Jury Service. 46.1 Subject to this clause, Employees are entitled to leave and payment for jury service in accordance with the NES and the Juries Act 2000 (VIC).
46.2 An Employee (other than a casual Employee) called for jury service during ordinary working hours will be reimbursed by the Employer an amount equal to the difference between the amount paid by the Court and the amount of Ordinary Rate he/she would have received for the ordinary time hours for which the Employee’s attendance at the Court was required up to a maximum of 10 days’ pay.
46.3 The Employee will provide the Employer with proof of attendance, duration of attendance and amount received in respect thereof.
Jury Service. 44.1 Subject to this clause, Employees are entitled to leave and payment for jury service in accordance with the NES.
44.2 An Employee (other than a casual Employee) called for jury service during ordinary working hours will be reimbursed by the Employer an amount equal to the difference between the amount paid by the Court and the amount of Ordinary Rate he/she would have received for the ordinary time hours for which the Employee’s attendance at the Court was required up to a maximum of 10 days’ pay.
44.3 The Employee will provide the Employer with proof of attendance, duration of attendance and amount received in respect thereof.
Jury Service. (1) An Employee required to attend for jury service shall be reimbursed by the Company an amount equal to the difference between the amount paid in respect of their attendance for such jury service and the amount of wages they would have received in respect of the Ordinary Hours they would have worked had the Employee not been on jury service.
(2) An Employee shall notify the Company as soon as possible of the date upon which they are required to attend for jury service and shall provide the Company proof of their attendance, the duration of such attendance, and the amount received in respect thereof.
Jury Service. 22.1 Employees required to attend for jury service during ordinary working hours will be reimbursed by the Company an amount equal to the difference between the amount paid in respect of attendance for such jury service and the amount of wage they would have received in respect of the ordinary time he/she would have worked had he/she not been on jury service.
22.2 The employee must notify the Company as soon as practicable of the date upon which he/she is required to attend for jury service and must provide the Company with proof of attendance, the duration of such attendance, and the amount received in respect thereof.
Jury Service. A weekly employee required to attend for jury service during ordinary working hours, shall be paid an amount equal to the difference between the Employee's ordinary pay and the jury service fee.
Jury Service. 6.9.1 The employer will grant leave with pay when an employee is required to serve on a jury provided that all fees for service are reimbursed to the employer.
Jury Service. An employee who serves on jury duty shall be granted the day or days necessary as stipulated by the court to discharge this responsibility without any salary deduction or loss of basic leave allowance. The compensation received for jury duty service shall be remitted to the School District.
Jury Service. No deductions shall be made from the salary of a regular employee absent from work when required to appear in court as a juror. When possible to do so, employees shall provide advance notification of any anticipated absence to their immediate supervisor. The policy specifically applicable to employees of the Probation Agency is appendix 2 of this agreement.
Jury Service. An employee required to attend for jury service during his/her ordinary working hours shall be reimbursed by the employer an amount equal to the difference between the amount paid in respect of his/her attendance for such jury service and the amount of wage he/she would have received in respect of ordinary time he/she would have worked had he/she not been on jury service. An employee shall notify his/her employer as soon as possible of the date upon which he/she is required to attend for jury service. Further, the employee shall give his/her employer proof of his/her attendance, the duration of such attendance and the amount received in respect of such jury service.
Jury Service. This clause is intended to summarise the Award entitlement. It is not intended to replace or over-ride the Award. An employee (other than a casual) called for jury service during ordinary working hours will be reimbursed by the Company an amount equal to the difference between the amount paid by the Court and the amount of ordinary rate earnings he/she would have received for the ordinary time hours expended at the Court. The employee will provide the Company with proof of attendance, duration of attendance and amount received in respect thereof.