Examples of Wind Farm in a sentence
Red Cap and Eurocape hold 5.46% and 1.21% interest in Kouga Wind Farm (RF) (Pty) Ltd respectively, combined to 6.67%.
It is home to the Jersey-Atlantic Wind Farm, a 7.5 MW wind farm that is privately owned and from which the ACUA purchases approximately 12 million kWh per year of electricity.
Our clients have confirmed their property sits in close proximity to the preferred route and have confirmed that their property will be subject to depreciation in Market Value on the basis of a before and after assessment of the property’s Market Value, subject to the construction of the 132KW overhead transmission line in respect to the Brechfa Wind Farm Development.
WPD”) is applying to the Secretary of State for the Order which would authorise works to construct the electric line to connect the Brechfa Forest West Wind Farm to the WPD substation at Swansea North (“the Application”).
This section identifies the System Upgrade Facilities (“SUFs”) jointly required for the following Class Year 2006 projects: Altona Xxxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx, Marble River Wind Farm and Marble River Wind Farm II.