Examples of Disconnection in a sentence
Please see Disconnection under the Level 1 Interconnection Request Application Form and Agreement or Temporary Disconnection under the Level 2-4 Standard Agreement for Interconnection of Small Generator Facilities of the DCSGIR, which are applicable to your generating facility based on its level of review.
Disconnection of a residential customer may take place only between the hours of 6 a.m. and 2 p.m. on a weekday and not on weekends or holidays.
See System Disturbances and Service Disruptions, and Disconnection of Electric Service in the Service Regulations.
Examples of activities that threaten or cause endangerment to employees’ personal safety include, but are not limited to: • Verbal and physical abuse;• Use of vicious animals;• Brandishing or referencing use of weapons; and• Purposefully creating unsafe working environment on premise Disconnection of service shall not terminate the contract between the Company and the customer nor shall it abrogate any minimum service charge or other monthly charge as specified in the applicable tariff.
Customer also understands and agrees that if the Customer has multiple accounts with Stream, that Stream may, at its sole discretion, issue separate bills and notices (including Disconnection Notices) to the Customer for each account the Customer holds with Stream.