Subject Data definition

Subject Data. As used in this section, “subject data” means recorded information, whether or not copyrighted, that is delivered or specified to be delivered as required by the Underlying Agreement. Examples of subject data include, but are not limited to computer software, standards, specifications, engineering drawings and associated lists, process sheets, manuals, technical reports, catalog item identifications, and related information, but do not include financial reports, cost analyses, or other similar information used for performance or administration of the Underlying Agreement.
Subject Data means that Data first recorded in the performance of the Cooperative Work.
Subject Data means all recorded information first produced in the performance of this CRADA by the Parties.

Examples of Subject Data in a sentence

  • Principal Investigators shall be responsible for the scientific and technical conduct of the work, including the exchange of Subject Data and other information.

  • The Laboratory and the Cooperator agree to confer and consult prior to the publication of Subject Data to ensure that no Proprietary Information is released and that patent rights are not jeopardized.

More Definitions of Subject Data

Subject Data means all non-patented original and raw research data, originated or assembled by Sub-recipient in performance of this PFA, but specifically excluding WRF Intellectual Property or Sub-recipient Intellectual Property as defined within this PFA. Subject Data also excludes financial reports, receipts, costs, analysis, and similar information incidental to contract administration.
Subject Data means all recorded information first produced in the performance of this Agreement.
Subject Data means recorded information: Copyright. Whether or not copyrighted; and Delivery. That is delivered or specified to be delivered under the Contract. Examples of Subject Data include, but are not limited to: Computer software, standards, specifications, engineering drawings and associated lists, process sheets, manuals, technical reports, catalog item identifications, and related information; but Do not include financial reports, cost analyses or other similar information used for project administration. General Federal Restrictions. The following restrictions apply to all Subject Data first produced in the performance of STA’s project supported by the Contract: Prohibitions. The Contractor may not: Publish or reproduce any Subject Data in whole or in part, or in any manner or form; or Permit others to do so; but Exceptions. The prohibitions of Rights in Data and Copyrights do not apply to: Publications or reproductions for STA’s own internal use; An institution of higher learning; The portion of Subject Data that the Federal Government has previously released or approved for release to the public; or The portion of data that has the Federal Government’s prior written consent for release.
Subject Data means all recorded information first produced in the performance of this Agreement. This term includes Computer Software.
Subject Data means all recorded information first produced in the performance of this CRADA by the parties. “Subject Data” shall specifically exclude “Identifiable Private Information.”
Subject Data means recorded information whether or not copyrighted, and that is delivered or specified to be delivered as required by this Agreement. Examples of “subject data” include, but are not limited to computer software, standards, specifications, engineering drawings and associated lists, process sheets, manuals, technical reports, catalog item identifications, and related information, but do not include financial reports, cost analyses, or other similar information used for performance or administration of this Agreement.
Subject Data used in this clause means recorded information, whether or not copyrighted, that is delivered or specified to be delivered under this Agreement. The term includes graphic or pictorial delineation in media such as drawings or photographs; text in specifications or related performance or design-type documents; machine forms such as punched cards, magnetic tape, or computer memory printouts; and information retained in computer memory. Examples include, but are not limited to: computer software, engineering drawings and associated lists, specifications, standards, process sheets, manuals, technical reports, catalog item identifications, and related information. The term “subject data” does not include financial reports, cost analyses, and similar information incidental to contract administration.