MSAG definition

MSAG. (Master Street Address Guide) is a database defining the geographic area of an E91 1 service. It includes an alphabetical list of the street names, high-low house number ranges, community names, and emergency service numbers provided by the counties or their agents to U S WEST.
MSAG. (MASTER STREET ADDRESS GUIDE (MSAG)) is a database defining the geographic area of an E911 service. It includes an alphabetical list of the street names, high-low house number ranges, community names, end emergency service numbers provided by the counties or their agents to ILEC.

Examples of MSAG in a sentence

  • Includes the ability to accept a Customer provided guide file and load that into the CSG MSAG validation module.

  • Upon receipt of an error recording an DTI subscriber's address from GTE, and where GTE is the lead telco, it shall be the responsibility of DTI to ensure that the address of each of its end users is included in the Master Street Address Guide ("MSAG") via information provided on DTI's Local Service Request ("LSR") or via a separate feed established by DTI pursuant to Section of this Article.

  • The failure of Reseller to provide the necessary customer information to establish and maintain the database according to the requirements set forth within or by the, RBOC or PSAP, or the failure on Reseller's part to cooperate with the development and maintenance of the MSAG, or the non-payment of any charges due hereunder constitute a material default under this agreement.

  • The prices for greater numbers of MSAG boxes are stated in the draft regulations.

  • For resold services, U S WEST shall work cooperatively with AT&T to ensure the accuracy of the data transfer by verifying it against the Master Street Address Guide (MSAG).

More Definitions of MSAG

MSAG or “Master Street Address Guide” means the database that contains street names and house number ranges within their associated communities defining Emergency Service Zones (ESZs) and their associated Emergency Service Numbers (ESNs) to enable proper selective routing and selective transfer of 9-1-1 calls in the legacy E9-1-1 environment;
MSAG means Master Street Address Guide, the database that contains street names, addresses, routing codes and other data required for the management of Selecting Routing and Transfer, ALI, and ANI.
MSAG means Master Street Address Guide, the database used by 911 centers to de- termine an emergency call’s initial location.
MSAG. (MASTER STREET ADDRESS GUIDE) is a database defining the geographic area of an E911 service. It includes an alphabetical list of the street names, high-low house number ranges, community names, and emergency service numbers provided by the counties or their agents to USWC. “CO-PROVIDER 911 DATABASE RECORDS” are the CO-PROVIDER subscriber records to be provided by CO-PROVIDER to USWC for inclusion in USWC’s E911 database. “MECAB” refers to the Multiple Exchange Carrier Access Billing (MECAB) document prepared by the Billing Committee of the Ordering and Billing Forum (OBF), which functions under the auspices of the Carrier Liaison Committee (CLC) of the Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions (ATIS). The MECAB document, published by Bellcore as Special Report SR-BDS-000983, contains the recommended guidelines for the billing of an access service provided by two or more LECs (including a LEC and a CLEC), or by one LEC in two or more states within a single LATA. “MECOD” refers to the Multiple Exchange Carriers Ordering and Design (MECOD) Guidelines for Access Services - Industry Support Interface, a document developed by the Ordering/Provisioning Committee under the auspices of the Ordering and Billing Forum (OBF), which functions under the auspices of the Carrier Liaison Committee (CLC) of the Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions (ATIS). The MECOD document, published by Bellcore as Special Report SR STS-002643, establishes recommended guidelines for processing orders for access service which is to be provided by two or more LECs (including a LEC and a CLEC). It is published by Bellcore as SRBDS 00983.
MSAG means Master Sheet Address Guide, the database that contains street names, addresses, routing codes and other data required for the management of Selecting Routing and Transfer, ALI, and ANI.