Federal Entity definition

Federal Entity. Any Public Sector Entity subject to the overall control or direction as to matters of policy by the GOP or which is otherwise under or controlled by the GOP.
Federal Entity means the government of the United States of America or any bureau, department, instrumentality or other agency of the federal government.
Federal Entity. The meaning ascribed thereto in the Implementation Agreement.

Examples of Federal Entity in a sentence

  • In addition to other provisions required by the Federal agency or non-Federal entity, all contracts made by the non- Federal entity under the Federal award must contain provisions covering the following, as applicable.

  • If any provisions of this Agreement are inconsistent with any obligations imposed on any person or Federal entity by Federal statutes, regulations, or orders lawfully promulgated thereunder, , the provisions shall be inapplicable to that person or Federal entity to the extent they are inconsistent with Federal statutes, regulations, or orders lawfully promulgated thereunder.

  • Nothing in this Agreement shall compel any person or Federal entity to: (1) violate Federal statutes or regulations, or (2) in the case of a Federal agency, to exceed its statutory authority, as defined by any applicable Federal statutes, regulations, or orders lawfully promulgated thereunder.

  • The Federal entity or Federal agency must report each obligating action described in paragraph [1.a.] of this award term to XXXX.xxx.

  • No person or Federal entity shall incur any liability by failing to comply with provisions of this Agreement that are inapplicable to it by reason of being inconsistent with any Federal statutes, regulations, or orders lawfully promulgated thereunder; provided, however, that such person or Federal entity shall use its best efforts to comply with this Agreement to the extent that applicable Federal laws, regulations and orders lawfully promulgated thereunder permit it to do so.

More Definitions of Federal Entity

Federal Entity means all of the following, as defined in 2 CFR part 25:
Federal Entity means a department or agency of the United States or any component of such department or agency.
Federal Entity means the government of the United States of
Federal Entity means the federal government of the United States or any agency, department or instrumentality thereof.
Federal Entity means all the following, as defined in 2 C.F.R. Part 25:
Federal Entity means a department or agency of the United States
Federal Entity means any of the Borrower’s States and its Federal District.