Relationship Between the Sample Clauses

Relationship Between the. Parties In all matters relating to this Agreement, Customer and Liferay shall act as independent contractors. Nothing in this Agreement or related to Liferay's performance of any Order Form will be construed to create an employment or agency relationship or a partnership between Customer (or any Customer personnel) and Liferay (or any Liferay personnel). Each party will be solely responsible for supervision, direction, control and payment of its personnel, including applicable taxes, deductions, other payments and benefits. Liferay may subcontract Services under an Order Form to third parties or its Affiliates without the approval of Customer; provided, however, that (i) subcontractors agree to protect Customer Confidential Information subject to terms at least substantially similar with Section 9, and (ii) Liferay remains responsible to Customer for performance of its obligations hereunder. Neither party will represent that it has any authority to assume or create any obligation, express or implied, on behalf of the other party, or to represent the other party as agent, employee or in any other capacity. Nothing herein shall oblige parties to enter into any further agreement(s) with each other.
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Relationship Between the parties We are engaged as an independent contractor. Neither of us is an agent or representative of or has the authority to bind the other. Neither of us will act or represent ourselves, directly or by implication, as an agent of the other or in any manner assume or create any obligation on behalf of, or in the name of the other. The Agreement is not intended and will not be taken to constitute a partnership, agency, employment, joint venture or fiduciary relationship between us.
Relationship Between the. Parties In all matters relating to this Agreement, Customer and Liferay shall act as independent contractors. Nothing in this Agreement or related to Liferay's performance of any Order Form will be construed to create an employment or agency relationship or a partnership between Customer (or any Customer personnel) and Liferay (or any Liferay personnel). Each party will be solely responsible for supervision, direction, control and payment of its personnel, including applicable taxes, deductions, other payments and benefits. Liferay may subcontract Services under an Order Form to third parties or its Affiliates without the approval of Customer; provided, however, that (i) subcontractors agree to protect Customer Confidential Information subject to terms at least substantially similar with Section 9, and (ii) Liferay remains responsible to Customer for performance of its obligations hereunder. Neither party will represent that it has any authority to assume or create any obligation, express or implied, on behalf of the other party, or to represent the other party as agent, employee or in any other capacity. Nothing herein shall oblige parties to enter into any further agreement(s) with each other. 13.2 当事者間の関係 本契約に関する全ての事項につき、顧客とライフレイは独立した契約当事者として行動するものとする。本契約又はライフレイによるオーダーフォームの履行に関わるいかなる事項も、顧客(又はその人員)とライフレイ(又はその人員)との間で雇用関係、代理関係又は組合関係を創出するものとは解釈されない。各当事者は、適用ある税金、控除、その他の支払い及び給付を含め、自己の従業員の監督、指示、管理及び支払いについて単独で責任を負う。ライフレイは、オーダーフォームに基づく本サービスを、顧客の承諾なく、第三者又はライフレイの関連会社に下請けさせることができる。但し、(i) 下請人が、少なくとも第 9 条と実質的に同様な条件に従い顧客の秘密情報を保護することに同意すること、(ii) ライフレイが本契約に基づく自己の義務の履行につき、引き続き顧客に対して責任を負うことを条件とする。いずれの当事者も、自己が相手方当事者を代理して、明示的又は黙示的に、何らかの義務を引受 け若しくは創出する、又は相手方当事者を、代理人、従業員若しくはそ の他の資格において代表する権限を有する旨を表明してはならない。本
Relationship Between the number of transects surveyed and the subsequent number of species recorded in six Finnish lakes (Kanninen unpublished report). Blue lines represent reference and pink lines impact lakes of the small humic lake type, Lake Rauvanjärvi (green line) is a reference lake for the medium sized humic lake type
Relationship Between the parties Standard provisions will apply regarding the legal relationship between the parties (no partnership, joint venture, agency, employment relationship) and the inability of one party to bind or represent the other party.
Relationship Between the. PARTIES The INSTITUTION shall act as an independent contractor of the SPONSOR 16.1 ŘEŠITEL tímto prohlašuje, že za každého uvedeného nebo identifikovaného ŘEŠITELE nebo sub-ŘEŠITELE, který xx xxxxx zúčastněný na ošetření nebo vyhodnocování výzkumných subjektů (např. každý ŘEŠITEL nebo sub-ŘEŠITEL uvedený na formuláři 1572 nebo jakémkoliv obdobném národním nebo jiném analogickém formuláři nebo seznamu), připojil k této SMLOUVĚ nebo okamžitě zašle ZADAVATELI kopii Finančního přiznání za použití Formuláře „Financial Disclosure Form“, který byl úplně vyplněn a podepsán tímto ŘEŠITELEM nebo sub- ŘEŠITELEM. 16.2 Žádné platby podle této SMLOUVY nebudou provedeny, dokud ZADAVATEL neobdrží vyplněný a podepsaný formulář pro každého ŘEŠITELE. 16.3 ŘEŠITEL se zavazuje zajistit, že veškeré takové formuláře budou okamžitě aktualizovány dle potřeby pro udržování jejich přesnosti a úplnosti v průběhu trvání této SMLOUVY a po dobu jednoho (1) roku po dokončení STUDIE. INSTITUCE xx xxxx zavazuje pomáhat ZADAVATELI při získávání analogických vyplněných a podepsaných formulářů pro každého ŘEŠITELE a sub-ŘEŠITELE jeden rok po dokončení STUDIE a pomáhat při získávání jakýchkoliv informací a vypracování veškerých dokladů potřebných pro úplné vyhovění 21 CFR, část 54 nebo pravidlům či směrnicím v něm nebo analogickým národním směrnicím. INSTITUCE uznává a souhlasí s xxx, že vypněné formuláře můžou být podrobeny kontrole vládními nebo regulačními úřady. 17. ROZHODNÉ PRÁVO Tato SMLOUVA se řídí a vykládá v souladu s českým právem. Veškeré xxxxx vznikající z této SMLOUVY nebo v souvislosti s ní budou předloženy soudům v Ostravě, jestliže nedojde k jexxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx. 00. VZTAH MEZI STRANAMI INSTITUCE bude působit jako nezávislý dodavatel ZADAVATELE a nebude
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Relationship Between the. PARTIES The relationship between PayU and the Merchant is on principal-to-principal basis. Nothing contained herein shall be deemed to create any association, partnership, joint venture or relationship of principal and agent or master and servant, or employer and employee between the Parties hereto or any affiliates or subsidiaries thereof or to provide either Party with the right, power or authority, whether express or implied to create any such duty or obligation on behalf of the other Party. RELAȚIA ÎNTRE PĂRȚILE Relația între PayU și Comerciant este o relație la nivel de egalitate. Nici o prevedere din prezentul contract nu va fi considerată a crea orice asociere, parteneriat sau relație de mandant și agent sau superior și subordonat, sau angajator și angajat între părțile la prezentul contact sau oricare Afiliați sau sucursale ale acestora, sau nu va furniza nici unei Părți drept, putere sau autoritate, fie exprese fie implicite, de a crea orice astfel de obligație sau îndatorire în numele celeilalte Părți. GOVERNING LAW AND ENFORCEMENT This Agreement and any non-contractual obligations arising out of or in connection with it are governed by Polish law. The courts of competent for PayU shall have the exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Agreement (including a dispute relating to the existence, validity or termination of this Agreement or the consequences of its nullity or any non-contractual obligations arising out of or in connection with this Agreement) The Agreement shall not be governed by provisions of art. 66 1 § 1 - 3 of the Civil Code. The Agreement shall not be governed by provisions of Section II (with the exception of art. 32a) and art. 34, art. 35 – 37, 40 (3) and (4), art. 45, art. 46 (2) – (5), art. 47, art. 48, art. 51, art. 144 – 146 of the Act on Payment Services of 19 August 2011. The term defined in art. 44 (2) of the Act on Payment Services shall be replaced with the term defined in clause 6.12 hereof. The provisions excluded from clauses 25.3 and 25.4 of this section shall be replaced by the provisions of the Agreement followed by the other provisions of law, except for provisions excluded in clauses 25.3 and 25.4 of this section. This Agreement can be prepared in two different language versions. Unless one of the language will not be Polish language version, then in case of any discrepancies the English language version shall prevail. LEGEA DE GUVERNARE ȘI APLICARE Prezentul Contr...
Relationship Between the. Parties In all matters relating to this Agreement, Customer and Liferay shall act as independent contractors. Nothing in this Agreement or related to Liferay's performance of any Order Form will be construed to create an employment or agency relationship or a partnership between Customer (or any Customer personnel) and Liferay (or any Liferay personnel). Each party will be solely responsible for supervision, direction, control and payment of its personnel, including applicable taxes, deductions, other payments and benefits. Liferay may subcontract Services under an Order Form to third parties or its Affiliates without the approval of Customer; provided, however, that (i) subcontractors agree to protect Customer Confidential Information subject to terms at least substantially similar with Section 9, and (ii) Liferay remains responsible to Customer for performance of its obligations hereunder. Neither party will represent that it has any authority to assume or create any obligation, express or implied, on behalf of the other party, or to represent the other party as agent, employee or in any other capacity. Nothing herein shall oblige parties to enter into any further agreement(s) with each other. 13.3. Assignments This Agreement is binding on the parties to this Agreement, and other than the rights conferred on Business Partners in Sections 4.1 and 5.1, nothing in this Agreement or in any Order Form grants any other person or entity any right, benefit or remedy of any nature whatsoever, except for the parties' Affiliates as expressly provided in this Agreement. Neither party may assign, novate, transfer or otherwise dispose of any of its rights or obligations under this Agreement and/or any Order Form without the other party’s prior written consent which shall not be unreasonably withheld, delayed or conditioned; the party required to give its consent may however attach reasonable conditions to its consent. Either party may, upon written notice to, and without the prior approval of, the other party, (i) assign or novate this Agreement to an Affiliate as long as the Affiliate has sufficient credit to satisfy its obligations under this Agreement and the scope of the Services is not affected; and, (ii) assign or novate this Agreement pursuant to a merger or a sale of all or substantially all of such party's assets or stock, and in each case (i) or (ii) provided that (a) the assigning or novating party provides the other party with a written confirmation of the...
Relationship Between the. PARTIES Nothing herein shall be deemed to create an employment relationship, an agency relationship, nor a joint venture or partnership relationship between XXXX and and/or its agents. Nothing herein shall impose any duty or requirement for XXXX to make Client Referrals to and/or its agents nor shall and/or its agents have a duty or be obligated to accept any Client Referral.
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