Continuously Operate definition

Continuously Operate or “Continuous Operation” means that when an SCR, FGD, ESP, or Other NOx Pollution Controls are used at a Unit, except during a Malfunction, they shall be operated at all times such Unit is in operation, consistent with the technological limitations, manufacturers’ specifications, and good engineering and maintenance practices for such equipment and the Unit so as to minimize emissions to the greatest extent practicable.
Continuously Operate or “Continuous Operation” shall mean that, unless otherwise specified, when a Control Technology or a PM Early Warning System is used pursuant to the terms of this Consent Decree, it shall be operated at all times of Process System Operation, consistent with good engineering and maintenance practices for such Control Technology, PM Early Warning System or the Process System, as applicable, and good air pollution control practices for minimizing emissions in accordance with 40 C.F.R. § 60.11(d).
Continuously Operate or “Continuous Operation” means that when a pollution control technology or combustion control is used at a Unit (including, but not limited to, SCR, FGD, PM Control Device, SNCR, Low NOx Burner (“LNB”), Overfire Air (“OFA”) or Separated Overfire Air (“SOFA”)), it shall be operated at all times such Unit is in operation (except during a Malfunction that is determined to be a Force Majeure Event), so as to minimize emissions to the greatest extent technically practicable consistent with the technological limitations, manufacturers= specifications, fire prevention codes, and good engineering and maintenance practices for such pollution control technology or combustion control and the Unit.

Examples of Continuously Operate in a sentence

  • Any Other Unit in the AEP Eastern System can become an Improved Unit for NOx if it is equipped with an SCR and the requirement to Continuously Operate such SCR is incorporated into a federally-enforceable non-Title V permit or site-specific amendment to the state implementation plan and the Title V Permit applicable to that Unit.

  • Any Other Unit in the AEP Eastern System can become an Improved Unit for SO2 if it is equipped with an FGD and the requirement to Continuously Operate such FGD is incorporated into a federally-enforceable non-Title V permit or site- specific amendment to the state implementation plan and the Title V Permit applicable to that Unit.

  • Beginning thirty (30) days after the Date of Entry, and continuing thereafter, Defendants shall Continuously Operate each ESP on Cardinal Unit 1, Cardinal Unit 2, and Muskingum River Unit 5 to maximize PM emission reductions at all times when the Unit is inoperation, provided that such operation of the ESP is consistent with the technological limitations, manufacturers’ specifications, and good engineering and maintenance practices for the ESP.

  • This suggests that Brazilian MNCs are more involved in host countries exhibiting an improved institutional environment in terms of business climate, political stability, law enforcement, and government effectiveness.When it comes to Russia the IDP model - though successfully tested for transition countries (Andreff, 2003a) - does not entirely account for the whole specificity of Russian MNCs any longer.

  • Commencing for each Cyclone-fired Unit on the dates set forth in Table 2 below, NIPSCO shall Continuously Operate the NOx control technology at each Cyclone- fired Unit in the NIPSCO System as stated in Table 2 and achieve and continuously maintain the 365-Day Rolling Average Emission Rates for NOx set forth in Table 2.

More Definitions of Continuously Operate

Continuously Operate or “Continuous Operation” means that when an SCR, SNCR, FGD, RI, ESP, Baghouse (if applicable), or Low NOx Burner Combustion System is used at a Unit, except as otherwise provided by Section XV (Force Majeure), it shall be operated at all times such Unit is in operation, consistent with the technological limitations, manufacturers’ specifications, and good engineering and maintenance practices for such equipment and the Unit so as to minimize emissions to the greatest extent practicable.
Continuously Operate or “Continuous Operation” means that when a pollution control technology or combustion control is required to be continuously used at a Unit pursuant to the Consent Decree (including, but not limited to, SCR, FGD, ESP, Baghouse, or Low NOx Combustion System), it shall be operated at all times such Unit is in operation (except as otherwise provided by Section XII (Force Majeure)), consistent with the technological limitations, manufacturers’ specifications, good engineering and maintenance practices, and good air pollution control practices for minimizing emissions (as defined in 40 C.F.R. §60.11(d)) for such equipment and the Unit. (R 336.1201, Act 451, Section 324.5503(b); 2020 Civil Action No. 2:10-cv-13101- BAF-RSW, E.D. Michigan, paragraph 4k)
Continuously Operate means the operation of the Store during customary days and hours for Sprouts to operate its other stores, subject to temporary closures for repairs and restorationand closures that are reasonably outside the control of Sprouts (such as events of casualty or condemnation).
Continuously Operate or “Continuous Operation” means that when a pollution control technology or combustion control is required to be continuously used at a Unit pursuant to this Consent Decree (including, but not limited to, SCR, SNCR, DFGD, ESP, Baghouse, or Low NOx Combustion System), it shall be operated at all times such Unit is in operation (except as otherwise provided by Section XV (Force Majeure)), consistent with the technological limitations, manufacturers’ specifications, good engineering and maintenance practices, and good air pollution control practices for minimizing emissions (as defined in 40 C.F.R. § 60.11(d)) for such equipment and the Unit.
Continuously Operate or “Continuous Operation” shall mean that when a Control Technology is used at the Cape Girardeau Kiln, it shall be operated at all times of Kiln Operation, excluding Malfunction of the Control Technology, consistent with the technological limitations, manufacturers' specifications, and good engineering and maintenance practices for such Control Technology and the Cape Girardeau Kiln. For example, the requirement to continuously operate SNCR does not require that the SNCR be operated under conditions where the Cape Girardeau Kiln has not reached or is no longer maintaining the minimum temperature for reagent injection.
Continuously Operate means (i) operation of the designated element of the Project continuously in accordance with the standards of operation of comparable facilities, without interruption for any reason other than Down Times and (ii) possession of all personal property and inventory necessary for the operation of the designated element in accordance with the standard of operation of comparable facilities.
Continuously Operate or “Continuous Operation” means that when a pollution control technology or combustion control is required to be continuously used at a Unit pursuant to this Consent Decree (including, but not limited to, SCR, DFGD, ESP, Baghouse, or Low NOx