Encroach definition

Encroach means constructing or placing permanent structures or improvements over, upon, under, or using any public right-of-way or watercourse in any manner other than its intended use.
Encroach or “Encroachment” means the placement in, on, under, or over an opened or unopened Highway or Public right-of-way with equipment, gates, fences, buildings, structures, materials, or otherwise which is owned by a person, or any other activity on or occupancy of a Highway or Public right-of-way by a person or entity creating a trespass, for a definable and continuous, but temporary period of time. Encroachments can be “authorized” or “unauthorized”. An encroachment is “authorized” if ACHD has issued a license agreement or permit allowing it to remain, at the sole and complete discretion of ACHD, subject to certain requirements, specifications and conditions established by ACHD. An encroachment is “unauthorized” if ACHD has not issued a license agreement or permit allowing it and it is subject to enforcement and removal under Idaho Code section 40-2319.
Encroach means constructing or placing temporary or permanent structures, improvements, facilities or materials in, on, over, or under any public right-of-way or using any right-of-way so as to prevent, obstruct, or interfere with the normal use of that way, including but not limited to the performance of any of the following acts:

Examples of Encroach in a sentence

  • The Applicant Also Requests Approval of a Design Enhancement Exception to Allow the Basement to Encroach Into the Required Rear Yard Setback Below Grade.

  • The owner shall complete “Application for Permission to Encroach on Utility and/or Drainage Easement or Right-of-Way” and “Permit for Encroachment on Easement or Right-of-Way” for work associated with the development that encroaches on Utility easements.

  • Encroach shall also include the placing, depositing, or parking of any trailer, truck or like vehicle adjacent to or in close proximity to aforementioned work, and which is being so used for such purposes.

  • Consideration, Discussion and Possible Approval of Request of an Assignment of a License to Encroach from Wayne and Marilyn Blackmon’s Living Trusts to Stanley and Patsy Rhea for Property Located in Mayes County, Oklahoma.

  • The applicant was advised to contact the adjoining owners and they subsequently signed the Notice and Request for Consent to Encroach or Adversely Affect form (BA20).

More Definitions of Encroach

Encroach or “Encroaching” means constructing or placing temporary or permanent structures, improvements, Facilities or materials in, on, over, or under any ROW or using any ROW so as to prevent, obstruct, or interfere with the normal use of that way. The right to encroach is in the nature of a license and is revocable by the City at any time as provided herein. Encroachment includes, but is not limited to, the performance of any of the following acts:
Encroach means to break the plane of a regulatory limit with a structural element, so it extends into a setback, right-of-way, or other regulatory limit.
Encroach means an intrusion of a building or structure into a required minimum yard, as explicitly permitted by this By- law. Encroach and encroached shall have a corresponding meaning.
Encroach means to break the plane of a regulatory limit with a structural element, so it extends into a setback or into the right-of-way.
Encroach means to construct, erect, or maintain in, over, or under any public places, right-of-way or easement, roadway, parking strip, and/or sidewalk and including the airspace over the area beneath the surface of the ‘public spaces’.
Encroach and “encroachment” shall mean going upon, over, under, within, or using or doing work upon any right-of-way so as to prevent, obstruct, or interfere with the normal use of the right-of-way. “Encroach” and “encroachment” shall include the performance on a right-of-way of any of the following acts:
Encroach means to place or cause to be placed any material or structure in any lakes and ponds which are public waters or to alter, or cause to be altered, the lands underlying any waters, or to place or cause to be placed any bridge, dock, boathouse, cable, pipeline or similar structure beyond the shoreline as established by the mean water level of any lakes and ponds which are public waters under the jurisdiction of the board;