Rent for the Premises Sample Clauses

Rent for the Premises. Except as set forth in this Agreement, Tenant shall continue to remain fully liable for all obligations of Tenant under the Lease arising or accruing prior to (A) the Initial Termination Date with respect to the Initial Surrender Premises, and (B) the Lease Termination Date with respect to all portions of the Premises which are not the Initial Surrender Premises, including, without limitation, the payment of all Basic Annual Rent, Operating Expenses, Taxes and Assessments, and other Additional Rent due under the terms of the Lease; provided, however, except with respect to the holdover identified below, in no event shall Tenant be obligated to pay any amounts of Basic Annual Rent, Operating Expenses, or Taxes and Assessments with respect any portion of the Premises on and after the earlier to occur of the October 1, 2009 (subject to the full execution and delivery of the New Lease by HCP TPSP and Tenant) and the Lease Termination Date. Notwithstanding the termination of the Lease with respect to the Initial Surrender Premises (but subject to the terms of the immediately foregoing sentence), the Basic Annual Rent payable by Tenant under the Lease shall not be reduced, and Tenant shall continue to pay Basic Annual Rent as if Tenant continued
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Rent for the Premises. 7.1 Starting on the Rent Commencement Date for the Premises, Tenant shall pay to Landlord the Basic Annual Rent during the Term. Basic Annual Rent is subject to annual adjustment as provided in Article 8.
Rent for the Premises. 6.1 Starting on the Rent Commencement Date for the entire New Premises, Tenant shall pay to Landlord each year as Basic Annual Rent for the New Premises (“New Premises Basic Annual Rent”) during the Term the sum of Project Costs (as defined below) multiplied by nine and thirty-five one hundredths percent (9.35%) (the “Annual Factor”). New Premises Basic Annual Rent is subject to annual adjustment as provided in Article 7.
Rent for the Premises. Commencing on the Building 8 Rent Commencement Date, Tenant shall pay to Landlord basic annual rent (“Building 8 Basic Annual Rent”) with respect to Building 8 in the amount that results from multiplying the Building 8 Project Costs (as defined below) by seven and 25/100 percent (7.25%). Commencing on the Building 9 Rent Commencement Date, Tenant shall pay to Landlord basic annual rent (“Building 9 Basic Annual Rent” and, together with Building 8 Basic Annual Rent, “Basic Annual Rent”) with respect to Building 9 in the amount that results from multiplying the Building 9 Project Costs (as defined below) by seven and 25/100 percent (7.25%). Basic Annual Rent is subject to annual adjustment as provided in Article 7.
Rent for the Premises. Commencing on the Additional Space Commencement Date, Tenant shall pay to Landlord Annual Base Rent with respect to the entire Premises in the manner and at the times set forth in Section 3.1 of the Original Lease (as amended by Section 2 of the First Amendment) and in the amounts set forth below, without demand, deduction or setoff, except as expressly provided in the Lease. Period Annual Base Rent per Rentable Square Foot Annual Base Rent Monthly Base Rent 10/1/05 to 4/30/06 $ 13.93 $ 1,134,319.90 $ 94,526.66 5/1/06 to 4/30/07 $ 14.35 $ 1,168,520.50 $ 97,376.71 5/1/07 to 4/30/08 $ 14.78 $ 1,203,535.40 $ 100,294.62 5/1/08 to 6/30/08 $ 15.22 $ 1,239,364.60 $ 103,280.38 Commencing on the Additional Space Commencement Date, Tenant’s Share for the entire Premises shall be increased to 42.04%, the Premises shall be deemed to contain 81,430 square feet of rentable area in the aggregate, and Tenant shall pay Tenant’s Proportionate Share of Building Operating Expenses and Tenant’s Proportionate Share of Taxes for each year as set forth in Section 3.3 of the Original Lease
Rent for the Premises. Commencing on the Expansion Space A Commencement Date, Tenant shall pay to Landlord, in addition to Annual Base Rent for the Original Premises, Annual Base Rent with respect to the Expansion Space A in the manner and at the times set forth in Section 3.1 of the Original Lease (as amended by Section 2 of the First Amendment) and in the amounts set forth below, without demand, deduction or setoff, except as expressly provided in the Lease. Period Annual Base Rent per Rentable Square Foot Annual Base Rent Monthly Base Rent ESACD – 6/30/04 $ 13.13 $ 196,950.00 $ 16,412.50 7/1/04 – 6/30/05 $ 13.53 $ 202,950.00 $ 16,912.50 7/1/05 – 6/30/06 $ 13.93 $ 208,950.00 $ 17,412.50 7/1/06 – 6/30/07 $ 14.35 $ 215,250.00 $ 17,937.50 7/1/07 – 6/30/08 $ 14.78 $ 221,700.00 $ 18,475.00 7/1/08 – 6/30/09 $ 15.22 $ 228,300.00 $ 19,025.00 7/1/09 – 6/30/10 $ 15.68 $ 235,200.00 $ 19,600.00 7/1/10 – 12/31/10 $ 16.15 $ 242,250.00 $ 20,187.50 Commencing on the Expansion Space B Commencement Date, Tenant shall pay to Landlord, in addition to Annual Base Rent for the Original Premises, Annual Base Rent with respect to the Expansion Space B in the manner and at the times set forth in Section 3.1 of the Original Lease (as amended by Section 2 of the First Amendment) and in the amounts set forth below, without demand, deduction or setoff, except as expressly provided in the Lease. Period Annual Base Rent per Rentable Square Foot Annual Base Rent Monthly Base Rent ESBCD – 6/30/04 $ 13.13 $ 446,328.12 $ 37,194.01 7/1/04 – 6/30/05 $ 13.53 $ 459,925.32 $ 38,327.11 7/1/05 – 6/30/06 $ 13.93 $ 473,522.52 $ 39,460.21 Period Annual Base Rent per Rentable Square Foot Annual Base Rent Monthly Base Rent 7/1/06 – 6/30/07 $ 14.35 $ 487,799.52 $ 40,649.96 7/1/07 – 6/30/08 $ 14.78 $ 502,416.60 $ 41,868.05 7/1/08 – 6/30/09 $ 15.22 $ 517,373.52 $ 43,114.46 7/1/09 – 6/30/10 $ 15.68 $ 533,010.24 $ 44,417.52 7/1/10 – 12/31/10 $ 16.15 $ 548,986.92 $ 45,748.91 As of the date of this Amendment, Tenant’s Building Expense Percentage for the Premises is 38.33%. Effective as of (i) April 1, 2003, Tenant’s Building Expense Percentage for the entire Premises shall be increased to 40.60% and the Premises shall be deemed to contain 78,633 square feet of rentable area in the aggregate, and (ii) the Expansion Space A Commencement Date, Tenant’s Building Expense Percentage for the entire Premises shall be increased to 48.34% and the Premises shall be deemed to contain 93,633 square feet of rentable area in the aggregate; (iii...
Rent for the Premises 
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Related to Rent for the Premises

  • Subleased Premises Sublandlord hereby subleases to Subtenant and Subtenant hereby subleases from Sublandlord for the term, at the rental, and upon all of the conditions set forth herein, the Subleased Premises.

  • Sublease Premises On and subject to the terms and conditions below, Sublandlord hereby leases to Subtenant, and Subtenant hereby leases from Sublandlord, the Sublease Premises.

  • Demised Premises The Landlord hereby demises and leases to the Tenant, and the Tenant hereby leases from the Landlord, upon and subject to the terms and provisions of this Lease (which term is used herein shall include all Exhibits attached hereto or referred to herein), the commercial space (sometimes hereinafter referred to as the "Demised Premises") depicted on Exhibit A hereto annexed and made a part hereof. Said Demised Premises contain approximately six thousand six hundred fifty-one (6,651) square feet of floor area (measuring from (i) the center of the two side demising walls and (ii) the front lease line of the Demised Premises, through the rear wall), commonly known as suite 3800 on level 3 as shown on Exhibit A-1 attached hereto of the multi-level structure (the "Mall Building"), which Landlord has constructed on a parcel of land (the "Shopping Center Site") located in Dallas, Dallas County, Texas. The metes and bounds description of the Shopping Center Site is set forth on Exhibit A-2 annexed hereto and made a part hereof. In the event, within sixty (60) days after commencement of the term of this Lease, either party hereto finds that the actual floor area of the Demised Premises differs by ten (10) square feet or more from the floor area set forth hereinabove and such difference is confirmed by Landlord's independent architect (which confirmation shall be binding upon Landlord and Tenant absent bad faith or manifest error on the part of Landlord's architect), Landlord and Tenant shall execute an amendment to this Lease setting forth the actual floor area, and proportionately changing Tenant's monetary obligations, including Minimum Rent, based upon the ratio of the actual floor area of the Demised Premises to the floor area set forth hereinabove. The term "

  • Rentable Area of the Premises The term "Rentable Area of the Premises" shall mean 29,227 square feet, which Landlord and Tenant have stipulated as the Rentable Area of the Premises. Tenant acknowledges that the Rentable Area of the Premises includes the usable area, without deduction for columns or projections, multiplied by a load factor to reflect a share of certain areas, which may include lobbies, corridors, mechanical, utility, janitorial, boiler and service rooms and closets, restrooms and other public, common and service areas of the Building.

  • Leased Premises Lessor hereby leases to Lessee, and Lessee leases and takes from Lessor, the Leased Premises subject to the conditions of this Lease.

  • The Premises Landlord hereby leases to Tenant and Tenant hereby leases from Landlord the premises set forth in Section 2.2 of the Summary (the “Premises”). The outline of the Premises is set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto, and an outline of the Project is set forth in Exhibit A-1 attached hereto. The parties hereto agree that the lease of the Premises is upon and subject to the terms, covenants and conditions herein set forth, and Tenant covenants as a material part of the consideration for this Lease to keep and perform each and all of such terms, covenants and conditions by it to be kept and performed and that this Lease is made upon the condition of such performance. The parties hereto hereby acknowledge that the purpose of Exhibit A is to show the approximate location of the Premises in the “Building,” as that term is defined in Section 1.1.2, below, only, and such Exhibit is not meant to constitute an agreement, representation or warranty as to the construction of the Premises, the precise area thereof or the specific location of the “Common Areas,” as that term is defined in Section 1.1.3, below, or the elements thereof or of the accessways to the Premises or the “Project,” as that term is defined in Section 1.1.2, below. Except as specifically set forth in this Lease, Tenant shall accept the Premises in its presently existing “as-is” condition and Landlord shall not be obligated to provide or pay for any improvement work or services related to the improvement of the Premises. Tenant also acknowledges that neither Landlord nor any agent of Landlord has made any representation or warranty regarding the condition of the Premises, the Building or the Project or with respect to the suitability of any of the foregoing for the conduct of Tenant’s business, except as specifically set forth in this Lease. However, notwithstanding the foregoing, Landlord agrees that base Building electrical, mechanical, heating, ventilation and air conditioning and plumbing systems located in the Premises shall be in good working order and the roof shall be water tight as of the date Landlord delivers possession of the Premises to Tenant. Except to the extent caused by the acts or omissions of Tenant or any Tenant Parties (as defined in Section 10.13 below) by any alterations or improvements performed by or on behalf of Tenant, if such systems and/or the roof are not in good working order as of the date possession of the Premises is delivered to Tenant and Tenant provides Landlord with notice of the same within ninety (90) days following the date Landlord delivers possession of the Premises to Tenant, Landlord shall be responsible for repairing or restoring the same at Landlord’s sole cost and expense. Subject to any repairs or restoration required by the immediately preceding sentence, the commencement of business operations from the Premises by Tenant shall presumptively establish that the Premises and the Building were at such time in good and sanitary order, condition and repair. For purposes of Section 1938 of the California Civil Code, Landlord hereby discloses to Tenant, and Tenant hereby acknowledges, that the Premises, the Building and the Project have not undergone inspection by a Certified Access Specialist (CASp).

  • TENANT'S USE OF THE PREMISES Tenant shall use the Premises solely for the purposes set forth in Tenant's Use Clause. Tenant shall not use or occupy the Premises in violation of law or any covenant, condition or restriction affecting the Building or Project or the certificate of occupancy issued for the Building or Project, and shall, upon notice from Landlord, immediately discontinue any use of the Premises which is declared by any governmental authority having jurisdiction to be a violation of law or the certificate of occupancy. Tenant, at Tenant's own cost and expense, shall comply with all laws, ordinances, regulations, rules and/or any directions of any governmental agencies or authorities having jurisdiction which shall, by reason of the nature of Tenant's use or occupancy of the Premises, impose any duty upon Tenant or Landlord with respect to the Premises or its use or occupation. A judgment of any court of competent jurisdiction or the admission by Tenant in any action or proceeding against Tenant that Tenant has violated any such laws, ordinances, regulations, rules and/or directions in the use of the Premises shall be deemed to be a conclusive determination of that fact as between Landlord and Tenant. Tenant shall not do or permit to be done anything which will invalidate or increase the cost of any fire, extended coverage or other insurance policy covering the Building or Project and/or property located therein, and shall comply with all rules, orders, regulations, requirements and recommendations of the Insurance Services Office or any other organization performing a similar function. Tenant shall

  • DEMISE OF LEASED PREMISES Landlord hereby leases to Tenant and Tenant hereby leases from Landlord for Tenant's own use in the conduct of Tenant's business and not for purposes of speculating in real estate, for the Lease Term and upon the terms and subject to the conditions of this Lease, that certain interior space described in Article 1 as the Leased Premises, reserving and excepting to Landlord the right to fifty percent (50%) of all assignment consideration and excess rentals as provided in Article 7 below. Tenant's lease of the Leased Premises, together with the appurtenant right to use the Outside Areas as described in Paragraph 2.2 below, shall be conditioned upon and be subject to the continuing compliance by Tenant with (i) all the terms and conditions of this Lease, (ii) all Laws governing the use of the Leased Premises and the Property, (iii) all Private Restrictions, easements and other matters now of public record respecting the use of the Leased Premises and Property, and (iv) all reasonable rules and regulations from time to time established by Landlord. Notwithstanding any provision of this Lease to the contrary, Landlord hereby reserves to itself and its designees all rights of access, use and occupancy of the Building roof, and Tenant shall have no right of access, use or occupancy of the Building roof except (if at all) to the extent required in order to enable Tenant to perform Tenant's maintenance and repair obligations pursuant to this Lease.

  • Lease of Premises for Lease Term Landlord hereby leases the Premises to Tenant, and Tenant hereby rents the Premises from Landlord, for the Term and subject to the conditions of this Lease.

  • Lease of Premises Subject to and upon the terms and conditions set forth herein, Landlord hereby leases the Premises to Tenant, and Tenant hereby leases the Premises from Landlord.

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