Fee Rate definition

Fee Rate means initially 0.25% per annum, which shall be subject to increase by 0.25% per annum for each Week in respect of which any Failure has occurred and is continuing.
Fee Rate means initially 0.25% per annum.
Fee Rate means initially 0.10% per annum, which shall be subject to increase by 0.10% per annum for each Week in respect of which any Failure has occurred and is continuing.

Examples of Fee Rate in a sentence

  • Administrative Services Fee Rate Average Daily Net Assets of the Investment Complex 0.100% up to $50 billion 0.075% on assets over $50 billion For purposes of calculating the applicable breakpoint under this Agreement, “Investment Complex” is defined as those Funds listed on Exhibit A to this Agreement but not also listed on Exhibit B.

  • The Servicing Fee for a Payment Date shall equal the product of (a) one-twelfth, (b) the Servicing Fee Rate and (c) the aggregate Principal Balance of the Receivables as of the first day of the related Collection Period; provided, however, that the Servicing Fee on the initial Payment Date shall be prorated to compensate for the length of the initial Collection Period being longer than one month.

  • The Maximum Management Fee Rate for each class of the Fund is set forth in the table below, if applicable.

  • The annual Management Fee Rate for a class shall be the lesser of (1) the class’s Mandate Rate reduced by the class’s Discount Rate or (2) the Maximum Management Fee Rate set forth in Schedule 2 of this Contract, if applicable.

  • References to the Servicing Fee shall be references to the Primary Servicing Fee and references to the Servicing Fee Rate shall be references to the Primary Servicing Fee Rate.

More Definitions of Fee Rate

Fee Rate means initially 0.25% per annum, which shall be subject to increase cumulatively by 0.25% per annum for each Week in respect of which any Reporting Failure has occurred and is continuing.
Fee Rate means the fee rate appli- cable to covered sales under section 31(b) or (c) of the Act (15 U.S.C. 78ee(b) or (c)), as adjusted from time to time by the Commission pursuant to section 31(j) of the Act (15 U.S.C. 78ee(j)).
Fee Rate means the aggregate of the rates at which fees are payable in connection with Series 2000-A (i.e., LIBO Margin (as set forth in the Fee Letter), the Servicing Fee of 1.00%, the Trustee's Fee of 0.02%, the Back-Up Servicer's Fee of 0.04%, the Increased Servicer Fee of 0.25%) and the rate at which the Insurer Fee due to the Series Support Provider are calculated, as set forth in the Premium Letter.
Fee Rate means 0.50 per cent. per annum; and
Fee Rate means the rate per day set out in Items 1 and 4 of Schedule 1;
Fee Rate has the meaning set forth in the Pricing Schedule.
Fee Rate. EURODOLLAR MARGIN” and “ABR MARGIN” means, for any date, the rate set forth below in the row opposite such term and in the column corresponding to the “Status” on such date: STATUS LEVEL I LEVEL II LEVEL III LEVEL IV LEVEL V Fee Rate 0.15% 0.20% 0.25% 0.30%. 0.35% EuroDollar Margin 1.00% 1.25% 1.50% 1.75% 2.00% ABR Margin 0.00% 0.25% 0.50% 0.75% 1.00% For purposes of this Schedule, the following terms have the following meanings, subject to the concluding paragraph of this Schedule: “LEVEL I STATUS” exists at any date if, at such date, the Borrower’s credit rating is BBB+ or higher by S&P or Baa1 or higher by Xxxxx’x. “LEVEL II STATUS” exists at any date if, at such date, (i) the Borrower’s credit rating is BBB or higher by S&P or Baa2 or higher by Xxxxx’x and (ii) Level I Status does not exist. “LEVEL III STATUS” exists at any date if, at such date, (i) the Borrower’s credit rating is BBB- or higher by S&P or Baa3 or higher by Xxxxx’x and (ii) neither Level I Status nor Level II Status exists. “LEVEL IV STATUS” exists at any date if, at such date, (i) to Borrower’s credit rating is BB+ or higher by S&P or Ba1or higher by Xxxxx’x and (ii) none of Level I Status, Level II Status and Level III Status exists. “LEVEL V STATUS” exists at any date if, at such date, no other Status exists. “STATUS” refers to the determination of which of Level I Status, Level II Status, Level III Status, Level IV Status, or Level V Status exists at any date. The Eurodollar Margin, the ABR Margin and the Fee Rate shall be determined in accordance with the foregoing table based on the Borrower’s Status as of the last Business Day of the immediately preceding month. Adjustments, if any, to the Eurodollar Margin, the ABR Margin or the Fee Rate shall be effective from and after the first day of the first fiscal month immediately following such date until the first day of the first fiscal month immediately following the next such date. 76 The credit ratings to be utilized for purposes of this Schedule are those assigned to the senior unsecured long-term debt securities of the Borrower without third-party credit enhancement, and any rating assigned to any other debt security of the Borrower shall be disregarded. The rating in effect at any date is that in effect at the close of business on such date. In the case of split ratings from S&P’s and Xxxxx’x, the rating to be used to determine which Status applies is the higher of the two; provided that if the split is more than one notch, a ...