Organizational Conflicts of Interest definition

Organizational Conflicts of Interest means that because of relationships with a parent company, affiliate, or subsidiary organization, the non-Federal entity is unable or appears to be unable to be impartial in conducting a procurement action involving a related organization.
Organizational Conflicts of Interest means that because of relationships with a
Organizational Conflicts of Interest means conflicts that arise when the University cannot provide an Entity with impartial advice. This arises when technical advice that is given is biased and/or gives the University an unfair advantage.

Examples of Organizational Conflicts of Interest in a sentence

  • Organizational conflicts of interest occur when: • A grantee is unable or potentially unable to render impartial assistance or advice to the State due to competing duties or loyalties • A grantee’s objectivity in carrying out the grant is or might be otherwise impaired due to competing duties or loyalties • A grantee or potential grantee has an unfair competitive advantage through being furnished unauthorized proprietary information or source selection information that is not available to all competitors.

More Definitions of Organizational Conflicts of Interest

Organizational Conflicts of Interest means the existence any past, present or currently planned interests of Contractor that either directly or indirectly (through a client, contractual, financial, organizational or other relationship) relates to the Services and which may diminish Contactor’s capacity to give impartial, technically sound, objective assistance and advice, or may give Contractor unfair negotiating advantage with respect to the Department.
Organizational Conflicts of Interest means the existence any past, present or currently planned interests of Contractor that either directly or indirectly (through a client, contractual, financial, organizational or other relationship) relates to the Services and which may diminish Contactor’s capacity to give impartial, technically sound, objective assistance and advice, or may give Contractor unfair negotiating advantage with respect to the Department. Best Pricing Clause‌ Contractor acknowledges and recognizes that the State wants to take advantage of any improvements in premium pricing over the course of the Contract period. To that end, the premium pricing indicated in this Contract is a maximum guarantee. Contractor’s fully-insured premiums under this Contract will not exceed Contractor’s fully-insured premiums then in effect for substantially the same services to any organization with the same or fewer enrollees than the Contractor’s subscriber count at the relevant time. During the term of the Contract, if Contractor implements or provides any other client, whether a public or private entity, with the same or fewer enrollees with premium pricing more favorable than the pricing in this Contract, then Contractor agrees to offer equivalent pricing terms to the Department and the Department and Contractor will execute an amendment of this Contract. The Contractor agrees to annually submit to Department an affidavit from an authorized representative attesting that the Contractor is in compliance with Attachment 1: Affidavit of Best Pricing. The affidavit will be submitted to the Department by December 31st each year. Cooperation with the Inspector GeneralPursuant to section 20.055(5), Florida Statutes, the Contractor and any subcontractors understand and will comply with their duty to cooperate with the Inspector General in any investigation, audit, inspection, review, or hearing. SIGNATURE PAGE IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWS
Organizational Conflicts of Interest means a circumstance arising out of a Designer’s relationship with the State, a circumstance arising out of a Designer’s existing or past activities, business or financial interests, familial relationships, contractual relationships, and/or organizational structure (i.e., parent entities, subsidiaries, Affiliates, etc.) that results in:
Organizational Conflicts of Interest means the existence any past, present or currently planned interests of Contractor that either directly or indirectly (through a client, contractual, financial, organizational or other relationship) relates to the Services and which may diminish Contactor’s capacity to give impartial, technically sound, objective assistance and advice, or may give Contractor unfair negotiating advantage with respect to the Department. Best Pricing Clause Contractor acknowledges and recognizes that the State wants to take advantage of any improvements in premium pricing over the course of the Contract period. To that end, the pricing indicated in this Contract is the guaranteed maximum price. The Contractor’s premium pricing under this Contract will not exceed the Contractor’s pricing for substantially the same Plan(s) provided to any other substantially similar clients. During the term of the Contract, if Contractor provides substantially the same Plan(s) to any other substantially similar clients, whether a public or private entity, with pricing terms more favorable than the premium pricing in this Contract, then Contractor agrees to offer equivalent pricing terms to the Department and the Department and Contractor may execute an amendment of this Contract to adopt the equivalent pricing terms if determined acceptable to the Department. In addition, Services and programs not currently part of the benefits offered to Participants, but offered to substantially similar clients, shall be proposed for the Department’s consideration to offer to Participants for the same or lower price. This does not include or apply to other Plan Design offerings. Convicted Vendor,Discriminatory Vendor, Antitrust Violator Vendor, and Suspended Vendor Lists Pursuant to sections 287.133, 287.134, and 287.137, Florida Statutes, the following restrictions are placed on the ability of persons placed on the State’s Convicted Vendor List,the Discriminatory Vendor List, or the Antitrust Violator Vendor List:
Organizational Conflicts of Interest means that because of relationships with a parent company, affiliate, or subsidiary organization, the awardee is unable or appears to be unable to be impartial in conducting a procurement action involving a related organization. The awardee is responsible for ensuring that its sub-awardees and contractors comply with the standards of conduct.
Organizational Conflicts of Interest means the existence any past, present or currently planned interests of Contractor that either directly or indirectly (through a client, contractual, financial, organizational or other relationship) relates to the Services and which may diminish Contactor’s capacity to give impartial, technically sound, objective assistance and advice, or may give Contractor unfair negotiating advantage with respect to the Department. Best Pricing Clause Contractor acknowledges and recognizes that the State wants to take advantage of any improvements in pricing/fees over the course of the Contract period. To that end, the pricing indicated in this Contract is a maximum guarantee. Contractor’s pricing under this Contract will not exceed Contractor’s pricing then in effect for substantially the same services to any organization with enrollment equal to or less than the Contractor’s Enrollee count at the relevant time. During the term of the Contract, if Contractor implements or provides any other client, whether a public or private entity, with fewer enrollees such pricing more favorable than the pricing in this Contract, then Contractor agrees to offer equivalent pricing terms to the Department and the Department and Contractor will execute an amendment of this Contract. The Contractor agrees to annually submit to Department an affidavit from an authorized representative attesting that the Contractor is in compliance with Attachment 1: Affidavit of Best Pricing. The affidavit will be submitted to the Department by December 31st each year. SO AGREED by the Partiesauthorized representatives on the dates noted below: DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES Signature: Xxxx Rock, Secretary Date: [CONTRACTOR] Signature: Print Name and Title: Date:
Organizational Conflicts of Interest means that because of other activities or relationships with other entities, the Clearinghouse, its contractors, or significant subcontractors are unable or potentially unable to render impartial services, assistance or advice; the Clearinghouse’s objectivity in performing its function is or might be otherwise impaired; or the Clearinghouse might gain an unfair competitive advantage. “Personal conflict of interest” means a situation in which an employee, officer, or director of the Clearinghouse, the Clearinghouse’s contractors or significant subcontractors has a financial interest, personal activity, or relationship that could impair that person’s ability to act impartially and in the best interest of the transition when performing their assigned role, or is engaged in self-dealing.