National Treatment and Most-favoured-nation Treatment Sample Clauses

National Treatment and Most-favoured-nation Treatment. (1) Each Contracting Party shall accord to investments of investors of the other Contracting Party, treatment which shall not be less favourable than that accorded either to investments of its own or investments of investors of any third State.
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National Treatment and Most-favoured-nation Treatment. 1. Once a Contracting Party has admitted an investment in its territory in accordance with its laws and regulations, it shall accord to such investment made by investors of the other Contracting Party treatment no less favourable than that accorded to investments of its own investors or of investors of any third State whichever is more favourable to the investor concerned.
National Treatment and Most-favoured-nation Treatment. 1. Each Party shall in its territory accord to investments or returns of investors of the other Party treatment no less favorable than that which it accords to the investments or returns of its own investors or to investments or returns of investors of any third State, whichever is more favorable to the investor concerned.
National Treatment and Most-favoured-nation Treatment. Each Contracting Party shall apply, in its territory and maritime zone, to the nationals or companies of the other Party, in respect of their investments and activities related to such investments, treatment no less favourable than that accorded to its nationals or companies, or the treatment accorded to the nationals or companies of the most favoured nation, whichever is more favourable. In this connection, nationals authorized to work in the territory and maritime area of one of the contracting parties shall be entitled to benefit from existing and appropriate material facilities for the exercise of their professional activities. This treatment shall not, however, extend to the privileges which a Contracting Party grants to the nationals or companies of a third State by virtue of its participation in or association with a free trade area, a customs union, a common market or any other form of regional economic organization. The provisions of this Article do not apply to tax matters.
National Treatment and Most-favoured-nation Treatment. (1) Each Contracting State shall accord investments made in its territory owned or controlled by investors of the other Contracting State treatment not less favourable than that which it accords in like situations to investments of its own investors or investors of any third State, whichever is the most favourable.
National Treatment and Most-favoured-nation Treatment. Each Contracting Party shall accord to investment of investors on the territory of the other Contracting Party investments, after the entry into force of this Agreement, treatment no less favourable than the treatment granted to the investments and returns of its citizens or the citizens of any other country. But this treatment does not include privileges that one of the parties gives to the investors of a third country in accordance with their contribution to the state or the participation in a free zone or a customs union, common market or regional economic organization, agreement to avoid double taxation, or border trade agreements.
National Treatment and Most-favoured-nation Treatment. Each Contracting Party shall apply to the nationals and companies of the other Contracting Party, with respect to their investments, once admitted in accordance with the legislation of the Contracting Party on the territory or in the maritime area of which the investment is made, and activities related to the investments, a treatment not less favorable than that granted to its nationals or companies, or the treatment granted to the nationals or companies of the most favored nation, if the latter is more favorable. This treatment shall not include the privileges granted by one Contracting Party to nationals or companies of a third party State by virtue of its participation or association in a free trade zone, customs union, common market or any other form of regional economic organization . The provisions of this Article do not apply to tax matters.
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National Treatment and Most-favoured-nation Treatment. 1. Each Contracting Party shall, to nationals or companies of the other contracting party as regards their investments and activities associated with such investments, treatment no less favourable than that accorded to its own nationals or companies or the treatment accorded to nationals or companies of the most favoured nation, whichever is more favourable. in this connection, the nationals of one Contracting Party who are authorised to work in accordance with the domestic legislation of the other party will receive appropriate facilities for the exercise of their professional activities.
National Treatment and Most-favoured-nation Treatment. 1. Investments by investors of either Contracting Party shall at all times be accorded fair and equitable treatment in the territory of the other Contracting Party.
National Treatment and Most-favoured-nation Treatment. Each Contracting Party shall accord treatment as defined in Paragraph XX (National Treatment, MFN Treatment) in case of a privatisation-
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