Fee Owner(s) definition

Fee Owner(s) means, individually, an entity which own a particular Property and collectively, the owners of all of the Properties.
Fee Owner(s) means, individually, an entity which owns a particular Property and collectively, the owners of all of the Properties.
Fee Owner(s) shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Paragraph D of the Background to this Agreement.

Examples of Fee Owner(s) in a sentence

  • Fee Owner(s) intend to convey to the State of Minnesota, acting through its Board of Water and Soil Resources, a Conservation Easement pursuant to Minn.

  • Private Cart Trail Fee Owners: A private cart that has been paid for is for the use of the owner and their immediate family members only.

  • Private Cart Trail Fee Owners: If your cart is unavailable for your use and you choose to ride one of the Fairmont carts the charge would be the same discounted price that other Members pay for the use of a Fairmont cart.

  • A listing, by name, address and telephone number, of all persons owning five percent or more of corporation stock in the recycling center, or a listing of the general and limited partners where applicable.

  • The Debtors’ theory ignores, however, the fact that the Fee Owners were also signatories to the NDAs and, as parties knowledgeable about the NDAs, the Fee Owners cannot invoke equitable estoppel here.

  • Id. To avoid generating revenue that would jeopardize its status under federal tax law, REITs such as the Fee Owners must lease their hotels either to a non-affiliated third party or to a taxable REIT subsidiary, such as the Tenant Entities.

  • To claim an Excess Mileage Fee, Owners should email help@carandaway.com within 24 hours with evidence of the agreed mileage limit and of its having been exceeded.

  • The rights granted to Hilton against the Fee Owners under the NDAs are significant because the Tenant Entities, with whom Hilton contracted, do not actually own the Resorts, and have few assets while the Fee Owners have significant assets, including direct ownership of the Resorts.

  • The Debtors include, but are not limited to, the entities that directly own the Resorts (the “Fee Owners”) and the entities that lease the Resorts from the Fee Owners (the “Tenant Entities”).This organization is consistent with the principles relating to real estate investment trusts, or REITs. A REIT is a corporation or business trust where investors combine their capital “to own and, in most cases, operate income-producing real estate” like the Resorts here.

  • If that were true, such a change in control of the equity ownership would presumably effect all of the other contracts to which the Fee Owners are a party, including the operating leases for these Resorts.

More Definitions of Fee Owner(s)

Fee Owner(s) has the meaning ascribed thereto in the recitals of this Agreement.
Fee Owner(s) means the Brighton Owner and the Golden Pond Owner.
Fee Owner(s) means the two land trusts identified as Trust 40935 and Trust 5602 in Exhibit 43 or any successor owner of any interest in the fee title to the Property.
Fee Owner(s) means the Biltmore Hotel Fee Owner and the Union Square Hotel Fee Owner, and “Fee Owner” means any of the Fee Owners, as applicable.
Fee Owner(s) means the Embassy Atlanta Buckhead Fee Owner, the Embassy Boston Marlborough Fee Owner, the Embassy Orlando South Fee Owner, the Embassy SF Airport Fee Owner, the Sheraton Cypress Creek Fee Owner, the Sheraton Atlanta Galleria Fee Owner and the Sheraton Society Hill Fee Owner, and “Fee Owner” means any of the Fee Owners.
Fee Owner(s) means the two land trusts identified as Trust 40935 and Trust 5602 in EXHIBIT 43 or any successor owner of any interest in the fee title to the Property.

Related to Fee Owner(s)

  • The Owners means the party identified in Box 3;

  • Co-owners means (a) all the allottees of Units in the Project excepting those who (i) have either not been delivered possession of any Unit or (ii) have not got the conveyance deed in respect of any Unit to be executed and registered in their favour; and (b) for all Units which are not alienated by execution of deed of conveyance or whose possession are not parted with by the Owner/Promoter, shall mean the respective Owner and/or Promoter;

  • Unit Owners shall according to the context, mean all purchasers and/or intending purchasers of different Flats / apartments / Units in the Buildings and shall also include the Builder in respect of such Flats / apartments / Units which are retained and/or not alienated and/or not agreed to be alienated for the time being by the Vendors and/or the Builder.

  • Operator means the operator of an internet website, online service, online application, or mobile application with actual knowledge that the site, service, or application is used for K–12 school purposes. Any entity that operates an internet website, online service, online application, or mobile application that has entered into a signed, written agreement with an LEA to provide a service to that LEA shall be considered an “operator” for the purposes of this section.

  • Property Owners association" or "association" means an incorporated or unincorporated entity upon

  • Association of unit owners means all of the unit owners:

  • Ground Lessor means, as to any Site, the “lessor,” “sublessor,” “landlord,” “licensor,” “sublicensor” or similar Person under the related Ground Lease.

  • Vehicle owner means the registered owner or

  • Owners means the party identified in Box 2.

  • Wet Lease means any arrangement whereby Owner or a Permitted Lessee agrees to furnish the Aircraft, Airframe or any Engine to a third party pursuant to which the Aircraft, Airframe or Engine shall at all times be in the operational control of Owner or a Permitted Lessee, provided that Owner’s obligations under the Trust Indenture shall continue in full force and effect notwithstanding any such arrangement.

  • Ground Lessee means the Owner Lessor as lessee of the Ground Interest under the Facility Site Lease.

  • Designated Manager means manager designated by your business unit or department to supervise your personal trading and investing activities.

  • Participating institution means an "institution" as defined in KRS 164.001 that actively participates in the federal Pell Grant program, executes a contract with the authority on terms the authority deems necessary or appropriate for the administration of its programs, and:

  • Contract Owner means the holder of interests in a variable annuity or variable life insurance contract issued by the Company.

  • Timber owner means any person having all or any part of the legal interest in timber. Where such timber is subject to a contract of sale, "timber owner" shall mean the contract purchaser.

  • Designated facility means (a hazardous waste treatment, storage, or disposal facility which :

  • Training Institution means the Grantee.

  • Site Supervisor means a Site employee, member, or volunteer, who is responsible for monitoring and supervising the Student throughout the Program.

  • Amenity Manager – shall mean the District Manager or that person or firm so designated by the District’s Board of Supervisors, including their employees.

  • Owner or operator means any person who owns, leases, operates, controls, or supervises a stationary source.

  • Property Manager means an entity that has been retained to perform and carry out at one or more of the Properties property-management services, excluding persons, entities or independent contractors retained or hired to perform facility management or other services or tasks at a particular Property, the costs for which are passed through to and ultimately paid by the tenant at such Property.

  • Master Tenant means any entity approved by HUD now or hereafter leasing the Healthcare Facility pursuant to a Master Lease.

  • Project Owner means the legal entity that ultimately owns the Project and to which Tax Credits will be allocated.

  • Owner Participant With respect to any Equipment Note relating to a Leased Aircraft, means the "Owner Participant" as referred to in the Indenture pursuant to which such Equipment Note is issued and any permitted successor or assign of such Owner Participant; and OWNER PARTICIPANTS at any time of determination means all of the Owner Participants thus referred to in the Indentures.

  • Owner’s Representative has the meaning given in Section 2.2.

  • Immediate Supervisor means the person immediately superior to an employee who directs and supervises the work of that employee.