Mining Information definition

Mining Information means available information about the Contract Area including all surveys, maps, mosaics, aerial photographs, electromagnetic tapes, sketches, drawings, drill cores, logs of such drill cores, geophysical, geological or drill maps, sampling and assay reports, notes, and other relevant information and data.
Mining Information means all technical information including (without limitation) geological, geochemical and geophysical reports, surveys, mosaics, aerial photographs, samples, drill cores, drill logs, drill pulp, assay results, maps and plans relating to the Industrial Minerals in the ERG Project Area, whether in physical, written or electronic form.
Mining Information includes all:

Examples of Mining Information in a sentence

  • The JV Company agrees to provide reasonable assistance to such technical consultant in its role, including the provision of such information and access to the Tenements and Mining Information as the technical consultant may reasonably require and, where agreed by Special Majority Vote of the Board, allowing a secondee to the Manager as set out in the Management Agreement.

More Definitions of Mining Information

Mining Information means all information, data (including electronically stored data), sketches, maps, drawings, memoranda, drill cores, logs of those drill cores and records relating to exploration (including without limitation, expenditure records, statutory reports and correspondence with third parties in relation to any Authorisations) including geological, geophysical, geochemical, aerial, exploration, mining, sampling and assay reports and notes and other technical information developed by or on behalf of the Company or any Company Subsidiary.
Mining Information means information relating to mining operations;
Mining Information means the Tenement and all data, records and information relating to the Tenement;
Mining Information means all information (including confidential information) in the possession, custody or control of the Seller which relates or, to the extent it relates to, the Tenements, including all surveys, maps, mosaics, aerial photographs, electromagnetic tapes, electromagnetic or optical disks, sketches, drawings, memoranda, samples, drill pulps, drill cores, logs of drill cores, geophysical, geological or drill maps, sampling and assay reports and analyses, notes and other relevant information and data in whatever form and including the information in the Disclosure Material. Mining Regulations means the Mining Regulations 1981 (WA). Month means calendar month. Native Title Agreement means the Gruyere and Central Bore Native Title Agreement between Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx Aboriginal Corporation, Xxxxxx Xxxxxx on behalf of the Yilka people and the Seller dated 3 May 2016. North Yamarna Mining Tenements each mining tenement in which the Seller holds a registered interest as at the date of this Agreement other than the Tenements and the South Yamarna Joint Venture Assets. Notice has the meaning given in clause 21.1. Obligations includes obligations, Liabilities and duties, whether actual, prospective or contingent, and includes warranties and representations. Officer means, in respect of a person, a director, company secretary, assistant secretary, chief executive officer, chief financial officer, general manager or other officer of that person. Parties means the parties to this Agreement, and Party means one of them. Participants has the meaning given in the Joint Venture Agreement.
Mining Information. - means geological, geophysical, geochemical and other technical and non-technical information relating to the Tenements in the possession or control of FerrAus, or in which FerrAus has any right to or title or interest in, including geological, geochemical and geophysical reports, surveys, mosaics, aerial photographs, samples, drill core, drill logs, drill pulp, assay results, maps and plans, relating to the Tenements regardless of the form in which that information is recorded, and all intellectual property rights in respect of that information.
Mining Information has the meaning given to that term in the Co-operation Agreement.
Mining Information means all exploration and mining information, documents, maps, reports, records, studies and other written data in connection with the Project, including all data stored on magnetic tapes, disks or diskettes or any other computer storage media, relating to geological, geochemical, geophysical work, metallurgical, engineering and processing feasibility studies and other operations conducted in connection with the Project.