fixed property definition

fixed property means land other than farm land, together with improvements affixed thereto, and includes any share or unit in a company which confers a right to or an interest in the use of immovable property, and, in relation to a property time-sharing scheme, any time-sharing interest, and any real right in any such land, unit, share or time-sharing interest;
fixed property means the fixed assets as reflected in its consolidated financial statements.
fixed property means land (together with improvements affixed thereto), any unit as defined in section 1 of the Sectional Titles Act, 1986 (Act 95 of 1986), any share in a share block company which confers a right to or an interest in the use of immovable property, and, in relation to a property time -sharing scheme, any time -sharing interest as defined in section 1 of the Property Time-sharing Control Act, 1983 (Act 75 of 1983), and any real right in any such land, unit, share or time -sharing interest;

Examples of fixed property in a sentence

  • The term "Fixed Property" shall mean the sum of all of the physical property, plant and equipment, real, personal and mixed wherever located which is of such a nature as under sound accounting practice to be properly chargeable to fixed capital account and is in fact so charged, and which is used or is to be used as a part of its permanent and fixed investment in its business as an electric public utility company.

  • The removal, replacement, abandonment, permanent withdrawal from use, destruction, loss from any cause, sale, taking under power of eminent domain or other disposition of Fixed Property of Exeter or the Company (as the case may be) shall constitute a Retirement of such property.

  • Earthquake $7,500,000 Occurrence/Aggregate Fixed Property Limits per Schedule on file Terrorism Included Deductibles Named Windstorm 3% of Affected Values, subject to $250,000 minimum per occurrence Flood $100,000 each occurrence, except: $500,000 each occurrence applicable to properties located within the 100 year flood plain.

  • If, according to reasonable expert assessment ( nach vernünftiger sachverständiger Einschätzung), the amount for which the Sellers are liable pursuant to sub-clause 13.3.2 exceeds an amount of 7.5% of the Fixed Property Value, either Party shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement by written notice to the other Parties.

  • The Parties have, for the purposes of this Agreement, agreed on a debt free fixed value of the Real Property of EUR669,392,218.67 (" Fixed Property Value") and a fixed value of OpCo's fixed assets and contracts of EUR607,781.33 ("Fixed GMS Asset Value") (totalling an amount of EUR670,000,000).

  • Fixed Property- Operational solar panel systems and related equipment per schedule of locations : $100,000 Miscellaneous Unscheduled Locations: $100,000 Flood-Annual Aggregate: $2,000,000 Earthquake-Annual Aggregate: $2,000,000 Business Interruption/Extra Expense: $5,000,000 per occurrence;$500,000 max per 30 days.

  • The Parties have, for the purposes of this Agreement, agreed on a debt free fixed value of the Real Property of EUR 534,130,000 (“ Fixed Property Value”) and a fixed value of GMS’ fixed assets and contracts of EUR 200,000 ("Fixed GMS Asset Value") (together, i.e. an amount of EUR 534,330,000).

More Definitions of fixed property

fixed property has the meaning set forth in Section 4.01(A).
fixed property means all buildings, works, fixtures, and fixed machinery and plant, and the sites thereof;
fixed property means land other than farm land, together with improvements affixed thereto, and includes any share or unit in a company which confers a right to or an interest in the use
fixed property means the sum of all of the physical property, plant and equipment, real, personal and mixed wherever located which is of such a nature as under sound accounting practice to be properly chargeable to fixed capital account and is in fact so charged, and which is used or is to be used as a part of its permanent and fixed investment in its business as an electric public utility company. Such term shall not, however, include (a) any property of the nature of that expressly excluded from the lien of this Indenture by the Granting Clauses hereof; (b) the cost of any paving or other public improvement assessed against the Exeter or the Company (as the case may be) by, or paid by Exeter or the Company (as the case may be) to, any taxing authority; or (c) any good will or going concern value or value attributable to any franchise or governmental permit except to the extent reflected in the fair value of Purchased Property as evidenced by an Independent Engineer's Certificate;
fixed property means all buildings, works, fixtures and fixed machinery and plant and the sites thereof.

Related to fixed property

  • Improved Property means any property upon which there is erected a structure intended for continuous or periodic habitation, occupancy or use by human beings or animals and from which structure Sanitary Sewage and/or Industrial Wastes shall be or may be discharged.

  • Operating Property means any property owned, leased, or operated by the Party in question or by any of its Subsidiaries or in which such Party or Subsidiary holds a security interest or other interest (including an interest in a fiduciary capacity), and, where required by the context, includes the owner or operator of such property, but only with respect to such property.

  • Subject Property means any premises located in the County on which an energy efficiency improvements, water efficiency improvements, or renewable resource applications are being or have been made and financed through an outstanding PACE loan.

  • Affected Property means all real property at the Site and any other real property where EPA determines, at any time, that access or, land, water, or other resource use restrictions, and/or Institutional Controls are needed to implement the removal action, including, but not limited to, the following properties [insert property descriptions].

  • Developed Property means all Assessor’s Parcels of Taxable Property for which Building Permits were issued on or before May 1 of the prior Fiscal Year, provided that such Assessor's Parcels were created on or before January 1 of the prior Fiscal Year and that each such Assessor's Parcel is associated with a Lot, as determined reasonably by the Board.

  • Covered Property is the address stated on your Agreement Coverage Summary Page. • “Domestic-grade” Items are those that were designated by the manufacturer, manufactured and marketed solely for installation and use in a residential single family dwelling.

  • Mortgaged Property shall have the meaning assigned to such term in the recitals.

  • Undeveloped Property means all Assessor’s Parcels of Taxable Property which are not Developed Property.

  • Income Property means, in respect of each Sub-Fund, (a) all interest, dividends and other sums deemed by the Trustee, (after consulting the auditors either on a general or case by case basis), to be in the nature of income (including taxation repayments, if any) received or receivable by the Trustee in respect of the Deposited Property of the relevant Sub-Fund (whether in cash or, without limitation, by warrant, cheque, money, credit or otherwise or the proceeds of sale or transfer of any Income Property received in a form other than cash); (b) all interest and other sums received or receivable by the Trustee in respect of (a), (c) or (d) of this definition; (c) all cash payments received or receivable by the Trustee for the account of the relevant Sub-Fund in respect of an Application; and (d) all Cancellation Compensation received by the Trustee for the account of the relevant Sub-Fund; (e) any payments to be received or are receivable by the Trustee under any contractual agreements in the nature of investments for the benefit of the relevant Sub-Fund but excluding (i) the Deposited Property; (ii) any amount for the time being standing to the credit of the distribution account for the account of the relevant Sub-Fund or previously distributed to Unitholders; (iii) gains for the account of the relevant Sub-Fund arising from the realisation of Securities; and (iv) any sums applied towards payment of the fees, costs and expenses payable by the Trust from the Income Property of the relevant Sub-Fund;

  • Qualified Property has the meaning set forth in Section 313.021(2) of the TEXAS TAX CODE and as interpreted by the Comptroller’s Rules and the Texas Attorney General, as these provisions existed on the Application Review Start Date.

  • Commercial property means property formerly or currently used primarily for business, retail, governmental or professional purposes.

  • Fixed Assets means any Asset which consists of land, buildings, plant and equipment acquired, developed, enhanced, constructed in connection with the Funded Activities; FOIA means the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and any subordinate legislation made under that Act from time to time together with any guidance or codes of practice issued by the relevant government department concerning the legislation;