Consensus definition

Consensus. ’ means unanimous concur- rence among the interests represented on a ne- gotiated rulemaking committee established under this subchapter, unless such commit- tee—
Consensus means all Expansion Stakeholders have notified Aurizon Network that they consider that a particular draft Pricing Proposal from Aurizon Network for an Expansion represents an acceptable distribution of Expansion Costs and apportionment of Volume Risk that is consistent with the Expansion Pricing Principles;
Consensus means the absence of any formal objection made at the time the decision is taken;

Examples of Consensus in a sentence

  • Registry Operator shall be afforded a reasonable period of time following notice of the establishment of a Consensus Policy or Temporary Policy in which to comply with such policy or specification, taking into account any urgency involved.

  • In the event of a conflict between Registry Services and Consensus Policies or any Temporary Policy, the Consensus Polices or Temporary Policy shall control, but only with respect to subject matter in conflict.

  • If the period of time for which the Temporary Policy is adopted exceeds ninety (90) calendar days, the Board shall reaffirm its temporary adoption every ninety (90) calendar days for a total period not to exceed one (1) year, in order to maintain such Temporary Policy in effect until such time as it becomes a Consensus Policy.

  • If the one (1) year period expires or, if during such one (1) year period, the Temporary Policy does not become a Consensus Policy and is not reaffirmed by the Board, Registry Operator shall no longer be required to comply with or implement such Temporary Policy.

  • Registry Operator shall comply with and implement all Consensus Policies and Temporary Policies found at <xxxx://>, as of the Effective Date and as may in the future be developed and adopted in accordance with the ICANN Bylaws, provided such future Consensus Polices and Temporary Policies are adopted in accordance with the procedure and relate to those topics and subject to those limitations set forth in Specification 1 attached hereto (“Specification 1”).

More Definitions of Consensus

Consensus is everyone in the group being able to support, agree to, or live with a particular decision.
Consensus. ’ means unanimous concurrence among the interests represented on a negotiated rulemaking committee established under this subchapter, unless such committee (A) agrees to define such term to mean a general but not unanimous concurrence; or (B) agrees upon another specified definition.
Consensus means approval of a decision by all voting Members of the Steering Committee, Subcommittee, Issue Team, or Work Group as determined by an explicit request for approval to the group at a time when the requisite quorum is present and in response to which no voting Member indicates opposition to the decision.
Consensus means general agreement, characterised by the absence of objection to issues secured by a process that involves seeking to take into account the views of all parties concerned and to reconcile any conflicting arguments;
Consensus means that all Parties participating in a committee or other decision-making group consent to a decision. Consent does not necessarily imply that a Party agrees completely with a particular decision, just that the Party is willing to go along with the decision rather than block the action.
Consensus means "we can live with it, are comfortable with the result, and will own it when we take it to our Councils."
Consensus means if no State Party present at the meeting of the DSB when a decision is taken, formally objects to the decision;