Improved property definition

Improved property means any property upon which there is erected a structure intended for continuous or periodic habitation, occupancy or use by human beings or animals and from which structure Sanitary Sewage and/or Industrial Wastes shall be or may be discharged.
Improved property means property upon which a residential, commercial, or other building has been built.
Improved property means property upon which a residential, commercial, or

Examples of Improved property in a sentence

  • Improved property owners’ and managers’ understanding of the benefits of a whole building approach.4. More comprehensive maintenance follow‐up for tenants and building by enrolling them into California Integrated Customer Energy Audit Tool (CA‐ICEAT) to enable ongoing comparative energy usage, and energy goal setting, ensuring the persistence of savings after the EUC intervention is complete.

  • Improved property may be classified as SFR even if supplemental accessory structures are present such as garages, carports, storage buildings, guesthouses, servants or caretakers quarters, cottages or barns, or the presence of a commercial use within the residence, as long as such use does not result in significant additional amounts of impervious surfaces.

  • Another example of an indirect cost would be the value of time spent by General Fund employees in the Collector's office processing Enterprise Fund user payments.LARGE RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY - Improved property containing apartments, or condominiums with four or more dwelling units and rooming and boarding houses.

  • Improved property rights leads to internalization!Using data on U.S. intra-firm and arm’s-length imports for 5,423 products imported from 210 countries, we examine these determinants of the share of U.S. imports that are intra-firm.

  • In determining utility fee calculations, all land on a parcel of property not defined as impervious land will be considered to be pervious.PROPERTY ASSOCIATIONS - A condominium, cooperative, or other form of ownership, whether residential, commercial or multiple-use, in which fees are divided among multiple record title owners by instrument recorded in the Hampden Registry of Deeds or Hampden Land Court.SMALL RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY - Improved property containing one, two or three dwelling units.

More Definitions of Improved property

Improved property means property proposed to be assessed within an
Improved property means any property within the municipality upon which there is a structure intended for continuous or periodic habitation, occupancy, or use by humans or animals and from which structure wastewater shall or may be discharged.
Improved property means any property or lot within the Township upon which there is an erected structure intended for continuous or periodic habitation, occupancy or use by human beings or animals and from which structure Sewage shall or may be discharged.
Improved property means a struc- ture, facility or item of equipment which was built, constructed or manu- factured. Land used for agricultural purposes is not improved property.
Improved property means real property on which a “building” or “mobile home” (in each case, as such terms are defined for purposes of the National Flood Insurance Program) owned by a Loan Party is located.
Improved property means property upon which a structure is located, including bridges and agricultural struc- tures as defined in RCW 19.27.015.
Improved property means any property upon which there is erected a structure intended for continuous or periodic habitation, occupancy or use by human beings or animals and from which structure Sanitary Sewage and/or Industrial Wastes shall be or may be discharged, which is located within the Northern Service Area and is subject to the mandatory connection provisions of the Connection Ordinance.