Setback definition

Setback means the minimum distance from a specified boundary that a structure or other feature must be located.
Setback means the right-angled distance from a lot line or street boundary to the nearest part of a main building on the lot.
Setback means the required horizontal distance between any portion of a structure and the river's edge, measured at the structure's closest point to the river's edge.

Examples of Setback in a sentence

  • Setback requirements shall be as specified in Section 4.1, below.

More Definitions of Setback

Setback means a specified distance from surface waters or potential conduits to surface waters where manure, litter, and process wastewater may not be land applied. Examples of conduits or potential conduits include the following:
Setback means the shortest horizontal distance between the centreline of a street adjacent to a lot and the nearest part of any building, structure, excavation or open storage on such lot.
Setback means the minimum horizontal separation distance between the wastewater system and features listed in Section .0600 of this Subchapter.
Setback means the perpendicular distance that a development must be set back from the front, side or rear property boundaries of the parcel as specified in the particular District in which the development is located;
Setback means the minimum separation in linear feet, measured on a horizontal plane, required between a treatment works, disposal system, or utilization system and physical features such as building, roads, property lines, or water bodies.
Setback from a boundary or building, means a horizontal distance from that boundary or building;
Setback means the shortest horizontal distance from a particular boundary or Building to another boundary or Building (excepting matters specifically referred to in this MCP).