Uncapped O&M Costs definition

Uncapped O&M Costs means (i) the specifically identified operating and maintenance costs incurred by the Concessionaire or the Operator in operating the Utility System and complying with their respective obligations under this Agreement, which costs are intended to cover the unexpected costs or costs incurred at the University’s direction: (a) costs incurred due to a Delay Event, (b) costs incurred to modify the Utility System as directed by the University, (c) certain costs incurred by the Concessionaire in connection with the Approval process for a Capital Improvement, if such costs are directed to be incurred by the University and the Capital Improvement is not Approved, (d) costs incurred to disconnect property from the Utility System if required pursuant to the Agreement, (e) costs incurred in connection with a modification to the Performance Standards required by applicable law or Prudent Industry Practices, (f) costs incurred to perform the CHP of water feasibility study at the University’s direction, (g) costs incurred to pay Property Taxes, if such Property Taxes are not the result of the Concessionaire’s actions, (h) costs incurred in connection with Supply procurement assistance, (i) costs resulting from the Concessionaire’s failure to comply with Law if caused by the University’s failure to be reasonable in Approving a Capital Improvement or (j) costs incurred in connection with assistance for the regional campuses; and (ii) an amount equal to the sum of the federal income Taxes and the Ohio state commercial activity Tax on the income generated by the Variable Fee Component, assuming the highest corporate income tax rate.
Uncapped O&M Costs means the sum of: (i) the following specifically identified out- of-pocket operating and maintenance costs and expenses incurred by the Concessionaire (which costs and expenses shall include payments due and payable by the Concessionaire to the Operator or other Contractors pursuant to an Operating Agreement or similar agreement) or the Operator in operating the Utility System and complying with their respective obligations under this Agreement: (a) costs incurred due to a Delay Event, provided that for events described in clause (iii) of the definition of “Delay Event”, Uncapped O&M Costs shall only include those costs (which are not Capital Improvements) necessary to bring the Utility System into compliance with the applicable Law and not the ongoing costs associated therewith, (b) costs incurred to modify the location or configuration of the Utility System as directed by the University pursuant to Section 3.23 (but only to the extent such costs are not costs incurred to make a Capital Improvement), (c) costs incurred by the Concessionaire pursuant to Section 4.3(c)(ii) if the relevant proposed Capital Improvement, ECM or Material Change is not Approved by the University, (d) costs incurred to disconnect real property from the Utility System if required pursuant to Section 5.3(a), (e) costs incurred in connection with a modification to the Performance Standards pursuant to Section 6.3(a), (f) costs incurred to perform the obligations set forth in Section 7.6 or Section 7.7, but only to the extent such costs were Approved by the University prior to being incurred, (g) costs incurred to pay Property Taxes, if such costs are included in Uncapped O&M Costs pursuant to Section 3.8, (h) costs incurred in connection with Supply procurement assistance under Section 7.4(a) or Section 7.4(b), but only to the extent such costs were Approved by the University prior to being incurred,
Uncapped O&M Costs means (i) the specifically identified operating and maintenance costs incurred by the Concessionaire or the Operator in operating the Utility System and complying with their respective obligations under this Agreement, which costs are intended to cover the unexpected costs or costs incurred at the University’s direction: (a) costs incurred due to a Delay Event, (b) costs incurred to modify the Utility System as directed by the University, (c) certain costs incurred by the Concessionaire in connection with the Approval process for a Capital Improvement, if such costs are directed to be incurred by the University and the Capital Improvement is not Approved, (d) costs incurred to disconnect property from the Utility System if required pursuant to the Agreement, (e) costs incurred in connection with a modification to the Performance Standards required by applicable law or Prudent Industry Practices,

Examples of Uncapped O&M Costs in a sentence

  • Each proposed Five-Year Plan shall include the Capital Improvements, ECMs and Material Changes (and shall identify whether an item requested for Approval is a Capital Improvement, ECM or Material Change or a combination thereof) that the Concessionaire proposes to make in each Fiscal Year in such proposed Five-Year Plan as well as anticipated O&M Costs, delineated between Capped O&M Costs and Uncapped O&M Costs, and anticipated Supply Costs for each such Fiscal Year.

  • To the extent the Utility System or any portion thereof becomes not exempt from Property Taxes due to any cause other than acts or omissions of the Concessionaire, the actual costs of any resulting Property Taxes payable during the Term shall be included in Uncapped O&M Costs.

  • Any costs for modifications or changes required to comply with Law or to conform with standards generally adopted with respect to Comparable Utility Facilities or Prudent Industry Practices shall be recoverable by the Concessionaire as Uncapped O&M Costs.

  • The Concessionaire has a payment obligation to the University and its Representatives for losses related to various items including (i) breach of representations and covenants, (ii) Assumed Liabilities, (iii) Taxes attributable to a Transfer of the Concessionaire Interest, (iv) increases in Property Taxes not included in the definition of Uncapped O&M Costs, and (v) brokerage fees.

More Definitions of Uncapped O&M Costs

Uncapped O&M Costs means the sum of the following: (1) specifically identified out- of-pocket operating and maintenance costs and expenses incurred by the Concessionaire (which costs and expenses shall include payments due and payable by the Concessionaire to the Operator or other Contractors pursuant to an Operating Agreement or similar agreement) or the Operator in operating the Utility System and complying with their respective obligations under this Agreement: (a) costs incurred due to a Delay Event, provided that for events described in clause (iii) of the definition of “Delay Event”, Uncapped O&M Costs shall only include those costs (which are not Capital Improvements) necessary to bring the Utility System into compliance with the applicable Law and not the ongoing costs associated therewith, (b) costs incurred to modify the location or configuration of the Utility System as directed by the University pursuant to Section 3.23 (but only to the extent such costs are not costs incurred to make a Capital Improvement), (c) costs incurred by the Concessionaire pursuant to Section 4.3(c)(ii) if the relevant proposed Capital Improvement or Material Change is not Approved by the University, (d) costs incurred to disconnect real property from the Utility System if required pursuant to Section 5.3(a), (e) costs incurred in connection with a modification to the Performance Standards pursuant to Section 6.3(a), (f) costs incurred to

Related to Uncapped O&M Costs

  • Loss Adjustment Expenses means all costs and expenses incurred by the Company in the investigation, adjustment and settlement of claims. Loss adjustment expenses include third-party costs as well as the Company’s internal expenses, including salaries and expenses of loss management personnel and certain administrative costs.

  • Reimbursable Costs means expenses incurred by the employee in the course of engaging in the planned learning activity and include registration, tuition and examination fees as well as textbooks/discs and applicable taxes. They may also include reasonable, incremental meal, accommodation and travel expenses.

  • Company Reimbursable Costs means the actual costs and expenses incurred by Company and/or its Affiliates in connection with performance of the Company Work or otherwise incurred by Company and/or its Affiliates in connection with this Agreement, and including, without limitation, any such costs that may have been incurred by Company and/or its Affiliates in connection with the Company Work or this Agreement prior to the Effective Date. These Company Reimbursable Costs shall include, without limitation, the actual expenses for labor (including, without limitation, internal labor), services, materials, subcontracts, equipment or other expenses incurred in the execution of the Company Work, all applicable overhead, overtime costs, all federal, state and local taxes incurred (including, without limitation, all taxes arising from amounts paid to Company that are deemed to be contributions in aid of construction), all costs of outside experts, consultants, counsel and contractors, all other third-party fees and costs, and all costs of obtaining any required permits, rights, consents, releases, approvals, or authorizations acquired by or on behalf of Company, including, without limitation, the Required Approvals.

  • O&M Costs as defined in the Depositary Agreement.

  • Controllable Expenses means all expenses, other than Uncontrollable Expenses, incurred by the Company or any Subsidiary of the Company with respect to the Property.

  • Claim Expenses means reasonable documented attorneys’ fees and all other reasonable documented out-of-pocket costs, expenses and obligations (including experts’ fees, travel expenses, court costs, retainers, transcript fees, duplicating, printing and binding costs, as well as telecommunications, postage and courier charges) paid or incurred in connection with investigating, defending, being a witness in or participating in (including on appeal), or preparing to investigate, defend, be a witness in or participate in, any Claim, including any Action relating to a claim for indemnification or advancement brought by an Indemnified Party as contemplated in Section 7.5.

  • Company Expenses has the meaning provided in Section 8.3.

  • Allocated Loss Adjustment Expenses or “ALAE” means all court costs and court expenses; pre- and post-judgement interest; fees for service of process; attorneys’ fees; cost of undercover operative and detective services, costs of employing experts; costs for legal transcripts; costs for copies of any public records; costs of depositions and court-reported or recorded statements; costs and expenses of subrogation; and any similar fee, cost or expense reasonably chargeable to the investigation, negotiation, settlement or defense of a loss or a claim or suit against you, or to the protection and perfection of your or our subrogation rights.

  • Reimbursable Expenses means all assignment-related costs [such as travel, translation, report printing, secretarial expenses, subject to specified maximum limits in the Contract].

  • O&M Expenses means expenses incurred by or on behalf of the Developer or by the Authority, as the case may be, for all O&M including (a) cost of salaries and other compensation to employees, (b) cost of materials, supplies, utilities and other services, (c) insurance premium, (d) all taxes, duties, cess and fees due and payable for O&M, (e) all repair, replacement, reconstruction, reinstatement, improvement and maintenance costs, (f) payments required to be made under the O&M Contract, or any other contract in connection with or incidental to O&M, and (g) all other expenditure required to be incurred under Applicable Laws, Applicable Permits or this Agreement.

  • Settlement Costs means all costs incurred by Plaintiff, the Settlement Class Members, and their attorneys, including but not limited to Plaintiff’s attorneys’ fees, costs of suit, Plaintiff’s expert or consultant fees, any incentive payments paid to the Class Representative, notice costs, costs of claims administration, and all other costs of administering the Settlement Agreement.

  • Estimated Transaction Expenses has the meaning set forth in Section 2.3(a).

  • Current Expenses means operating costs other than personal services and shall not

  • Covered Expenses means expenses actually incurred by or on behalf of a Covered Person for treatment, services and supplies covered by the Policy. Coverage under the Participating Organization’s Policy must remain continuously in force from the date of the Covered Accident or Sickness until the date treatment, services or supplies are received for them to be a Covered Expense. A Covered Expense is deemed to be incurred on the date such treatment, service or supply, that gave rise to the expense or the charge, was rendered or obtained.

  • Program Expenses means all UHC’s expenses of administering the Program under the Indenture and the Act and shall include without limiting the generality of the foregoing; salaries, supplies, utilities, labor, materials, office rent, maintenance, furnishings, equipment, machinery and apparatus, including information processing equipment; software, insurance premiums, credit enhancement fees, legal, accounting, management, consulting and banking services and expenses; Fiduciary Expenses; remarketing fees; Costs of Issuance not paid from proceeds of Bonds; and payments to pension, retirement, health and hospitalization funds; and any other expenses required or permitted to be paid by UHC.

  • Reasonable Additional Expenses means expenses for meals, taxi fares, essential telephone calls, local transportation, and lodging which are necessarily incurred as the result of Trip Delay and which are not provided by the Common Carrier or any other party free of charge.

  • Transition Expenses The reasonable costs (including reasonable attorneys’ fees) of the Backup Servicer incurred in connection with the transferring the servicing obligations under this Agreement and amending this Agreement to reflect such transfer in an amount not to exceed $100,000.

  • Gross Operating Expenses shall include (i) all costs and expenses of operating the Hotel included within the meaning of the term “Total Costs and Expenses” contained in the Uniform System and, (ii) without duplication, the following: all salaries and employee expense and payroll taxes (including salaries, wages, bonuses and other compensation of all employees of the Hotel, and benefits including life, medical and disability insurance and retirement benefits), expenditures described in Section 9.1, operational supplies, utilities, insurance to be provided by Lessee under the terms of this Lease, governmental fees and assessments, common area maintenance costs and other common area fees and assessments, food, beverages, laundry service expense, the cost of Inventories, license fees, advertising, marketing, reservation systems and any and all other operating expenses as are reasonably necessary for the proper and efficient operation of the Hotel and the Leased Property incurred by Lessee in accordance with the provisions hereof (excluding, however, (i) federal, state and municipal excise, sales and use taxes collected directly from patrons and guests or as a part of the sales price of any goods, services or displays, such as gross receipts, admissions, cabaret or similar or equivalent taxes paid over to federal, state or municipal governments, (ii) the cost of insurance to be provided under Article 13, (iii) expenditures by Lessor pursuant to Article 13 and (iv) payments on any Mortgage or other mortgage or security instrument on the Hotel); all determined in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. No part of Lessee’s central office overhead or general or administrative expense (as opposed to that of the Hotel), and no operating expenses paid or payable by tenants under Space Leases, shall be deemed to be a part of Gross Operating Expenses, as herein provided. Reasonable out-of-pocket expenses of Lessee incurred for the account of or in connection with the Hotel operations, including but not limited to postage, telephone charges and reasonable travel expenses of employees, officers and other representatives and consultants of Lessee and its Affiliates, shall be deemed to be a part of Gross Operating Expenses and such Persons shall be afforded reasonable accommodations, food, beverages, laundry, valet and other such services by and at the Hotel without charge to such Persons or Lessee.

  • Allocable Costs means costs allocable to a particular cost objective if the goods or services involved are chargeable or assignable to such cost objective in accordance with relative benefits received or other equitable relationship. Costs allocable to a specific Program may not be shifted to other Programs in order to meet deficiencies caused by overruns or other fund considerations, to avoid restrictions imposed by law or by the terms of this Agreement, or for other reasons of convenience.

  • Loss Adjustment Expense means costs and expenses incurred by the Company in connection with the investigation, appraisal, adjustment, settlement, litigation, defense or appeal of a specific claim or loss, or alleged loss, including but not limited to:

  • Insurance Costs means the sums described in paragraph 1.1 of Part 5 of the Schedule;

  • Property Expenses means the costs (including, but not limited to, payroll, taxes, assessments, insurance, utilities, landscaping and other similar charges) of operating and maintaining any Eligible Property or Property which secures Other Recourse Debt that are the responsibility of the Borrower or the applicable Material Subsidiary that are not paid directly by any Tenant, but excluding depreciation, amortization, interest costs and maintenance capital expenditures.

  • Parent Expenses means (i) costs (including all professional fees and expenses) incurred by any Parent in connection with its reporting obligations under, or in connection with compliance with, applicable laws or applicable rules of any governmental, regulatory or self-regulatory body or stock exchange, this Indenture or any other agreement or instrument relating to Indebtedness of the Company or any Restricted Subsidiary, including in respect of any reports filed with respect to the Securities Act, Exchange Act or the respective rules and regulations promulgated thereunder, (ii) corporate overhead expenses Incurred in the ordinary course of business, and to pay salaries or other compensation of employees who perform services for any Parent or for both such Parent and the Company, (iii) expenses incurred by any Parent in connection with the acquisition, development, maintenance, ownership, prosecution, protection and defense of its intellectual property and associated rights (including but not limited to trademarks, service marks, trade names, trade dress, patents, copyrights and similar rights, including registrations and registration or renewal applications in respect thereof; inventions, processes, designs, formulae, trade secrets, know-how, confidential information, computer software, data and documentation, and any other intellectual property rights; and licenses of any of the foregoing) to the extent such intellectual property and associated rights relate to the business or businesses of the Company or any Subsidiary thereof, (iv) indemnification obligations of any Parent owing to directors, officers, employees or other Persons under its charter or by-laws or pursuant to written agreements with any such Person, (v) other operational and tax expenses of any Parent incurred on behalf of the Company in the ordinary course of business, including obligations in respect of director and officer insurance (including premiums therefor); it being understood for purposes of this definition, that all operational and tax expenses of any Parent are deemed to be incurred on behalf of the Company if the Company’s activities represent substantially all of the operating activities of any Parent and all of its Subsidiaries, and (vi) fees and expenses incurred by any Parent in connection with any offering of Capital Stock or Indebtedness, (x) where the net proceeds of such offering are intended to be received by or contributed or loaned to the Company or a Restricted Subsidiary, or (y) in a prorated amount of such expenses in proportion to the amount of such net proceeds intended to be so received, contributed or loaned, or (z) otherwise on an interim basis prior to completion of such offering so long as any Parent shall cause the amount of such expenses to be repaid to the Company or the relevant Restricted Subsidiary out of the proceeds of such offering promptly if completed.

  • Accrued Expenses means the accrued and unpaid expenses appearing as a Liability on the Preliminary Closing Statement or the Final Closing Statement.

  • Controllable Operating Expenses means all Operating Expenses except real property taxes, all forms of insurance, utility expenses, costs of services provided under a union contract, payments under CC&R’s or to an owners’ association and costs associated with repairs due to casualty, vandalism or other source outside of Landlord’s reasonable control.