Individual Support Plan definition

Individual Support Plan means a document in writing (as amended from time to time) between You and a Service User, their family, guardian, advocate or financial manager about the disability services to be delivered to the Service User and how those services will be delivered to meet the Service User’s identified goals;
Individual Support Plan or "ISP" means the written details of the supports, activities and resources required for an individual to achieve personal goals. The Individual Support Plan is developed to articulate decisions and agreements made during a person-centered process of planning and information gathering. The ISP is the individual's Plan of Care for Medicaid purposes.
Individual Support Plan means a document that authorizes and identifies the division of developmental dis- abilities paid services to meet a client's assessed needs.

Examples of Individual Support Plan in a sentence

  • Develop an Individual Support Plan (ISP), which is consistent with and which takes into consideration the student-client's IPE and IEP transition planning goals.

More Definitions of Individual Support Plan

Individual Support Plan or "ISP" means the plan defined in OAR 411- 317-0000.
Individual Support Plan means a document that authorizes and identifies the division of developmental disabilities paid services to meet a client's assessed needs.
Individual Support Plan or “ISP” means a written state- ment of services to be provided to an individual with developmental disabilities including habilitation goals and objectives and a listing of the services, if any, the consumer is authorized to receive. The ISP incorporates and replaces the Individual Program Plan, the placement evaluation, the individualized service program plan and the service program plan used in A.R.S. § 36-557, and for the purposes of these rules incorporates the Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) as defined in Section 809.1 of the Division of Developmental Disabilities Policy and Procedures Manual.
Individual Support Plan or "ISP" means a written plan of support and training services for an individual covering a 12-month period which addresses an individual's support needs and each service provider's program plan. This written plan of training services was formerly referred to as Individual Habilitation Plan (IHP).
Individual Support Plan or "ISP" means the plan defined in OAR Chapter 411, Division 375,411-317-0000(102). which includes written details of the supports, activities, and resources required for an individual with intellectual or developmental disabilities to achieve and maintain personal goals and health and safety.
Individual Support Plan or “ISP” means the written details of the supports, activities, costs, and resources required for an individual to achieve personal goals. This ISP is developed by the individual, the individual’s personal agent, the individual’s legal representative (if any), and other persons who have been invited to participate by the individual or individual’s legal representative. The ISP articulates decisions and agreements made through a person-centered process of planning and information-gathering. The ISP is the individual’s Plan of Care for Medicaid purposes.
Individual Support Plan or “ISP” has the meaning as set forth in OAR 000-000-0000.