Contaminated soil definition

Contaminated soil means soil that meets all of the following criteria:
Contaminated soil means any soil which has been exposed to an organic or inorganic contaminant in excess of standards prescribed or adopted by the Minister, and that has caused, is causing, or may cause an adverse effect;
Contaminated soil means soil which contains contaminant concentrations in excess of the applicable remediation criteria cited in the CCME's “Canadian Environmental Quality Guidelines” report ISBN 896-997-34-1, update 5.0, 2006, or any future amendment thereof;

Examples of Contaminated soil in a sentence

  • Contaminated soil shall not be transported until all sampling and analysis, as required by the Department or by the Disposal facility, have been performed and laboratory reports have been provided and accepted by the Department.

  • Contaminated soil analysis testing shall be considered incidental to this line item.

  • Contaminated soil is subject to the land disposal restrictions, generally, when it contains a listed hazardous waste or when it exhibits a characteristic of hazardous waste.

  • Contaminated soil and river sediments are a potential source of radiation exposure for people and biota in the environment.

  • Contaminated soil should not be disposed of at public fill reception facilities or sorting facilities (See also Paragraph 3.5.4 of Chapter 3).

More Definitions of Contaminated soil

Contaminated soil means, for the purposes of this chapter, a soil that, as a result of a release or human usage, has absorbed or adsorbed physical, chemical, or radiological substances at concentrations above those consistent with nearby undisturbed soil or natural earth materials.
Contaminated soil means soil or sediment or fill material containing substances in quantities or concentrations greater than those specified in the Contaminated Sites Regulation but is not a Hazardous Waste as identified in the Hazardous Waste Regulation.
Contaminated soil means soil which contains one or more hazardous substances or environmental pollution and which is not a hazardous waste as defined in s. NR 660.10 (52) or 42 USC. [Wis. Admin. Code § NR 718.03(5)].
Contaminated soil means soil containing detectable quantities of contaminants of concern.
Contaminated soil means soil, rocks, dirt, or earth that has been made impure by contact, commingling, or consolidation with organic compounds such as petroleum hydrocarbons. This definition does not include soils contaminated solely by inorganic metals, soils that meet the definition of hazardous waste under ARM Title 17, chapter 53, or regulated PCB (polychlorinated biphenyls) contaminated soils.
Contaminated soil means soil which
Contaminated soil means any soil that does not meet the definition of "natural background" in the soil cleanup standards of the chapter 173-340 WAC, as currently enacted and as hereafter amended.