WHS Laws definition

WHS Laws means all applicable legislation and regulations in force including, but not limited to, the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 and any amendments or replacement legislation, the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 1996, the Resource Management Act 1991, the Building Act 2004, and the Human Rights Act 1993 and all relevant Regulations, Approved Codes of Practice, New Zealand Standards and guidance material, and/or other international standards and guidance material regarding best practice requirements for undertaking the Project that the Recipient could reasonably be expected to be aware of.
WHS Laws means the Work Health & Safety Xxx 0000 (WA), the Work Health & Safety Regulations 2007 (WA) and any other analogous or applicable Law in any State or Territory of Australia where Services are performed or applicable to the Goods.
WHS Laws means the WHS Act and WHS Regulations.

Examples of WHS Laws in a sentence

  • The Department may monitor the Provider's compliance with the WHS Laws, including: conducting audits of the Provider's work health and safety performance; and requiring the Provider to provide the Department with whatever documents or other information the Department reasonably requires relating to work health and safety matters.

  • Where there is any inconsistency or ambiguity between this clause and the WHS Laws, the WHS Laws will prevail.

  • The Provider must cooperate with any investigation undertaken by the Department concerning any Notifiable Incident, or breach or alleged breach of the WHS Laws, arising out of or in respect of the Services.

More Definitions of WHS Laws

WHS Laws means the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (NSW) and Work Health and Safety Regulations 2017 (NSW) and similar Laws in other relevant jurisdictions.
WHS Laws means all applicable work health and safety related Laws including:
WHS Laws means the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (Cth) and any “corresponding WHS law” as defined in that Act.
WHS Laws means the occupational health and safety legislation (howsoever named) and regulations, codes or practice and standards of safety that apply in the State or Territory in which the Hirer and BOOM operate.
WHS Laws means the Act, the Regulation, Electrical Safety Act 2002 (Qld) and all other applicable work health and safety legislation, regulations, rules, Codes of Practice and Australian Standards. 12A.2 (Appointment as principal contractor) Where Item 19B states that the Contractor is appointed as principal contractor, then from the date of acceptance of tender: (a) the Principal engages the Contractor to be the principal contractor under the Regulation in relation to WUC and authorises the Contractor to:
WHS Laws means all statutes, regulations, statutory instruments, subordinated legislation, codes of practice and standards (including those of the Commonwealth of Australia and of the Australian Capital Territory dealing with or relevant to health and safety in workplaces and of workers and others who may be affected by the carrying out of work, and includes any approvals, permits, licences, directions or requirements of a WHS Authority.
WHS Laws means any work health and safety legislation in any applicable jurisdiction where the Supplier supplies the Goods or performs obligations under this Contract, including any regulations, codes of practice or advisory standards made under or in connection with such legislation. Works means the work to be carried out in accordance with this Contract, as described in the Quotation, including the design, construction and delivery of the Deliverables.