Labor Law Policy and Acknowledgment Sample Clauses

Labor Law Policy and Acknowledgment. In accepting the grant of Restricted Stock Units, the Employee expressly recognizes that Polycom, Inc. with registered offices at 0000 Xxxxxx Xxxx, Xxxxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxxxxx 00000, Xxxxxx Xxxxxx of America, is solely responsible for the administration of the Plan and that his or her participation in the Plan and acquisition of Shares do not constitute an employment relationship between the Employee and Polycom, Inc. since the Employee is participating in the Plan on a wholly commercial basis and his or her sole Employer is Poly-Com X.xx X.X. de C.V. Paseo de los Tamarindos #400-A 5o piso Suite:21 Bosques de law Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx, 00000 Xxxxxx D.F. Based on the foregoing, the Employee expressly recognizes that the Plan and the benefits that he or she may derive from participating in the Plan do not establish any rights between the Employee and the Employer, Poly-Com X.xx X.X. de C.V., and do not form part of the employment conditions and/or benefits provided by Poly-Com X.xx X.X. de C.V. and any modification of the Plan or its termination shall not constitute a change or impairment of the terms and conditions of the Employee’s employment. The Employee further understands that his or her participation in the Plan is as a result of a unilateral and discretionary decision of Polycom, Inc.; therefore, Polycom, Inc. reserves the absolute right to amend and/or discontinue the Employee’s participation at any time without any liability to the Employee. Finally, the Employee hereby declares that he or she does not reserve to himself or herself any action or right to bring any claim against Polycom, Inc. for any compensation or damages regarding any provision of the Plan or the benefits derived under the Plan, and the Employee therefore grants a full and broad release to Polycom, Inc., its Subsidiaries, affiliates, branches, representation offices, its shareholders, officers, agents, or legal representatives with respect to any claim that may arise. Política Laboral y Reconocimiento Al aceptar el otorgamiento de las Acciones Restringidas, el Beneficiario expresamente reconoce que Polycom, Inc., con oficinas registradas en 0000 Xxxxxx Xxxx, Xxxxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxxxxx 00000, en los Estados Unidos de América, es el único responsable por la administración del Plan y que su participación en el Plan y la adquisición de Acciones no constituyen una relación de trabajo entre el Beneficiario y Polycom, Inc., ya que el Beneficiario participa en un marco totalmente comercial y que su ún...
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Labor Law Policy and Acknowledgment. The following provision supplements the Acknowledgment of Nature of Awards section of Exhibit A: In accepting this Award, you acknowledge and agree that (i) you are making an investment decision, (ii) the Shares will be issued to you only if the vesting conditions are met and any necessary services are rendered by you over the vesting period, and (iii) the value of the underlying Shares is not fixed and may increase or decrease in value over the vesting period without compensation to you.
Labor Law Policy and Acknowledgment. In accepting the Stock Award, Awardee expressly recognizes that Keysight Technologies, Inc., with registered offices at 0000 Xxxxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxx, XX 00000, is solely responsible for the administration of the Plan and that Awardee’s participation in the Plan and acquisition of Shares do not constitute an employment relationship between Awardee and the Company since Awardee is participating in the Plan on a wholly commercial basis and his or her sole employer is Keysight Technologies México, S. de X.X. de C.V. (“Keysight Mexico”), located at Xxxxxx xx XXXXX 0000, Xxxxxxxx 0X, Xxxxxxx Xxxxx xx xx Xxxxx, Xxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx 00000, Xxxxxx. Based on the foregoing, Awardee expressly recognizes that the Plan and the benefits that he or she may derive from participating in the Plan do not establish any rights between Awardee and the employer, Keysight Mexico, and do not form part of the employment conditions and/or benefits provided by Keysight Mexico, and any modification of the Plan or its termination shall not constitute a change or impairment of the terms and conditions of Awardee’s employment. Awardee further understands that his or her participation in the Plan is as a result of a unilateral and discretionary decision of the Company; therefore, the Company reserves the absolute right to amend and/or discontinue Awardee’s participation at any time without any liability to Awardee. Finally, Awardee hereby declares that he or she does not reserve to him- or herself any action or right to bring any claim against the Company for any compensation or damages regarding any provision of the Plan or the benefits derived under the Plan, and Awardee therefore grants a full and broad release to the Company, its Subsidiaries and Affiliates, and its branches, representation offices, shareholders, directors, officers, employees, agents, or legal representatives with respect to any claim that may arise.
Labor Law Policy and Acknowledgment. In accepting the grant of the Option, Participant expressly recognizes that Aruba Networks, Inc., with registered offices at 0000 Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxx, Sunnyvale, California 94089, U.S.A., is solely responsible for the administration of the Plan and that Participant’s participation in the Plan and acquisition of Shares do not constitute an employment relationship between Participant and Aruba Networks, Inc. since Participant is participating in the Plan on a wholly commercial basis. Based on the foregoing, Participant expressly recognizes that the Plan and the benefits that he or she may derive from participating in the Plan do not establish any rights between Participant and the Employer and do not form part of the employment conditions and/or benefits provided by the Employer, and any modification of the Plan or its termination shall not constitute a change or impairment of the terms and conditions of Participant’s employment. Participant further understands that his or her participation in the Plan is as a result of a unilateral and discretionary decision of Aruba Networks, Inc.; therefore, Aruba Networks, Inc. reserves the absolute right to amend and/or discontinue Participant’s participation at any time without any liability to Participant. Finally, Participant hereby declares that he or she does not reserve to him- or herself any action or right to bring any claim against Aruba Networks, Inc. for any compensation or damages regarding any provision of the Plan or the benefits derived under the Plan, and Participant therefore grants a full and broad release to Aruba Networks, Inc., its affiliates, branches, representation offices, its shareholders, officers, agents, or legal representatives with respect to any claim that may arise. Política Laboral y Reconocimiento/Aceptación Al aceptar el otorgamiento de la Opción de Compra de Acciones, el Participante expresamente reconoce que Aruba Networks, Inc., con domicilio registrado ubicado en 0000 Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxx, Sunnyvale, California 94089, U.S.A., es la única responsable por la administración del Plan y que la participación del Participante en el Plan y en su caso la adquisición de las Opciones de Compra de Acciones o Acciones no constituyen ni podrán interpretarse como una relación de trabajo entre el Participante y Aruba Networks, Inc., ya que el Participante participa en el Plan en un marco totalmente comercial. Derivado de lo anterior, el Participante expresamente reconoce que el Plan y los beneficios que p...
Labor Law Policy and Acknowledgment. By accepting the Restricted Stock Units, the Participant expressly recognizes that the Corporation, with registered offices at Expedia, Inc., 000 000xx Xxxxxx XX, Xxxxxxxx XX, 00000, U.S.A., is solely responsible for the administration of the Plan, and that the Participant’s participation in the Plan and acquisition of Shares do not constitute an employment relationship between the Participant and the Corporation since the Participant is participating in the Plan on a wholly commercial basis and his or her sole employer is a Subsidiary or Affiliate in Mexico (“Expedia Mexico”). Based on the foregoing, the Participant expressly recognizes that the Plan and the benefits that he or she may derive from participating in the Plan do not establish any rights between the Participant and the employer, Expedia Mexico, and do not form part of the employment conditions and/or benefits provided by Expedia Mexico, and any modification of the Plan or its termination shall not constitute a change or impairment of the terms and conditions of the Participant’s employment. The Participant further understands that his or her participation in the Plan is as a result of a unilateral and discretionary decision of the Corporation; therefore, the Corporation reserves the absolute right to amend and/or discontinue the Participant’s participation at any time without any liability to the Participant. Finally, the Participant hereby declares that he or she does not reserve to him- or herself any action or right to bring any claim against the Corporation for any compensation or damages regarding any provision of the Plan or the benefits derived under the Plan, and the Participant therefore grants a full and broad release to the Corporation, and its Affiliates, Subsidiaries, branches, representative offices, shareholders, directors, officers, employees, agents, or legal representatives with respect to any claim that may arise.
Labor Law Policy and Acknowledgment. This provision supplements paragraph 12 of the Award Agreement (“Nature of Award”): In accepting the Award of Restricted Stock Units, Participant expressly recognizes that Prologis with its principal operating offices at 0000 Xxxxxxx Xxx, Xxxxxx, Xxxxxxxx 00000, U.S.A., is solely responsible for the administration of the Plan and that Participant’s participation in the Plan and acquisition of Stock do not constitute an employment relationship between Participant and Prologis since Participant is participating in the Plan on a wholly commercial basis and his or her sole Employer is Servicios Corporativos GC, S.A. de C.V. Based on the foregoing, Participant expressly recognizes that the Plan and the benefits that he or she may derive from participating in the Plan do not establish any rights between Participant and the Employer and do not form part of the employment conditions and/or benefits provided by the Employer and any modification of the Plan or its termination shall not constitute a change or impairment of the terms and conditions of Participant’s employment. Participant further understands that his or her participation in the Plan is as a result of a unilateral and discretionary decision of Prologis; therefore, Prologis reserves the absolute right to amend and/or discontinue Participant’s participation at any time without any liability to Participant. Finally, Participant hereby declares that he or she does not reserve to him- or herself any action or right to bring any claim against Prologis for any compensation or damages regarding any provision of the Plan or the benefits derived under the Plan, and Participant therefore grants a full and broad release to Prologis, and its affiliates, branches, representation offices, shareholders, trustees, directors, officers, employees, agents, or legal representatives with respect to any such claim that may arise. Prologis, Inc. RSU Agreement (LTIP Unit Option) – Appendix 5 – February 2015 Spanish Translation Reconocimiento del Documento del Plan
Labor Law Policy and Acknowledgment. By accepting the RSUs, Employee expressly recognizes that Newmont, with registered offices at 0000 X. Xxxxxx Ave., Suite 700, Denver, Colorado 80237, U.S.A., is solely responsible for the administration of the Plan and that Employee’s participation in the Plan and acquisition of shares of Common Stock do not constitute an employment relationship between Employee and Newmont since Employee is participating in the Plan on a wholly commercial basis and his or her sole employer is Newmont’s Subsidiary in Mexico (“Newmont Mexico”). Based on the foregoing, Employee expressly recognizes that the Plan and the benefits that he or she may derive from participating in the Plan do not establish any rights between Employee and the employer, Newmont Mexico, and do not form part of the employment conditions and/or benefits provided by Newmont Mexico, and any modification of the Plan or its termination shall not constitute a change or impairment of the terms and conditions of Employee’s employment. Employee further understands that his or her participation in the Plan is as a result of a unilateral and discretionary decision of Newmont; therefore, Newmont reserves the absolute right to amend and/or discontinue Employee’s participation at any time without any liability to Employee. Finally, Employee hereby declares that he or she does not reserve to him- or herself any action or right to bring any claim against Newmont for any compensation or damages regarding any provision of the Plan or the benefits derived under the Plan, and Employee therefore grants a full and broad release to Newmont, and its subsidiaries, branches, representative offices, shareholders, directors, officers, employees, agents, or legal representatives with respect to any claim that may arise. Spanish Translation
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Labor Law Policy and Acknowledgment. In accepting the grant of the Stock Award, the Awardee expressly recognizes that Agilent Technologies, Inc., with registered offices at 0000 Xxxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxx, Xxxxx Xxxxx, Xxxxxxxxxx 00000, Xxxxxx Xxxxxx of America, is solely responsible for the administration of the Plan and that the Awardee’s participation in the Plan and acquisition of Shares do not constitute an employment relationship between the Awardee and Agilent Technologies, Inc. since the Awardee is participating in the Plan on a wholly commercial basis and the Awardee’s sole employer is Agilent Technologies Mexico, S. de X.X. de C.V., Xx. Xxxxxxxxxxx Xxx xx. 0000, Xxxxx 000, Xxxxxx Xxxx, Xxxxxx CP 03940 (“Agilent-Mexico”). Based on the foregoing, the Awardee expressly recognizes that the Plan and the benefits that the Awardee may derive from participating in the Plan do not establish any rights between the Awardee and the Employer, Agilent-Mexico, and do not form part of the employment conditions and/or benefits provided by Agilent-Mexico and any modification of the Plan or its termination shall not constitute a change or impairment of the terms and conditions of the Awardee’s employment. The Awardee further understands that his or her participation in the Plan is as a result of a unilateral and discretionary decision of Agilent Technologies, Inc.; therefore, Agilent Technologies, Inc. reserves the absolute right to amend and/or discontinue the Awardee’s participation at any time without any liability to the Awardee. Finally, the Awardee hereby declares that the Awardee does not reserve to himself or herself any action or right to bring any claim against Agilent Technologies, Inc. for any compensation or damages regarding any provision of the Plan or the benefits derived under the Plan, and the Awardee therefore grants a full and broad release to Agilent Technologies, Inc., its Affiliates, branches, representation offices, its shareholders, officers, agents or legal representatives with respect to any claim that may arise. Reconocimiento de Ausencia de Relación Laboral y Declaración de la Política. Aceptando la Stock Award, el Participante reconoce que Agilent Technologies, Inc. y sus oficinas registradas en 0000 Xxxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxx, Xxxxx Xxxxx, Xxxxxxxxxx 00000, U.S.A., es el único responsable de la administración del Plan y que la participación del Participante en el mismo y la compra de Acciones no constituye de ninguna manera una relación laboral entre el Participante y Agilent ...
Labor Law Policy and Acknowledgment. By accepting the Restricted Stock Units, Participant agrees that (i) Participant is making an investment decision, (ii) the Shares will be issued to Participant only if the vesting conditions are met and (iii) the value of the underlying Shares is not fixed and may increase or decrease in value over the vesting period without compensation to the Participant.
Labor Law Policy and Acknowledgment. By accepting the Options, Participant agrees that (i) Participant is making an investment decision, (ii) any cash payment or Shares will be issued to Participant only if the vesting and exercise conditions are met and (iii) the value of the underlying Shares is not fixed and may increase or decrease in value over the vesting period without compensation to the Participant.
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