PJM Liaison definition

PJM Liaison means the liaison established under Tariff, Attachment M, section III.I.
PJM Liaison means the liaison established under Xxxxxx, Attachment M, section III.I.
PJM Liaison means the liaison established under Section III.I.

Examples of PJM Liaison in a sentence

  • If MMU determines that it has the need for additional data, additional access or a change to the systems from what is delineated in this SLA, MMU will provide detailed requirements to the PJM Liaison defined in Attachment M or such other representative appointed by PJM (both to be referred to herein as “PJM Liaison”), for the new data or system information that is now needed as part of the data exchange.

  • If MMU requests an upgrade or enhancement to be made to the Data Exchange System, it shall submit any such request in writing to the PJM Liaison.

  • If the Market Monitoring Unit seeks a formal opinion or position on a matter from PJM, it shall contact the PJM Liaison or appropriate senior management official to provide such opinion or position.

More Definitions of PJM Liaison

PJM Liaison meanss the liaison established under Tariff, Attachment M, sSection III.I.
PJM Liaison has the meaning set forth in Attachment M.

Related to PJM Liaison

  • Contractor Project Manager means the employee identified in a Statement of Work as the Contractor project manager.

  • Project Coordinator means the employee of Alamo Colleges District designated in Exhibit A hereto who will manage the relationship between Alamo Colleges District and Contractor. The designated employee will be knowledgeable of the Project and be experienced in managing projects similar to the one established herein.

  • Project Manager means the principal employee or agent of the Recipient having administrative authority over the Project designated in Appendix B pursuant to Section VI hereof, or authorized designee as per written notification to the Director.

  • Nonprofessional services means any services not specifically identified as professional services in

  • Contractor Personnel means Contractor’s employees and subcontractors (as well as any employees or subcontractors of those subcontractors) performing the Services.

  • Project Team means Owner, Contractor, A/E and consultants, any separate Contractors employed by Owner, and others employed for the purpose of programming, design, and construction of the Project. The members of the Project Team will be designated in writing by Owner and may be modified from time to time in writing by Owner.

  • Scheduling Coordinator or “SC” means an entity certified by the CAISO as qualifying as a Scheduling Coordinator pursuant to the CAISO Tariff for the purposes of undertaking the functions specified in “Responsibilities of a Scheduling Coordinator,” of the CAISO Tariff, as amended from time to time.

  • Professional Services means those services within the scope of the practice of architecture, professional engineering, landscape architecture, or registered surveying and mapping, as defined by the laws of Florida, or those services performed by any architect, professional engineer, landscape architect, or registered surveyor and mapper, in connection with the firm's or individual's professional employment or practice.

  • The Services means those services ancillary to the supply of the Goods, such as transportation and insurance, and any other incidental services, such as installation, commissioning, provision of technical assistance, training, and other such obligations of the Supplier covered under the Contract.