Expected Energy definition

Expected Energy has the meaning set forth in the CAISO Tariff.
Expected Energy means [XXX,XXX] MWh during the first Contract Year and for each Contract Year thereafter during the Delivery Term. [If there is an annual adjustment for degradation, this should be noted.]
Expected Energy means the quantity of Energy that Seller expects to be able to deliver to Buyer from the Facility during each Contract Year in the quantity specified on the Cover Sheet.

Examples of Expected Energy in a sentence

  • The “Curtailment Cap” equals the Expected Energy per Contract Year, in MWh, equal to fifty (50) hours multiplied by the Guaranteed Capacity.

  • Buyer shall pay Seller the Renewable Rate for each MWh of Generating Facility Energy, plus Deemed Delivered Energy, if any, up to one hundred five percent (105%) of the Expected Energy for each Contract Year.

  • If applicable for new eligible PTC resources, during the period (not to exceed a total of one hundred twenty (120) consecutive months) in which Seller is receiving PTCs, Buyer shall pay the PTC Amount for Deemed Delivered Energy above the Curtailment Cap until the sum of Delivered Energy plus the amount of Deemed Delivered Energy above the Curtailment Cap exceeds one hundred percent (100%) of the Expected Energy for such Contract Year.

More Definitions of Expected Energy

Expected Energy. “Expected Energy” means [XXX,XXX] MWh during the first 12-month Contract Year and for each 12-month Contract Year thereafter during the Delivery Term. [If there is an annual adjustment for degradation, this should be noted with a table.] Renewable Rate: The “Renewable Rate” shall be $[XX]/MWh, with no escalation or, if applicable, $[XX]/MWh with escalation at [2% per Contract Year].
Expected Energy means [ ] MWh of Net Output in the first full Contract Year, measured at the Point of Delivery, which is Seller's best estimate of the projected long-term average annual Net Output production based upon average wind conditions at the Facility and the Expected Nameplate Capacity Rating. Seller estimates that the Net Output will be delivered during each Contract Year according to the estimates of monthly Net Output set forth in Exhibit A. If at Final Completion the Facility's Nameplate Capacity Rating is less than the Expected Nameplate Capacity Rating, Expected Energy shall be reduced proportionally per year for each full MW of Nameplate Capacity Rating below the Expected Nameplate Capacity Rating. Seller acknowledges that PacifiCorp will include Expected Energy in PacifiCorp's resource planning. PacifiCorp acknowledges that wind conditions are variable and that the Facility's actual annual output of Net Output in the ordinary course in any given year will be subject to variation caused by differences in the actual wind speeds at the Facility from year to year.
Expected Energy means the quantity of PV Energy that Seller expects to be able to deliver to Buyer from the Generating Facility during each Contract Year, which for each Contract Year is the quantity specified on the Cover Sheet, which amount shall be adjusted proportionately to the reduction from Guaranteed PV Capacity to Installed PV Capacity pursuant to Section 5(a) of Exhibit B, if applicable.
Expected Energy means, for any Contract Year, the Expected Net Output for such Contract Year as determined in accordance with Exhibit A of this Agreement. If at Final Completion the Facility’s Nameplate Capacity Rating is less than the Expected Nameplate Capacity Rating (but at least equal to or greater than the Required Percentage of the Expected Nameplate Capacity Rating), then the Expected Net Output and the Expected Energy in each Contract Year shall be reduced proportionally for each full MW of Nameplate Capacity Rating below the Expected Nameplate Capacity Rating. Seller acknowledges that PacifiCorp will include the Expected Energy in PacifiCorp’s resource planning.
Expected Energy has the meaning set forth in the CAISO Tariff. “Expected Initial Delivery Date” is the date set forth in Section 2.03.
Expected Energy means the quantity of Facility Energy that Seller expects to be able to deliver to Buyer from the Facility during each Contract Year, which is the quantity specified on the Cover Sheet for each Contract Year.
Expected Energy. “Expected Energy” means [XXX,XXX] MWh during the first 12-month Contract Year and for each 12-month Contract Year thereafter during the Delivery Term. [If there is an annual adjustment for degradation, this should be noted.][Note – not applicable for shaped product.] Hourly Settlement Quantity: [If Seller is providing a shaped product]Hour Ending Hourly Settlement Quantity (MWh) 0100 - 0600 N/A 2300 - 2400 N/A