Occasional sale definition
Examples of Occasional sale in a sentence
Occasional sale of the evening milk in the morning is relatively less frequent (12.5%).
These households show significantly better food consumption patterns than those who do not, with only 18% of them having unacceptable food consumption compared with 25% of the households who do not own a vegetable garden.2 Occasional sale of surplus fruits and vegetables provides rural households with a valuable source of cash income.
Board staff members also provide presentations to groups and associations who seek updates on current regulations.Additionally, staff are trained to educate licensees on compliance with all Board of Pharmacy rules and regulations.Rule 4729:5-3-09 | Occasional sale and drug transfers.
Sporadic Dumping: Occasional sale of a commodity at below cost in order to unload an unforeseen and temporary surplus of the commodity such as cheese, milk, wheat etc.
Occasional sale of the evening milk in the morning is relatively less frequent (12.5%).Table 3.