Biological Samples definition

Biological Samples means any physical samples obtained from Study Participants in accordance with the Protocol for the purposes of the Study.
Biological Samples means any physical samples obtained from Study Subjects in accordance with the Protocol. Case Report Form means a printed, optical or electronic document or database designed to record all of the information, required by the Protocol on each Study Subject.
Biological Samples means blood, fluid and tissue samples collected from subjects enrolled in the Study, including any tangible materials derived from such samples. The Institution and Investigator will collect, retain, use and transfer Biological Samples only in accordance with the Protocol and the applicable Informed Consent. Institution and Investigator will not collect or reserve additional quantities of Biological Samples for use in research not described in the applicable Protocol. Upon completion or termination of the Study, Institution and Investigator will deliver or dispose of the Biological Samples according to Sponsor's instructions and/or any relevant provisions in the Protocol.

Examples of Biological Samples in a sentence

  • If termination of the Agreement is triggered by any of the events described in Section 18.1, above, the termination will be effective after receipt by CRO or Pfizer of all Protocol-required Study Data and Biological Samples generated up until termination; receipt of all payments due to any party; and completion by all parties of any remaining applicable Agreement obligations.

  • Neither Principal Investigator nor Institution will use Biological Samples collected under the Protocol in any manner or for any purpose other than that described in the Protocol.

  • CRO and Pfizer will use Biological Samples only in ways permitted by the informed consent under which they were obtained.

  • Institution may collect, retain and/or use Biological Samples solely as ser forth in the Protocol.

  • Institution will not use Biological Samples collected under the Protocol in any manner or for any purpose other than that described in the a.

More Definitions of Biological Samples

Biological Samples means biological samples (e.g., blood, urine, tissue, saliva, etc.) obtained from Trial Subjects.
Biological Samples means blood, fluid and/or tissue samples collected from Subjects as may be set forth in the Protocol, and tangible materials directly or indirectly derived from such samples. “Biologické vzorky” představují vzorky krve, tělesných tekutin a/nebo tkání odebíraných subjektům hodnocení na základě ustanovení protokolu a veškeré hmotné materiály, které jsou z těchto vzorků přímo či nepřímo odvozeny.
Biological Samples means the samples (including but not limited to primary tumor tissue (FFPE), metastatic lesion tissue (both frozen and FFPE), whole blood, plasma and serum and derivatives) collected in performance of the Program from Program patients in accordance with the AURORA protocol, to be used to conduct the analyses defined in the AURORA protocol, and later according to the Program Policy for Access to (both clinical and genomic) Data and Biological Samples;
Biological Samples means, but is not limited to: bacteria and other microorganisms, bacteria, plant, animal, or any human biological materials, genetic samples, any copies of the original genetic samples, any cell lines containing copies of the original genetic samples, and data derived from these samples.
Biological Samples means any physical samples obtained from Study Subjects in accordance with the Clinical Investigation Plan. Case Report Form means a printed, optical or electronic document or database designed to record all of the information, required by the Clinical Investigation Plan, to be reported to the Sponsor on each Study Subject. Clinical Investigator’s brochure means the compilation of the preclinical, clinical and safety information on the Investigational Product relevant to the Clinical Investigation Plan and is as defined in ISO 14155 – 1:2003. Clinical Investigation Plan means the document identified in Schedule 6 which is developed by the Sponsor and clinical investigator(s) that states the rationale, objectives, design and proposed analysis, methodology, monitoring, conduct and record-keeping of the clinical investigation and is as defined in ISO 14155 – 2:2003.
Biological Samples means blood, fluid and/or tissue samples collected from Study subjects pursuant to the Protocol, and tangible materials directly or indirectly derived from such samples. MSK shall own all Biological Samples and may retain and use for any lawful purpose, to the extent consistent with the applicable Study subject informed consent form.
Biological Samples means blood, fluid and tissue samples collected from subjects enrolled in the Study, including any tangible materials derived from such samples. The Institution and Investigator will collect, retain, use and transfer Biological Samples only in accordance with the Protocol and the applicable Informed Consent. Institution and Investigator will not collect or reserve additional quantities of Biological Samples for use in research not described in the applicable Protocol. Upon completion or termination of the Study, Institution and Investigator will deliver or dispose of the Biological Samples according to Sponsor's instructions and/or any relevant provisions in the Protocol. (c) „Biologickými vzorky“ se rozumějí vzorky krve, tekutin a tkání odebírané pacientům zařazeným do Studie, včetně případných z nich získaných hmotných materiálů. Zdravotnické zařízení a Zkoušející odeberou, ponechají si, použijí a odešlou Biologické vzorky pouze v souladu s Protokolem a příslušným Informovaným souhlasem. Zdravotnické zařízení a Zkoušející nebudou odebírat nebo si ponechávat dodatečná množství Biologických vzorků pro žádné použití, které není popsáno v příslušném Protokolu. Po dokončení nebo ukončení Studie Zdravotnické zařízení a Zkoušející předají Biologické vzorky Zadavateli nebo je podle jeho pokynů a/nebo podle příslušných ustanovení Protokolu zlikvidují.