Tunnelling definition

Tunnelling means the construction of any tunnel beneath the natural surface of the earth for a purpose other than the searching for or winning of a mineral
Tunnelling means the construction of any tunnel beneath the natural surface of the earth for a purpose other than the searching for or winning of a mineral HEALTH AND SAFETY SPECIFICATION THE OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY XXX 0000 CONSTRUCTION REGULATIONS 2003
Tunnelling means augering, boring, directional drilling, pushing or coring beneath the ground surface.

Examples of Tunnelling in a sentence

  • Tunnelling is not considered as a necessary means for achieving the appropriate security level.

  • Contracts involving Tunnelling All Sums Insured inclusive of VAT.Where more than one Contractor is involved in the same claim the Deductible will be borne in pro-rata amounts by each Contractor in proportion to the extent of each Contractor's admitted claim.

  • Life of Reservoirs Purpose of Tunnelling, effects, Lining of Tunnels.

  • Works department shall take the guiding principles of the “Guidance Notes on Safety and Health of Hand-Dug Tunnelling Work” (GN) into consideration when planning any trenchless/tunnelling work before awarding works contracts to contractors, and remind them to strictly follow the occupational safety and health (OSH) measures as set out in the GN.

  • The Tech Help services are not available on some devices, software and operating systems, such as Linux operating systems or operating system versions that are no longer supported by the relevant manufacturer, alpha, beta, development or testing software, professional design or desktop publishing software, accounting packages, file sharing software configuration, business and corporate versions of software, and VPN, SSH Tunnelling and other advanced networking software.

  • Tunnelling may be helpful in preventing colonisation from progressing to infection.

  • The estimates of capital expenditure and operating cost for the NICO Project in the NWT have been developed by Procon Mining and Tunnelling Ltd.

  • It is interesting to note that Proxy Mobile IP is also an optional part of the 3GPP LTE specification, in which it replaces the GPRS Tunnelling Protocol (GTP) when used.

  • Tunnelling efficiency increase due to better logistic arrangement: eight days.

  • Since the beginning of the year, the Group has issued 28 billion euros in medium- and long-term debt securities and the medium- and long-term debt issuance programme was increased from 30 to 40 billion euros.

More Definitions of Tunnelling

Tunnelling. Means the trenchless construction method used to install pipelines using a Tunnel Boring Machine and/or Pipe Jacking and/or Two Pass Tunnelling;
Tunnelling. Means the trenchless construction method used to install pipelines using either the Two-Pass Tunnelling or Pipe Jacking methods.
Tunnelling means the trenchless construction method used to install pipelines using an Open Face Rotary Tunnel Boring Machine and Pipe Jacking;
Tunnelling means the trenchless construction method used to install pipelines using either an open face rotary tunnel boring machine, an earth pressure balance tunnel boring machine, or a slurry microtunnel boring machine;
Tunnelling means the trenchless construction method used to install pipelines. For the interceptor sewer Work upstream of MH-03, Tunnelling refers to the use of Microtunelling with pipe jacking. For the stub downstream of MH3, tunnelling refers to the trenchless method(s) to be utilized by the Contractor to install the stub pipe in accordance with the Drawings and Specifications herein.

Related to Tunnelling

  • Tunnel means a subterranean passage made by excavating beneath the over burden into which a building worker enters or is required to enter to work;

  • Scalping means the situation where the Client opens too many positions in CFDs at the same time and closes them for less than five minutes or buying at Bid price and selling at Ask price, so as to gain the Bid/Ask difference.

  • Crane means any self-propelled vehicle to which has been permanently mounted or attached any crane, whether or not such vehicle was originally a truck, tractor, or other type of motor vehicle or was designed and built as a complete crane unit. However, the word "crane," as herein defined, shall not be construed to mean any truck or other vehicle equipped with or to which has been affixed any device used for the purpose of providing a means for towing other vehicles.

  • Roomer means a person occupying a dwelling unit that lacks a major bathroom or kitchen facility, in a structure where one or more major facilities are used in common by occupants of the dwelling unit and other dwelling units. Major facility in the case of a bathroom means toilet, or either a bath or shower, and in the case of a kitchen means refrigerator, stove or sink.

  • footpath means a road over which there is a public right of way for pedestrians only, not being a footway;

  • Camper means a structure designed, used, and maintained primarily to be

  • Alley means a public right-of-way, other than a street, affording secondary means of access to abutting property.

  • Dike means an embankment or ridge of either natural or man-made materials used to prevent the movement of liquids, sludges, solids, or other materials.

  • Hazing means committing an act against a student, or coercing a student into committing an act, that creates a substantial risk of harm to a person, in order for the student to be initiated into or affiliated with a student organization, or for any other purpose. The term hazing includes, but is not limited to:

  • Pond means a natural or man-made impoundment of water with a water surface area of one acre or less at the high water level.

  • Airside means, generally, those areas of an Airport which requires a person to pass through a security checkpoint to access. References to "sterile areas" generally mean Airside areas within terminal buildings. References to "Airfield", "Aircraft Operations Area", "AOA", or "Secured areas" generally mean outdoor Airside areas or areas not accessible to passengers.

  • Landing means the level portion of a stairs located between flights of stairs or located at the top and foot of a stairs.

  • Sailboat means the same as that term is defined in Section 73-18-2.

  • Gravel means stone screened from river sand or quarried and washed free of clay and clay coatings. Concrete aggregate designated as Class II by the department of transportation is acceptable.

  • Pavement means any type of improved surface that is within the public right-of-way and that is paved or otherwise constructed with bituminous, concrete, aggregate, or gravel.

  • borehole means a hole sunk into the earth for the purpose of locating, abstracting or using subterranean water and includes a spring;

  • Weed means any plant which grows where not wanted.