Marine terminal definition

Marine terminal means a public or private commercial wharf
Marine terminal means a public or private commercial wharf located in the navigable water of the state and used, or intended to be used, as a port or facility for the storing, handling, transferring, or transporting of goods to and from vessels.
Marine terminal means a facility of any kind, other than a

Examples of Marine terminal in a sentence

  • Marine terminal waiting time payments received by the Company shall be promptly delivered no later than thirty (30) days after the Company receives it to the owner operators and employees without any deductions, in accordance with the B.C. Container Trucking Act and any other applicable legislation.

More Definitions of Marine terminal

Marine terminal means a source that loads and unloads water craft.
Marine terminal means one of the following:
Marine terminal means Operator’s marine terminal and LNG receiving, storage and regasification facilities located at the Port, including all berths, buoys, gear, craft, equipment, plant, facilities and property of any kind (whether afloat or ashore) located thereat or adjacent thereto and in the ownership, possession or control of the Terminal Interests.
Marine terminal means an area which includes piers, which is
Marine terminal means any marine facility used for transferring oil to or from a tank ship or tank barge.
Marine terminal means a source that loads and unloads water craft. (Source: Amended at 18 Ill. Reg. 16379, effective October 25, 1994)
Marine terminal means a large storage facility which receives product via barge or similar conveyance. It does not mean bulk storage facilities located near lakes or rivers, such as are used by petroleum distributors, and which typically receive product via truck.