Advertiser definition

Advertiser means a physical or legal entity, whose products and/or services are advertised and/or are scheduled to be advertised on the Channel(s) and/or Digital.
Advertiser means the person or organization whose product or service is being advertised, or whose name or image is mentioned or promoted in an advertisement.
Advertiser means a person who engages in advertising activity,

Examples of Advertiser in a sentence

  • In addition, I personally guarantee payment of all amounts due from the Advertiser to

  • Advertiser and the undersigned personally shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless, its agents, directors, shareholders and employees of all liabilities and expenses of any kind (including attorney’s fees) incurred in connection with’s use of such materials.

  • Customer Signature 🗶 Customer Name 🗶 Title 🗶 Date 🗶 AGREEMENT OR USE OF MATERIALS: 🗶 Advertiser and the undersigned individual each represents and warrants that Advertiser has authority to permit to publish all materials (artwork, photos, text etc.) provided to

  • No compensation in excess of the minimum amounts provided for in this Local Code paid to Performer for his services in making a commercial or for any use or period of user thereof, may be credited by the Producer/Advertising Agency or Advertiser against any reuse fees, or any other fees, payable to such Performer, unless there is a specific provision in writing to that effect in the Performer's individual contract or employment.

  • AND WHEREASthe Advertiser has advertisement space available for the advertisement on the radio channel [insert name/description of channel] (hereinafter referred to as the “Radio Channel”).

More Definitions of Advertiser

Advertiser means an advertiser, an advertiser’s buying agent, or an advertiser’s representative.
Advertiser means a person or entity submitting an advertisement to the Publisher for publication and includes an advertising agency acting on behalf of an Advertiser.
Advertiser means the Advertiser or any person or Publisher acting on behalf of and with the authority of the Advertiser.
Advertiser means the person, firm, or corporation whose goods, services, or the like are the subject(s) of the radio time contracted for herein.
Advertiser means a third party who contracts with Partnerize in order to use the System to run Campaigns; "Advertiser Network" means the Advertiser’s proprietary network through which Partner may advertise and market Advertiser’s products and services to Users via the Site; "Approved Transaction" a Transaction which has been approved by the relevant Advertiser;
Advertiser means a person, firm or company making a booking for the transmission of Advertisement Material, otherwise through or by means of an Agent and includes its successors-in-title and permitted assigns;
Advertiser means the client of the advertising agency or the sponsor of the advertisement on whose account the advertising is prepared, conceptualized, presented or disseminated.