Global Settlement definition

Global Settlement means that certain settlement incorporated into and described in Section 5.1 of the Plan, pursuant to section 1123 of the Bankruptcy Code and Bankruptcy Rule 9019, and consistent in all respects with the Restructuring Support Agreement.
Global Settlement means the mutually agreeable resolution reached between the Debtors, Prepetition Secured Lender, and Committee, which is embodied herein within the Plan and discussed in detail within Article VIII.A. hereof.
Global Settlement means the global settlement by and among the Debtors, the Ad Hoc First Lien Committee, and the Committee (including the Committee Members), which provides for, among other things: (a) assumption of the U.S. Qualified Pension Plan obligations; (b) assumption of the unexpired Collective Bargaining Agreements; (c) assumption of the Citibank Sublease; (d) establishment of the General Unsecured Claims Cash Pool, which provides for an enhanced Cash recovery to Holders of Allowed General Unsecured Claims; (e) appointment of the Claims Oversight Monitor; (f) payment of the Stipulated Administrative Expense Settlement Claim; (g) waiver of the deficiency claim for the Holders of the First Lien Notes Claims; (h) waiver and release of all Avoidance Actions arising under chapter 5 of the Bankruptcy Code or any comparable action arising under applicable non-bankruptcy law against trade vendors and non-insider landlords of the Debtors; (i) the Committee’s support of the Plan and encouragement of creditors through the Committee Support Letter (as defined in the Disclosure Statement) to vote to accept the Plan; (j) the cessation of the Debtors’ and the Committee’s Investigations, and the submission by the Examiner of a report after reviewing the Debtors’ and Committees’ respective draft reports; (k) reduction of the New Second Lien Debt from at least $200 million to $100 million; (l) Debtor Releases in favor of Mr. Robert G. Burton, Sr. and related family members and their respective Affiliates; and (m) the right for Holders of Second Lien Notes Claims to receive and retain proceeds of cash collateral under the Plan notwithstanding the applicability of the Second Lien Intercreditor Agreement.

Examples of Global Settlement in a sentence

  • Va. Subdivision Credit shall equal 2.58% of the Global Settlement Abatement Amount.

  • The Parties agree to meet and confer regarding the payment schedule for any MFN Payment, including the net present value reduction that would be required in the event that the Parties agree to a shorter payment schedule for the MFN Payment than the payment schedule for the Global Settlement; provided, however, that the Parties recognize that certain incentive payments cannot be achieved until certain years, up to and including year ten.

  • Any MFN Payment shall be made in accordance with the terms of the Global Settlement, including without limitation terms related to incentives and allocation.

  • To the extent CVS enters into a Global Settlement, the State’s allocable share shall be identified.

  • If the State would have received under the Global Settlement a remediation amount that is greater than the sum of the State Abatement Amount and Local Government Abatement Amount, then CVS shall pay the difference to the State (the “MFN Payment”).

More Definitions of Global Settlement

Global Settlement means any National disposition, settlement, agreement or other arrangement, such as "Tobacco Claims Legislation", by way of legislation, executive order, regulation, taxation, levy, fine, class action settlement, court order or otherwise, of smoking-related litigation, in direct or indirect connection with which one or more Tobacco Companies receives the benefit of a limitation of, or total or partial immunity from, liability to the members of the Settlement Class for the types of claims released under this Agreement.
Global Settlement means the settlement among the Debtors, the Creditors’ Committee, Ally and the Consenting Claimants set forth in Article IV of the Plan.
Global Settlement means the agreement between the Debtors, the Creditors’ Committee, the DIP Lenders, and the Prepetition Secured Parties (as defined in the DIP Financing Order), the key terms of which are set forth herein and in the DIP Financing Order and Annex 6 thereto.
Global Settlement means the settlement among the Debtors, the Unions, certain Bondholders, and involving Centerbridge and CBP, documented in the Union Settlement Agreements, the Plan Support Agreement, the New Investment Agreement and their respective exhibits and appendices.
Global Settlement means the settlement by and among the Debtors, the Unofficial Committee of Senior Secured Noteholders and the Committee which was approved by the Court by order entered February 5, 2014 [Docket No. 367].
Global Settlement means any agreement resolving substantially all litigation and claims brought or threatened to be brought against CVS by others states and political subdivisions in the United States, including without limitation claims against CVS in the multidistrict litigation pending in In re: Nationwide Prescription Opiate Litigation, MDL No. 2804 (N.D. Ohio), and related state court prescription opiate litigation.
Global Settlement means the settlement incorporated into and described in Article VI.B. of the Plan between the Debtors, the Creditors’ Committee and FIE, pursuant to section 1123 of the Bankruptcy Code and Bankruptcy Rule 9019.