Competitor definition

Competitor means any business, individual, partnership, joint venture, association, firm, corporation or other entity, other than the Employer or its affiliates or subsidiaries, engaged, wholly or partly, in Company Activities.
Competitor means any Person that is engaged in (or intends or proposes to engage in, or has been organized for the purpose of engaging in) a Competing Business in the Company’s Market Area.
Competitor means any entity or person that provides or is planning to provide a Covered Product or Service in competition with a Covered Product or Service that an AMERIGROUP Company is actively developing, marketing, providing or selling.

Examples of Competitor in a sentence

  • For the good and valuable consideration offered to the Executive under this Agreement, the sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, during the Restricted Period, the Executive will not, directly or indirectly, without the express written consent of the Board solicit clients, customers or accounts of the Company for or on behalf of any Direct Competitor, or otherwise interfere with the Company’s relationship with any current, former, or potential clients or customers.

  • Activities that trigger the forfeiture and repayment rules are divided into two categories: Misconduct and Competitor Conduct.

  • The parties agree that there is no right to be heard or to appear before the Administrator and that any decision of the Administrator relating to this Agreement, including whether conduct constitutes Misconduct or Competitor Conduct, is final and binding.

  • For the good and valuable consideration offered to the Executive under this Agreement, the sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, during the Restricted Period, the Executive will not, directly or indirectly ,solicit any person who is or shall be in the employ or service of the Company to leave such employ or service for employment with or service to the Company, or otherwise attempt to induce any such person to provide services to a Direct Competitor.

  • For the good and valuable consideration offered to the Executive under this Agreement, the sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, during the Restricted Period, the Executive will not, directly or indirectly, solicit any person who is or shall be in the employ or service of the Company to leave such employ or service for employment with or service to the Company, or otherwise attempt to induce any such person to provide services to a Direct Competitor.

More Definitions of Competitor

Competitor means any individual or entity that, at any time during the Term, whether directly or through an Affiliate, owns in whole or in part, or is the licensor or franchisor of a Competing Brand, irrespective of the number of hotels owned, licensed or franchised under such Competing Brand name. A Competitor does not include an individual or entity that: (i) is a franchisee of a Competing Brand; (ii) manages a Competing Brand hotel, so long as the individual or entity is not the exclusive manager of the Competing Brand; or (iii) owns a minority interest in a Competing Brand, so long as neither that individual or entity nor any of its Affiliates is an officer, director, or employee of the Competing Brand, provides services (including as a consultant) to the Competing Brand, or exercises, or has the right to exercise, Control over the business decisions of the Competing Brand.
Competitor means any Person engaged, wholly or in part, in Competitive Services.
Competitor means (i) any Person operating an Eligible Business and (ii) any Affiliate of any Person described in clause (i) (other than any Affiliate of such Person as a result of common control by a Governmental Authority or instrumentality thereof and any Affiliate of such Person under common control with such Person which Affiliate is not actively involved in the management and/or operations of such Person).
Competitor means any entity that provides products or services that compete with or are alternatives to the principal products produced or services provided by the Corporation or its affiliates;
Competitor means a Person engaged, directly or indirectly (including through any partnership, limited liability company, corporation, joint venture or similar arrangement (whether now existing or formed hereafter)), in substantially the same business as the Company, but shall not include any financial investment firm or collective investment vehicle that, together with its Affiliates, holds less than 20% of the outstanding equity of any Competitor and does not, nor do any of its Affiliates, have a right to designate any members of the board of directors of such Competitor.
Competitor means an individual, business or any other entity or enterprise engaged or having publicly announced its intent to engage in the sale or marketing of any Competing Product or Service.
Competitor means a competitor of, the Borrower or any of its Subsidiaries.