NYISO Outage Scheduling Manual definition

NYISO Outage Scheduling Manual means the “Outage Scheduling Manual” published by the NYISO.

Examples of NYISO Outage Scheduling Manual in a sentence

  • In the event of an Unplanned Outage, Xxxxx shall notify RGE, pursuant to established practice under the NYISO Outage Scheduling Manual, of the nature and expected duration of such Unplanned Outage as soon as practicable and shall keep RGE timely advised of any developments associated with such Unplanned Outage and the estimated timing of the return of the RSS Unit to full capability.

  • A DRP Application Form can be obtained from the Company’s website or by telephoning the Share Registry on 1300 554 474.

  • Generators are expected to comply with the provisions of the NYISO Outage Scheduling Manual.

  • In the event of an Unplanned Outage, Developer shall notify RG&E, pursuant to established practice under the NYISO Outage Scheduling Manual, of the nature and expected duration of such Unplanned Outage as soon as practicable and shall keep RG&E timely advised of any developments associated with such Unplanned Outage and the estimated timing of the return of the Facility to full capability.

  • Broadcast quality standards converter and synchronizerThe CVR400 is a multi-standard broadcast quality 12-bit sampling, 10-bit processing standards converter, synchronizer and time base stabilizer with analog component, composite and YC interfaces.

  • Supervision missions were carried out regularly, and the skill mix given the scope of the tasks were adequate.

  • In the event Cayuga needs to take either or both RSS Units out of operation or reduce the capability of either or both RSS Units upon the occurrence of a Forced Outage, Cayuga shall notify NYSEG, pursuant to established practice under the NYISO Outage Scheduling Manual, of the nature and expected duration of a Forced Outage as soon as practicable.

  • If the Resource is a Generator that qualifies as an Installed Capacity Supplier that does not voluntarily re-schedule its planned maintenance within the alternative acceptable times provided by the NYISO, the NYISO will invoke mandatory re- scheduling using the procedures prescribed in the NYISO Outage Scheduling Manual (available from the NYISO Web site at the following URL: http://www.nyiso.com/public/documents/manuals/operations.jsp?maxDisplay=20).

  • In the event of an Unplanned Outage, Developer shall notify NYSEG, pursuant to established practice under the NYISO Outage Scheduling Manual, of the nature and expected duration of such Unplanned Outage as soon as practicable and shall keep NYSEG timely advised of any developments associated with such Unplanned Outage and the estimated timing of the return of the Facility to full capability.

  • Availability shall exclude up to two weeks of scheduled annual maintenance to be scheduled at a mutually agreeable time, and in accordance with the NYISO Outage Scheduling Manual and User Guide; with any shortfall requiring a prorated reimbursement of any lump-sum payments and/or a reduction in future annual payments.

Related to NYISO Outage Scheduling Manual

  • CAISO Tariff means the California Independent System Operator Corporation Operating Agreement and Tariff, including the rules, protocols, procedures and standards attached thereto, as the same may be amended or modified from time to time and approved by the FERC.

  • Baseline Schedule means the initial time schedule prepared by Contractor for Owner’s information and acceptance that conveys Contractor’s and Subcontractors’ activities (including coordination and review activities required in the Contract Documents to be performed by A/E and ODR), durations, and sequence of work related to the entire Project to the extent required by the Contract Documents. The schedule clearly demonstrates the critical path of activities, durations and necessary predecessor conditions that drive the end date of the schedule. The Baseline Schedule shall not exceed the time limit current under the Contract Documents.

  • Tariff Schedule means the tariff schedule contained in Annexure B to this Access Arrangement or, if Envestra has published a revised tariff schedule, the tariff schedule in effect from time to time.

  • Project Implementation Manual or “PIM” means the manual setting out the measures required for the implementation of the Project, as the same may be amended from time to time, subject to prior approval of the Association;

  • Service Specifications means the following documents, as applicable to the Services under Your order:

  • Outage has the meaning set forth in the CAISO Tariff.

  • Time Schedule means the Time Schedule for final completion of the Works or Mechanical Completion of the Plant(s)/Unit(s) as the case may be, incorporated in the Contract or as may be extended by the OWNER or Engineer-in-Charge pursuant to the provisions hereof and shall include interim time schedules set up for achieving interim/phase-wise/stage-wise progress/completion/testing/commissioning/handing over, as may be prescribed by the OWNER/Engineer-in-Charge, within the overall Time Schedule as originally envisaged or as extended.

  • Service Specification means and include detailed description, statements to technical data, performance characteristics, and standards (Indian as well as) as applicable and as specified in the Contract as well as those specifications relating to Industry standards and codes applicable to the performance of the work, work performance quality and the specifications affecting the works or any additional specification required to be produced by the DCO to meet the design criteria.

  • Project Manual means the volume usually assembled for the Work which may include the bidding requirements, sample forms, and other Contract Documents.

  • Network Connection Standards means the Distributor’s written technical and safety standards for connection of an Electrical Installation to the Network that are issued by the Distributor and updated from time to time, and include:

  • Project Schedule means a document that, with respect to each Phase of the Project, identifies, coordinates and integrates the anticipated design and construction schedules, the Contracting Authority’s and Owner's responsibilities, government authority reviews and other activities as are necessary for the timely completion of the Work.

  • service delivery and budget implementation plan means a detailed plan approved by the executive mayor of a municipality in terms of section 53(l)(c)(ii) of the MFMA for implementing the municipality's delivery of municipal services and its annual budget, and which must indicate

  • Delivery Schedule means the schedule for the delivery of Services as set forth in attached Annex 3.

  • Service Level Agreement or SLA means the processes, deliverables, key performance indicators and performance standards relating to the Services to be provided by the Service Provider;

  • Service delivery area means the defined geographic area for delivery of program services.

  • Service Schedule means the document entitled “Service Schedule” containing additional terms relating to a particular Service which schedule shall form part of this Agreement;

  • Base Capacity Resource Price Decrement means, for the 2018/2019 and 2019/2020 Delivery Years, a difference between the clearing price for Base Capacity Resources and the clearing price for Capacity Performance Resources, representing the cost to procure additional Capacity Performance Resources out of merit order when the Base Capacity Resource Constraint is binding.

  • ISO Tariff means the ISO New England Inc. Transmission, Markets and Services Tariff, FERC Electric Tariff No. 3, as amended, modified, superseded and supplemented from time to time, and including the Market Rules and Procedures.

  • Product Schedule means PTC’s standard order form entitled “PTC Product Schedule” (including all schedules, attachments and other document(s) specifically referenced therein) or such alternative order form as may be submitted by Customer and accepted by PTC, in each case that specifies (i) the Licensed Products and/or Services ordered; and (ii) for Licensed Products, the installation address (including the Designated Country) and the Licence Term.

  • NYSRC Reliability Rules means the rules applicable to the operation of the New York Transmission System. These rules are based on Reliability Standards adopted by NERC and NPCC, but also include more specific and more stringent rules to reflect the particular requirements of the New York Transmission System.

  • Service Level Agreement (SLA means the Contractual Commitment that prevails between the Buyer and the Service Provider with regard to type of service to be provided, deliverables, desired performance level, reliability and responsiveness, monitoring process and service level reporting, response and issue resolution time-frame, repercussions / penalties / remedies for service provider not meeting its commitment. The SLA of a particular contract may carry the matrix regarding the delivery of the goods and/or services and the corresponding penalties or remedies and liquidated damages as applicable.

  • Shift Schedule means a written statement setting forth the days and hours upon which the employees are required to work.

  • Outages means the planned unavailability of transmission and/or generation facilities dispatched by PJM or the NYISO, as described in Section 35.9 of this Agreement.

  • Functional Specifications means the descriptions of features and functions of the Application as expressly set forth in Quote.

  • Customer Specific Training means a private Course organized on demand specifically for Customer.

  • Carrier Access Billing System (“CABS”) is the system which is defined in a document prepared under the direction of the Billing Committee of the OBF. The CABS document is published by Telcordia in Volumes 1, 1A, 2, 3, 3A, 4 and 5 as Special Reports SR-OPT-001868, SR-OPT-0011869, SR-OPT-001871, SR-OPT- 001872, SR-OPT-001873, SR-OPT-001874, and SR-OPT-001875, respectively, and contains the recommended guidelines for the billing of access and other connectivity services. Sprint’s carrier access billing system is its Carrier Access Support System (CASS). CASS mirrors the requirements of CABS.