Data Recipient definition

Data Recipient means a legal or natural person, acting for purposes which are related to that person’s trade, business, craft or profession, other than the user of a product or a related service, to whom the data holder makes data available, including a third party following a request by the user to the data holder or in accordance with a legal obligation under Union law or national legislation implementing Union law;
Data Recipient means the party (being either the Association or #[Party 2], as appropriate) to whom Data is disclosed;
Data Recipient means a Participant that uses the Services to obtain health information.

Examples of Data Recipient in a sentence

  • In particular, the Data Recipient agrees to send the information and documents requested by the Board regarding the subject of the investigation, to provide the opportunity for on-site inspection when necessary and to comply with the instructions given by the Board to eliminate the detected illegalities.

  • The Data Recipient agrees to cooperate with the Authority in all kinds of works and transactions to ensure compliance with this Agreement, to be subject to the authority of the Board and to fulfill the decisions made by the Board.

  • NT Power shall have the right to assign this Agreement or any rights hereunder without the consent of Data Recipient in the event of a merger, sale of assets or business, or other transfer of control by operation of law or otherwise, provided that the assignee shall assume all obligations and rights hereunder.

  • Data Recipient may terminate this Agreement at any time for any reason.

  • Participant may be a Data Provider, a Data Recipient, or both (each as defined on Exhibit A).

More Definitions of Data Recipient

Data Recipient means the party (being either #[Party1] or #[Party 2], as appropriate) to whom Data is disclosed;
Data Recipient means the party (being either the Association or [Party 2], as appropriate) to whom Data is disclosed;
Data Recipient means a Participant that is registered to obtain Patient Data from the HIE.
Data Recipient means a natural or legal person that receives data from another controller in the context of the primary use of electronic health data;
Data Recipient means entities or persons who receive Data Products through the Data Republic Platform pursuant to the terms and conditions outlined in the Data Recipient Module and any applicable Approved Data Licence.
Data Recipient means an individual or entity au- thorized to receive data under RCW 43.71C.100.