Contaminated sediment definition

Contaminated sediment means sediment that is contaminated as determined by the concentrations of the contaminants, actual circumstances of exposure, biological diversity studies, toxicity testing, or other evidence of harmful effects, as applicable. [Refer to the sediment guidelines referenced in subsections 62-780.100(1) and (6), F.A.C., for guidance on the evaluation of contaminant concentrations, sediment quality conditions, and testing methods.]
Contaminated sediment means sediment that contains a hazardous substance.
Contaminated sediment means surface sediments designated under the procedures of WAC 173-204-310 as exceeding the applicable sediment quality standards of WAC 173-204-320 through 173-204-340.

Examples of Contaminated sediment in a sentence

  • Contaminated sediment shall be disposed of at a facility authorized to accept such material.

  • Newton, the New York Panther 21, the Presidio 27, and all political prisoners!’”9 Toward the end of Clarence Smith’s FBI File, it reads:24 members of the compound were convicted of firearms violations.13 Red House sits about 66 miles from Danville, VA, Clarence Smith’s birthplace.

  • Contaminated sediment is not present, as demonstrated by the analyses of sediment samples collected from representative sampling locations (unless the Department has concurred that sediment sampling is unnecessary based on the site-specific conditions), or the concentrations of contaminants in sediment do not exceed the background concentrations.

  • Contaminated sediment remediation approaches, technologies, and techniques.

  • Contaminated sediment affects all of the remaining BUIs (Table 1).

More Definitions of Contaminated sediment

Contaminated sediment means surface sediments exceeding the applicable sediment quality standards in WAC 173-204-320 through 173-204-340 or the applicable sediment cleanup standards in WAC 173-204-560.
Contaminated sediment means sediment that contains a hazardous substance. [Wis. Stat. § 292.01(1s)]
Contaminated sediment means sediment that is contaminated with petroleum or petroleum products or their chemical constituents as determined by the concentrations of the petroleum or petroleum products’ contaminants of concern, actual circumstances of exposure, biological diversity studies, toxicity testing, or other evidence of harmful effects, as applicable. [Refer to the sediment guidelines referenced in subsection 62-770.140(2), F.A.C. for guidance on the evaluation of concentrations of petroleum products’ contaminants of concern, sediment quality conditions, and testing methods.]
Contaminated sediment means sediment that is contaminated as determined by the concentrations of the contaminants,
Contaminated sediment means sediment that contains hazardous substances at concentrations that could harm microbial, benthic invertebrate, plant, fish, avian or mammalian communities.
Contaminated sediment means sediment that is contaminated with petroleum or petroleum products or their chemical constituents as determined by the concentrations of the
Contaminated sediment means sediment that is contaminated with petroleum or petroleum products or their chemical constituents to the extent that contamination may be harmful to human health or the environment result in an adverse human health or biological effect as determined by the concentrations of the petroleum or petroleum products’ contaminants chemicals of concern, actual circumstances of exposure, diversity studies, or toxicity testing or other evidence of harmful effects, as applicable. (Refer to the Development and Evaluation of Sediment Quality Assessment Guidelines, Volumes 1-4, dated November 1994, for guidance on the evaluation of concentrations of petroleum products’ contaminants of concern and sediment quality conditions.)