Transmission Grid definition

Transmission Grid or “Transmission System” shall mean all the infrastructure (including the high pressure transmission grid) needed to provide Transmission Services and which is operated by the TSO.
Transmission Grid means the interconnected electrical system that transmits energy from generating sources to distribution systems and direct service industries.
Transmission Grid or “Transmission System” shall mean either the high pressure transmission system operated by Creos to provide Services in Luxembourg or the high pressure system operated by Fluxys Belgium to provide Services in Belgium.

Examples of Transmission Grid in a sentence

  • The TSO may take all measures it deems necessary to guarantee the safety and system integrity of the Transmission Grid in case of Emergency.

  • Subject to the terms and conditions of this Standard Transmission Agreement and attachment C1 of the Access Code for Transmission, the TSO shall operate and maintain the Transmission Grid in accordance with the applicable regulation (including amongst others the European legislation).

  • OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF THE TRANSMISSION GRID Subject to the terms and conditions of this Standard Transmission Agreement and attachment C1 of the Access Code for Transmission, the TSO shall operate and maintain the Transmission Grid in accordance with the applicable regulation (including amongst others the European legislation).

  • TRANSMISSION SYSTEM OPERATOR WARRANTIES The TSO hereby warrants to the Network User that: it holds any and all licenses, permits, authorisations and rights required under applicable law to operate the Transmission Grid.

More Definitions of Transmission Grid

Transmission Grid means all the transmission facilities at 33 kV or higher, owned or controlled and operate, by a transmission licensee, as authorized in a transmission licence in effect, from time to time, which connects the grid receiving points to the grid delivery points and includes substations in The Gambia operating above 33kV and all transmission facilities, including –
Transmission Grid means all the transmission facilities, which connect the Receiving Points to the Delivery Points, owned or controlled, and/or operated, by the Transmission Licensee. Transmission grid includes all transmission facilities operating above 35kV, including substations and transmission lines, also electricity circuits operating at 35kV and relevant substations that are specifically identified in the Transmission License. Other 35 kV networks shall be included in distribution facilities.
Transmission Grid means all the transmission facilities, which connect the Receiving Points to the Delivery Points, owned or controlled, and/or operated, by the Transmission Licensee. Transmission Grid includes all transmission facilities operating above 110kV, including substations and transmission lines, also electricity circuits operating at 35 and 110kV and relevant substations that are specifically identified in the Transmission License and used for system and inter system transit of electricity. Other at 35 and 110 kV networks shall be included in distribution facilities. The Ministry shall approve the list of transmission lines used for system and inter system transit of electricity; (27.12.2005 N2537)
Transmission Grid means all the transmission fagilities, whigh gonnegt the Regeiving Points to the Delivery Points, owned or gontrolled, and/or operated, by the Transmission Ligensee. Transmission grid ingludes all transmission fagilities operating above 35kV, ingluding substations and transmission lines, also elegtrigity girguits operating at 35kV and relevant substations that are spegifigally identified in the Transmission Ligense. Other 35 kV networks shall be ingluded in distribution fagilities.
Transmission Grid means an electricity transmission grid referred to in Article 3 subparagraph 11a of the Energy Law of 10 April 1997;
Transmission Grid means electricity transmission facility, which connects receiving points to delivery points. Transmission Grid includes all transmission facilities operating above 110kV, including substations and transmission lines, also electricity circuits operating at 35 and 110kV, and relevant substations that are specifically identified in the Transmission License and are used for the system and inter-system transit of electricity. Other at 35 and 110 kV networks shall be a part of distribution facilities. The Ministry of Energy of Georgia shall approve the list of transmission lines used for system and inter-system transit of electricity; (27.12.2005 N2537)
Transmission Grid means the electric transmission system (including the Underlying System Improvements) to which the Facilities and the Discretely Owned Substation Assets will be directly interconnected and of which they become a part.