Transmission System definition

Transmission System means the facilities controlled or operated by the Transmission Provider within the PJM Region that are used to provide transmission service under Tariff, Part II and Part III. Transmission Withdrawal Rights:
Transmission System means the facilities controlled or operated by PJM or NYISO as designated by each in their respective XXXXx.
Transmission System means a line with associated sub-stations or a group of lines inter-connected together along with associated sub-stations and the term includes equipment associated with transmission lines and sub-stations;

Examples of Transmission System in a sentence

  • Connecting Transmission Owner and NYISO shall cause the New York State Transmission System and the Connecting Transmission Owner’s Attachment Facilities to be operated, maintained and controlled in a safe and reliable manner in accordance with this Agreement and the NYISO Tariffs.

  • Developer shall not cause its Large Generating Facility to disconnect automatically or instantaneously from the New York State Transmission System or trip any generating unit comprising the Large Generating Facility for an under or over frequency condition unless the abnormal frequency condition persists for a time period beyond the limits set forth in ANSI/IEEE Standard C37.106, or such other standard as applied to other generators in the New York Control Area on a comparable basis.

  • Except as may be required by Applicable Laws and Regulations, or as otherwise agreed to among the Parties, the Attachment Facilities shall be constructed for the sole purpose of interconnecting the Large Generating Facility to the New York State Transmission System and shall be used for no other purpose.

  • NYISO may direct, or the Connecting Transmission Owner may request, Developer to reschedule its maintenance as necessary to maintain the reliability of the New York State Transmission System.

  • This excludes circumstances when the electric storage resource is not dispatched to inject electricity to the New York State Transmission System and/or dispatched to receive electricity from the New York State Transmission System.

More Definitions of Transmission System

Transmission System means a system for transmitting electricity, and includes any structures, equipment or other things used for that purpose;
Transmission System means those facilities and equipment that are required to provide for the
Transmission System means the system of electric lines comprising wholly ormainly the Transmission System Owner's high voltage lines and electric plant and which is used for conveying electricity from a generating station to a substation, from one generating station to another, from one substation to another or to or from any interconnector or to final customers (but shall not include any such lines which the Board may, with the approval of the Commission, specify as being part of the distribution system) and shall include any interconnector owned by the Board;
Transmission System means a system for transmitting electricity, and includes any structures, equipment or other facilities used for that purpose.
Transmission System means the transmission facilities operated by the CAISO, now or hereafter in existence, which provide energy transmission service downstream from the Delivery Point.
Transmission System means a line or a group of lines with or without associated sub- station, and includes equipment associated with transmission lines and sub-stations;
Transmission System means the facilities controlled or operated by the Transmission Provider within the PJM Region that are used to provide transmission service under Tariff, Part II and Part III.