Student observer definition

Student observer means a student visiting an EIDT on one-time or periodic basis to observe classroom activities or other similar activities that do not involve direct contact with beneficiaries.
Student observer means an individual registered at an Assembly pursuant to Rule17.
Student observer means a student certified under these Rules to observe any and all professional activities of a member of the bar as part of an academic program or course for academic credit, including client communication. Communication between the client and the student shall be privileged under the same rules that govern attorney-client privilege and work product doctrine, and the presence of a student during communication between the lawyer and the client shall not, standing alone, waive these evidentiary privileges.

Examples of Student observer in a sentence

  • Practicum Description The practicum associated with this course is designed to provide the Student Observer opportunities to achieve the condition of Awareness/Initiative in the gradual process of making the elements of our program “habits of mind.” After approximately six weeks of on-campus instruction, the Student observer, working with classmates in a cohort, spends approximately 18 hours in an elementary school.

  • In addition, the Student observer negotiates two more hours each week with on-site personnel to be spent in the placement school.

More Definitions of Student observer

Student observer means an individual registered at an Assembly pursuant to Rule 17.

Related to Student observer

  • Observer means a person who is not enrolled in an Iowa medical school or osteopathic medical school, who observes care to patients in Iowa for a defined period of time and for a noncredit experience, and who is supervised and accompanied by an Iowa-licensed physician as defined in 9.2(3). An observer shall not provide or direct hands-on patient care, regardless of the observer’s level of training or supervision. The supervising physician may authorize an observer to read a chart, observe a patient interview or examination, or witness procedures, including surgery. An observer shall not chart; touch a patient as part of an examination; conduct an interview; order, prescribe or administer medications; make decisions that affect patient care; direct others in providing patient care; or conduct procedures, including surgery. Any of these activities requires licensure to practice in Iowa. An unlicensed physician observer or a medical student observer may touch a patient to verify a physical finding in the immediate presence of a physician but shall not conduct a more inclusive physical examination.

  • Observers has the meaning set forth in Section 6.1(c).

  • Board Observer has the meaning set forth in Section 8.13(c).

  • Public School Student Accessing Courses at a Distance means a student who is scheduled for a full course load through the District and attends all classes virtually.

  • Student Data means personally identifiable information, as defined in Section 2-d, from student records that Vendor may receive from the District pursuant to the Master Agreement.

  • Post-observation conference means a meeting, either in-person or remotely, between the supervisor who conducted the observation and the teaching staff member for the purpose of evaluation to discuss the data collected in the observation.

  • Communications Facility means the set of equipment and network components, including wires, cables, antennas, and associated facilities, used by a communications service provider to provide communications service.

  • Student media advisor means an individual who is employed, appointed, or designated by the District to supervise or provide instruction with respect to student media.

  • Student teaching means a supervised teaching practice occurring near the end of an applicant's approved program.

  • Student Personal Information means information collected through a school service that personally identifies an individual student or other information collected and maintained about an individual student that is linked to information that identifies an individual student, as identified by Washington Compact Provision 28A.604.010. For purposes of this DPA, Student Personal Information is referred to as Student Data.

  • Telecommunications facilities means apparatus necessary or useful in the production, distribution,

  • Student personally identifiable information or “student PII” means information that, alone or in combination, personally identifies an individual student or the student’s parent or family, and that is collected, maintained, generated, or inferred by the district, either directly or through a school service, or by a school service contract provider or school service on-demand provider.

  • Telecommunications Facility means the machine, equipment, transmission path or other electrical facilities for telecommunication.

  • Conference center means a facility that:

  • Student Growth means the change in Student Achievement data for an individual student between two points in time. Growth may also include other measures that are rigorous and comparable across classrooms.

  • PJM Liaison means the liaison established under Tariff, Attachment M, section III.I.

  • Market Monitoring Unit means the consulting or other professional services firm, or other similar entity, retained by the Board, as specified in Section 30.4.2 of Attachment O, that is responsible for carrying out the Core Market Monitoring Functions and the other functions that are assigned to it in Attachment O. The Market Monitoring Unit shall recommend Tariff and market rule changes, but shall not participate in the administration of the ISO’s Tariffs, except as specifically authorized in Attachment O.

  • Amplification, transmission and distribution equipment means, but is not limited to, production,

  • Student athlete means an individual who engages in, is eligible to engage in, or may be eligible in the future to engage in, any intercollegiate sport. If an individual is permanently ineligible to participate in a particular intercollegiate sport, the individual is not a student-athlete for purposes of that sport.

  • Market Monitor means the head of the Market Monitoring Unit.

  • Information Resources means any and all computer printouts, online display devices, mass storage media, and all computer-related activities involving any device capable of receiving email, browsing Web sites, or otherwise capable of receiving, storing, managing, or transmitting Data including, but not limited to, mainframes, servers, Network Infrastructure, personal computers, notebook computers, hand-held computers, personal digital assistant (PDA), pagers, distributed processing systems, network attached and computer controlled medical and laboratory equipment (i.e. embedded technology), telecommunication resources, network environments, telephones, fax machines, printers and service bureaus. Additionally, it is the procedures, equipment, facilities, software, and Data that are designed, built, operated, and maintained to create, collect, record, process, store, retrieve, display, and transmit information.

  • Personally Identifiable Financial Information means any information a consumer provides to a party in order to obtain a financial product or service, any information a party otherwise obtains about a consumer in connection with providing a financial product or service to that consumer, and any information about a consumer resulting from any transaction involving a financial product or service between a party and a consumer. Personally Identifiable Financial Information may include, without limitation, a consumer’s first and last name, physical address, zip code, e-mail address, phone number, Social Security number, birth date, account number and any information that identifies, or when tied to the above information may identify, a consumer.

  • Emergency services means police, fire, ambulance, rescue, and medical services.

  • Wireless infrastructure provider means any person, including a person authorized to provide telecommunications service in the state, that builds or installs transmission equipment, wireless facilities, or wireless support structures, but that is not a wireless services provider.

  • Client Group means Client, any corporate body of which Client is a subsidiary (as defined by s. 1159 of the Companies Act 2006), any other subsidiary of such corporate body and any subsidiary of Client;

  • Telecommunications provider means that term as defined in section 102 of the Michigan telecommunications act, 1991 PA 179, MCL 484.2102.