Direct involvement definition

Direct involvement means ownership or operation of the trains on which individuals were transported to extermination camps, death camps, or any facility used to transition individuals to extermination camps or death camps during the period beginning on September 1, 1939, and ending on September 2, 1945.
Direct involvement means ownership or operation of the trains on which individuals were transported to extermination camps, death camps, or any facility used to transition individuals to those camps from September 1, 1939, until September 2, 1945. “Reparations” includes any restitution or settlement paid by an entity to all identifiable victims in connection with the entity’s direct involvement in deportations. It does not include any other restitution or settlement paid by the entity or any affiliated party or foreign government that does not specifically arise from the entity’s direct involvement in deportations.
Direct involvement means ownership or operation

Examples of Direct involvement in a sentence

  • Direct involvement by the awarded Respondent may be necessary to assist Members in understanding the different types of products/services available and in selecting the best solution to fit their needs.

  • Direct involvement in individual estuaries will occur via existing forums for intergovernmental coordination.

  • Direct involvement by the awarded Respondent may be necessary to assist Members in understanding the different types of services available and in selecting the best solution to fit their needs.

  • Direct involvement in campus activities is required of all full-time faculty members because the collaborative nature of our educational efforts demands time spent with one another and with our students.

  • Yet, if wrongdoers go to God with a humble heart andcontrite spirit of brokenness, repent and confess their sins to Him, He is merciful and gracious and forgives sins.

  • Provide an organizational chart which indicates the management structure of the program within the district Note: Direct involvement of school/district administrator is required.

  • The results of the consultancy and any intellectual property vested there in shall revert to CHIP, which shall determine its further use.

  • Further the student is disallowed from appearing in supplementary examination(E) Category 4 (Direct involvement in unethical means and lacking integrity): Nature of Offence(a) Smuggling in an answer-book, taking out or arranging to send out an answer- book.(b) Writing deliberately another students' roll no.

  • Direct involvement by the awarded Supplier may be necessary to assist Members in understanding the different types of products/services available and in selecting the best solution to fit their needs.

  • Direct involvement in political campaigning during scheduled work hours.

More Definitions of Direct involvement

Direct involvement means that a community representative/contract partner participates as a member of the CPI Committee.

Related to Direct involvement

  • Substantial Involvement means involvement on the part of the Government. DOE's involvement may include shared responsibility for the performance of the Project; providing technical assistance or guidance which the Applicant is to follow; and the right to intervene in the conduct or performance of the Project. Such involvement will be negotiated with each Applicant prior to signing any agreement.

  • Competitor means any business, individual, partnership, joint venture, association, firm, corporation or other entity, other than the Employer or its affiliates or subsidiaries, engaged, wholly or partly, in Company Activities.

  • Commercial cannabis activity means the production, cultivation,

  • Developing means to engage in Development and “Developed” has a corresponding meaning.

  • Direct Competitor means any individual, partnership, corporation, limited liability company, association, or other group, however organized, who competes with the Company in the full service restaurant business.

  • Competing Business means any person or entity that competes with the Company Group in the sale, marketing, production, distribution, research or development of Competing Products in the same markets.

  • Role means the part or parts an Actor plays in a performance, or the "track" that an Artist follows in performance. The Artist may agree to participate in scene changes and/or supplemental business as part of their originally contracted Role.

  • Competing Activities means the same or similar services as Xxxxxx Xxx Ltd is providing to the Restaurant under this Agreement or other activities having a similar purpose.

  • Direct services means special education services provided by a special education teacher when the services are related to instruction, including cooperative teaching.

  • Direct filtration means a series of processes including coagulation and filtration but excluding sedimentation resulting in substantial particulate removal.

  • Competing Services means to provide, manage, supervise, or consult about (whether as an employee, owner, partner, stockholder, investor, joint venturer, lender, director, manager, officer, employee, consultant, independent contractor, representative or agent, or otherwise) any services that are similar in purpose or function to services you provided to the Company in the two year period preceding the termination of your employment, that might involve the use or disclosure of Confidential Information, or that would involve business opportunities related to Relevant Products.

  • Competitive Business Activity means:

  • Activities has the meaning specified in Section 7.02(b).

  • Prospective Student means an Applicant for admission to an Educational Institution.

  • Medical Affairs Activities means, with respect to any country or other jurisdiction in the Territory, the coordination of medical information requests and field based medical scientific liaisons with respect to Licensed Compounds or Licensed Products, including activities of medical scientific liaisons and the provision of medical information services with respect to a Licensed Compound or Licensed Product.

  • Development Activities means those activities which are normally undertaken for the development, construction, repair, renovation, rehabilitation or conversion of buildings for residential purposes, including the acquisition of property;

  • Development Activity means any activity defined as Development which will necessitate a Floodplain Development Permit. This includes buildings, structures, and non-structural items, including (but not limited to) fill, bulkheads, piers, pools, docks, landings, ramps, and erosion control/stabilization measures.

  • Coordinator means the person designated by Canada to act as the Dispute Resolution Coordinator.

  • Competitive Activities means any business activities in which the Company or any other member of the Company Group engage (or have committed plans to engage) during the Term of Employment, or, following termination of Employee’s employment hereunder, was engaged in business (or had committed plans to engage) at the time of such termination of employment.

  • Direct service means providing services to minor or vulnerable adult when the services are rendered in the physical presence of the minor or vulnerable adult. Services include, but are not limited to: providing individual services such as counseling, mentoring, job coaching, training, job search activities, testing or providing mental health and medical services to DWS customers. See Title 62A, Utah Human Services Code, Chapter 5, Services for People with Disabilities.

  • Project Activities means the activities to be undertaken or Works to be delivered or Property to be contributed or provided by you, your approved Sub-Grantees or your approved sub- contractors as summarised in the Particulars and more particularly described in the Agreed Proposal for which Xxxxx is payable under this Agreement;

  • Involved means having a license censured, suspended, revoked, canceled, terminated; or, being assessed a fine, a cease and desist order, a prohibition order, a compliance order, placed on probation, sanctioned or surrendering a license to resolve an administrative action. “Involved” also means being named as a party to an administrative or arbitration proceeding, which is related to a professional or occupational license or registration. “Involved” also means having a license application denied or the act of withdrawing an application to avoid a denial. You may EXCLUDE terminations due solely to noncompliance with continuing education requirements or failure to pay a renewal fee.

  • Business Activities shall be deemed to include any activities which are included in the Company's Business now or during the effective period of this Agreement.

  • High Risk Activities means activities where the use or failure of the Services would reasonably be expected to result in death, serious personal injury, or severe environmental or property damage (such as the creation or operation of weaponry).

  • Direct relationship means that the nature of criminal conduct for which the person was convicted has a direct bearing on his fitness or ability to perform one or more of the duties or responsibilities necessarily related to the license, opportunity, or job in question.

  • Competitive Products or Services means, as of any time, those products or services of the type that any of the Bank Entities is providing, or is actively preparing to provide, to its customers.