Street Address. The physical address where the commercial property is accessible is a necessary item for this contract’s effect. This information should include the building number, street, and unit number of the commercial space along with the city, state, and zip code. Once this contract is signed, this will be the premises the Lessee shall pay to occupy.
Street Address. Documentation of the physical location for the commercial real estate must be included.
Street Address. The Bursary Recipient chooses for this agreement its domicilium citandi et executandi and address for any notices as follows:
Street Address. Enter the physical street address of the software vendor. This MUST be a physical address. If a P. O. Box is entered in this area, the document will be rejected and returned for correction.
Street Address. Marital Status: Home Address: Street Address Email Address: Driver’s License: Street Address Email Address: Driver’s License: Soc. Security #: Employer Name: Employer Address: Street Address City State Zip Code Work Hours: City State Zip Code Work Hours: Child’s Name: Preferred Name: Address:
Street Address. City: ...................................... State: ................ Zip: ..................
Street Address. The Member agrees that he shall only make use of the water provided under this Agreement for the following purposes and for no other purpose:
Street Address. City,State & Zip Code:
Street Address. Bed Number: Garden membership type (Resident, Associate, or Program): Additional people participating in this garden: Failure to comply with the terms of the Gardener’s Agreement may result in loss of Garden membership privileges.
Street Address. TELEPHONE: AREA CODE: ..................................... NUMBER............................................................... FACSIMILE: AREA CODE: ....................................... NUMBER............................................................... E-MAIL ADDRESS (IF AVAILABLE): ........................................................................................................................ NAME OF CONTACT PERSON: .............................................................................................................................. CELL PHONE NUMBER OF CONTACT PERSON: .................................................................................................. Has a valid original tax clearance certificate been submitted YES / NO Income Tax Number ................................................................................... Name of taxpayer ................................................................................... Identity number of taxpayer (if applicable) .................................................................................... Employer's PAYE registration number (if applicable) .................................................................................... Is a CIDB certificate enclosed? Company or CC Registration No Are you the accredited representative in South Africa for the goods / services offered by you? YES / NO / NOT APPLICABLE YES / NO / NOT APPLICABLE DELIVERY BASIS: Is the delivery period firm? YES / NO Period required for delivery after receipt of order (days) Is the price (inclusive of VAT) firm? YES / NO Discount offered: Conditional/Unconditional If conditional, state condition: Is offer strictly to specification/terms of reference YES / NO If not to specification/terms of reference. Please state deviation(s) if any: ................................................................ .................................................................................................................................................................................... BANK DETAILS (IF APPLICABLE): BRANCH: BRANCH CODE: ACCOUNT HOLDER: ACCOUNT NUMBER: ACCOUNT TYPE: ……………………………………………………….. AUTHORISED BANK OFFICIAL AUTHORISED SIGNATURE: .......................................................................................................................................... NAME: ....................................................................................................................