbrances affecting Property. Lien Waiver: an agreement, in form and substance satisfactory to Collateral Agent, by which (a) for any material Collateral located on leased premises, the lessor waives or subordinates any Lien it may have on the Collateral, and agrees to permit Collateral Agent to enter upon the premises and remove the Collateral or to use the premises to store or dispose of the Collateral; (b) for any Collateral held by a warehouseman, processor, shipper, customs broker or freight forwarder, such Person waives or subordinates any Lien it may have on the Collateral, agrees to hold any Documents in its possession relating to the Collateral as agent for Collateral Agent, and agrees to deliver the Collateral to Collateral Agent upon request; (c) for any Collateral held by a repairman, mechanic or bailee, such Person acknowledges Collateral Agent’s Lien, waives or subordinates any Lien it may have on the Collateral, and agrees to deliver the Collateral to Collateral Agent upon request; and (d) for any Collateral subject to a Licensor’s Intellectual Property rights, the Licensor grants to Collateral Agent the right, vis-à-vis such Licensor, to enforce Collateral Agent’s Liens with respect to the Collateral, including the right to dispose of it with the benefit of the Intellectual Property, whether or not a default exists under any applicable License.

  • Third Party Patent Rights If either Party desires to bring an opposition, action for declaratory judgment, nullity action, interference, declaration for non-infringement, reexamination or other attack upon the validity, title or enforceability of a Patent Right owned or controlled by a Third Party and having one or more claims that Cover the Compound or Product, or the use, sale, offer for sale or importation of the Compound or Product (except insofar as such action is a counterclaim to or defense of, or accompanies a defense of, a Third Party’s claim or assertion of infringement under Section 7.6, in which case the provisions of Section 7.6 shall govern), such Party shall so notify the other Party and the Parties shall promptly confer to determine whether to bring such action or the manner in which to settle such action. Provention shall have the exclusive right, but not the obligation, to bring, at its own expense and in its sole control, such action in the Territory. If Provention does not bring such an action in the Territory, within ninety (90) days of notification thereof pursuant to this Section 7.7(a) (or earlier, if required by the nature of the proceeding), MacroGenics shall have the right, but not the obligation, to bring, at MacroGenics’ own expense, such action. The Party not bringing an action under this Section 7.7(a) shall be entitled to separate representation in such proceeding by counsel of its own choice and at its own expense, and shall cooperate fully with the Party bringing such action. Any awards or amounts received in bringing any such action shall be first allocated to reimburse the initiating Party’s expenses in such action, and any remaining amounts shall be allocated between the Parties as provided in Section 7.5(e).

  • Marking of Licensed Products To the extent commercially feasible and consistent with prevailing business practices, Company shall xxxx, and shall cause its Affiliates and Sublicensees to xxxx, all Licensed Products that are manufactured or sold under this Agreement with the number of each issued patent under the Patent Rights that applies to such Licensed Product.

  • Licensed Patents Licensee shall be responsible for all further patent prosecution with respect to the Licensed Patents and Licensed Technologies set out in Exhibit “A”. Licensee may select the patent agent for the prosecution of the Licensed Patents, subject to the approval of Licensor as the patent owner, which approval will not be unreasonably withheld. Licensee shall provide Licensor with copies of all relevant documentation related to the filing and prosecution of the Licensed Patents so that Licensor may be informed and apprised of and meaningfully consulted as to the continuing prosecution. Licensor shall keep all such documentation confidential. In the event the Licensee does not agree that any given patent application or patent should be filed, prosecuted or maintained (hereinafter referred to as a “Refused Licensed Patent”) in a particular jurisdiction(s) Licensee shall indicate such disagreement in writing (hereinafter “Refusal Notice”) and upon Licensor’s receipt of such Refusal Notice Licensor shall have the right unilaterally to make, prosecute and maintain such Refused Licensed * Confidential Information, indicated by [***], has been omitted from this filing and filed separately with the Securities and Exchange Commission Patent in such jurisdiction(s) in the name of its owners, at Licensor’s expense, and Licensee shall not have any rights or obligations to such Refused Licensed Patent in such jurisdiction(s); provided, however, that Licensee shall retain all of its ownership rights in any Refused Licensed Patent that is a Co-Owned Technology. In such case Licensor shall provide Licensee with copies of all relevant documentation related to the filing and prosecution of the Refused Licensed Patents so that Licensee may be informed and apprised of and be meaningfully consulted with as to the continuing prosecution. Licensor shall have no obligation to continue prosecution or maintenance of any Refused Licensed Patent and may abandon same without any prior notice or any obligation to Licensee. Both Licensee and Licensor shall make best efforts to respond promptly to any request from the other Party for input or assistance with respect to matters pertaining to the Licensed Patents. Licensee shall use reasonable efforts to amend any patent application to include claims reasonably requested by the other Party and required to protect the Licensed Technology. In addition to Licensee’s obligations pursuant to section 4.1 above, Licensee shall be solely responsible for all patent and legal costs relating to the Licensed Patents and Licensed Technology (excluding Refused Licensed Patents) from the Effective Date onward, including all costs relating to the transfer of the Licensed Patents to the new patent agents selected by Licensee and approved by Licensor. For any patent and legal costs relating to the Licensed Patents and Licensed Technology (excluding Refused Licensed Patents) paid by Licensor after the Effective Date (including, without limitation, those expenses related to patentability assessments and drafting, filing, prosecution, maintenance, and taxes (the “Patent Costs”)), Licensee shall promptly reimburse Licensor for such Patent Costs upon receipt of an invoice from Licensor for such expenses. For any work in progress with respect to the Licensed Patents for which the Patent Costs have not already been paid by Licensor to its patent firm prior to the transfer of the Licensed Patents to Licensee’s patent agent, Licensor will direct its patent firm to copy Licensee on all such invoices from said patent firm and Licensee will promptly pay said invoices directly to Licensor’s patent firm.

  • Joint Patent Rights With respect to any potentially patentable Joint Invention, the Parties shall confer and agree upon which Party, if any, shall prepare, file, Prosecute (including any interferences, reissue proceedings, and other administrational proceedings) and Maintain patent applications covering such Joint Invention (any such patent application and any patents issuing therefrom a “Joint Patent Right”), at the responsible Party’s expense. It is the intention of the Parties that, unless otherwise agreed in writing, ATI would prepare, file, Prosecute and Maintain any Joint Patent Rights. The Party that Prosecutes a patent application in the Joint Patent Rights (the “Prosecuting Party”) shall provide the other Party reasonable opportunity to review and comment on such Prosecution efforts regarding the applicable Joint Patent Rights in the particular jurisdictions, and such other Party shall provide the Prosecuting Party reasonable assistance in such efforts. The Prosecuting Party shall provide the other Party with a copy of all material communications from any patent authority in the applicable jurisdictions regarding the Joint Patent Rights being Prosecuted by such Party, and shall provide drafts of any material filings or responses to be made to such patent authorities a reasonable amount of time in advance of submitting such filings or responses. In particular, each Party agrees to provide the other Party with all information necessary to enable the other Party to comply with the duty of candor/duty of disclosure requirements of any patent authority. Should ATI determine that it will no longer support the continued Prosecution or Maintenance of a particular Joint Patent Right in a country or jurisdiction, ATI shall provide Rigel with written notice of such determination at least thirty (30) Business Days prior to any deadline for taking action to avoid abandonment of such Joint Patent Right. Rigel shall have the right, but not ***Text Omitted and Filed Separately Confidential Treatment Requested Under 17 C.F.R. §§ 200.80(b)(4) and 230.406 obligation, to file, Prosecute and Maintain such Joint Patent Rights in the applicable jurisdiction at Rigel’s expense.

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