Medical Treatment and Examination Sample Clauses

Medical Treatment and Examination. Art. 32(a) An employee suffering an industrial injury who is advised not to resume work by his xxxxxxx or first aid attendant or by a physician to whom he has been referred shall be paid on his usual basis for the entire shift on which the injury occurred.
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Medical Treatment and Examination. In case any employee is injured at his work and is compelled by the seriousness of such injury to lose time or is instructed to go home by the Employer or the doctor, he shall be paid the full shift on the date of injury only. Employees required to take time off from their employment during working hours to secure treatment because of injuries or sickness arising out of and in the course of their employment, shall receive pay for such time plus necessary expense incurred in so doing. Employees shall not be required to take a physical examination and there shall be no age limit except as provided by law.
Medical Treatment and Examination. 1. After the filing of an application for benefits, the Claims Manager may require a Claimant to submit to one (1) or more medical or other health examinations as may be directed by the Claims Manager. Any Section 207-c Claimant who refuses to accept such examination(s) shall be deemed to have waived his/her rights under Section 207-c after such refusal. Any appeal from a determination of the Claims Manager that the Claimant has waived said rights under this subsection must be made within ten (10) calendar days of receipt of said determination pursuant to Section 10 of this procedure.
Medical Treatment and Examination. Employees required to take time off from their employ- ment during working hours to secure treatment because of injuries or sickness arising out of and in the course of their employment shall receive pay for such time, plus nec- xxxxxx expense incurred in so doing. However, this shall not be abused. Employees shall have choice of doctor and/or choice of any local hospital in connection with any injury or illness arising out of and in the course of their employment with any Employer, with the understanding that in extreme emergency the closest doctor and/or hospital will be used. Employees shall not be required to take a physical examination, and there shall be no age limit, except as provided by law. Employees who, as a result of a job-oriented injury are unable to return to their assigned jobs for the balance of the shift on which they were injured, shall be paid for all wages lost on that shift. Employer shall notify the Union Hall of the name, address, and phone number of their workers’ compensa- tion carrier. If requested by the employee, a copy of the Employer’s “First Report of Injury” Form shall be furnished when an on-the-job injury has necessitated a doctor or hospital visit.
Medical Treatment and Examination. 18 Art. 28.1 Employees actually at work and who 19 are required to take time off from their employment 20 during working hours to secure treatment because 21 of injuries or sickness arising out of and in the 22 course of their employment shall receive pay for 23 such time plus necessary travel expenses incurred 24 providing he has a doctor’s certificate from 25 Employer’s designated doctor showing time he 26 reported for treatment and length of time required 27 for such treatment. Should an employee become 28 ill or injured on a job, the job superintendent shall 29 designate a man to accompany the man to his local 30 residence, hospital, or for necessary treatment. In 1 the event an employee chooses to select his own‌ 2 doctor for medical attention after the first day of 3 injury and such visits are scheduled during working 4 hours, he shall be paid only for actual hours worked.

Related to Medical Treatment and Examination

  • Medical Treatment Undersigned understands that the Released Parties do not have medical personnel available at the location of the activities. Undersigned hereby grants the Released Parties permission to administer first aid or to authorize emergency medical treatment, if necessary. Undersigned understands and agrees that any such action by the Released Parties shall be subject to the terms of this agreement and release, including any liability arising from the negligence of the Released Parties when administering first aid or authorizing others to do so. Undersigned understands and agrees that the Released Parties do not assume responsibility for any injury or damage which might arise out of or in connection with such authorized emergency medical treatment.

  • Emergency Medical Treatment I grant the Releasees permission to authorize emergency medical treatment as they deem appropriate, and agree that such action by the Releasees shall be subject to the terms of this Agreement. I understand and agree that the Releasees assume no responsibility for any injury or damage that might result from such emergency medical treatment.

  • Consent to Medical Treatment 1. I authorize the School District and my child’s custodian to consent to any x-ray examination, anesthetic, medical or surgical diagnosis or treatment or hospital care which is deemed advisable by and is rendered under the general supervision of any licensed physician or surgeon, whether such treatment or diagnosis is rendered at the office of such physician or at a hospital.

  • Consent to Transportation and Medical Treatment I consent to the use of first aid treatment and the use of generic and over-the-counter medications and treatments as directed by manufacturer labels, whether administered by the Released Parties or first aid personnel. In an emergency, I understand the Released Parties may try to contact the individual listed below as an emergency contact. If an emergency contact cannot be reached promptly, I hereby authorize the Released Parties to act as an agent for me to consent to any examination, testing, x-rays, medical, dental or surgical treatment for me as advised by a physician, dentist or other health care provider. This includes, but is not limited to, my assessment, evaluation, medical care and treatment, anesthesia, hospitalization, or other health care treatment or procedure as advised by a physician, dentist or other health care provider. I also authorize the Released Parties to arrange for transportation of me as deemed necessary and appropriate in their discretion. I, the Volunteer, do hereby release, forever discharge and hold harmless the Released Parties from any liability, claim, demand, and action whatsoever brought by me or on my behalf which arises or may hereafter arise on account of any transportation, first aid, assessment, care, treatment, response or service rendered in connection with my Activities with any of the Released Parties. If the Volunteer is less than 18 years of age, the parent(s) having legal custody and/or the legal guardian(s) of the Volunteer also hereby release, forever discharge and hold harmless the Released Parties from any liability, claim, demand and action whatsoever brought by such volunteer or on his/her behalf which arises or may hereafter arise on account of the decision by any representative or agent of the Released Parties to exercise the power to transport, administer first aid, and consent to assessment, examination, x-rays, medical, dental, surgical or other such health care treatment as set forth in the Parental Authorization for Treatment of, and Travel With, a Minor Child.

  • General Treatment 1. Each Contracting Party shall in its Area accord to investments of investors of the other Contracting Party treatment in accordance with international law, including fair and equitable treatment and full protection and security.

  • Confidential Treatment The parties hereto understand that any information or recommendation supplied by the Sub-Adviser in connection with the performance of its obligations hereunder is to be regarded as confidential and for use only by the Investment Manager, the Company or such persons the Investment Manager may designate in connection with the Fund. The parties also understand that any information supplied to the Sub-Adviser in connection with the performance of its obligations hereunder, particularly, but not limited to, any list of securities which may not be bought or sold for the Fund, is to be regarded as confidential and for use only by the Sub-Adviser in connection with its obligation to provide investment advice and other services to the Fund.

  • National Treatment and Non-Discrimination 1. With respect to all laws, regulations, procedures and practices regarding government procurement covered by this Chapter, each Party shall provide immediately and unconditionally to the goods, services and suppliers of another Party a treatment no less favourable than that accorded by it to domestic goods, services and suppliers.

  • CONFIDENTIAL TREATMENT REQUESTED Confidential portions of this document have been redacted and have been separately filed with the Commission.

  • National Treatment and Most-favoured-nation Treatment (1) Each Contracting Party shall accord to investments of investors of the other Contracting Party, treatment which shall not be less favourable than that accorded either to investments of its own or investments of investors of any third State.

  • National Treatment In the sectors inscribed in its Schedule, and subject to any conditions and qualifications set out therein, each Party shall accord to services and service suppliers of the other Party treatment no less favourable than that it accords, in like circumstances, to its own services and service suppliers.

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