Human Sexuality Sample Clauses

Human Sexuality. Sexuality is inherent in God’s creation of human being in his image as male and female. Husbands and wives are called to exclusive sexual fidelity to one another and single persons are called to abstinence. God intends and enables all people to live within these boundaries with the help of the Holy Spirit and in the fellowship of the Church.
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Human Sexuality. Senate Bill 150 (2023) requires that if a school district has adopted a curriculum for human sexuality or sexually transmitted diseases, the school must enact a policy to notify parents in advance and obtain their written consent before a student receives instruction through curriculum or programs on those subjects. The high school must provide parents/guardians the written notice at least two weeks before the student’s participation in the course. Therefore, KCTCS colleges will work with their secondary school partners to identify dual credit courses requiring parental consent and provide them with the syllabus and any other information needed to create the permission slip. It is the high school’s responsibility to notify parents/guardians of the review process for course related materials. However, the local school district should develop this process and identify points of contact for dual credit courses collaboratively with the KCTCS college, to determine how curricular material can be reviewed while maintaining their security and integrity, particularly for assessments. It is the responsibility of the high school to ensure consent is received before enrolling students in a dual credit course with content about human sexuality, regardless of where the course is taught. The high school will then notify the KCTCS college which students have parental permission to enroll in a course with content related to human sexuality or sexually transmitted diseases. Local school districts should develop the timeline for parental permissions and enrollment collaboratively with the KCTCS college, to ensure both parties’ needs are considered. KCTCS colleges may enroll students who receive parental permission after a course has started at their discretion. Should a parent request an alternate course, curriculum, or program, the high school must provide that for the student. KCTCS does not offer alternative instruction or dual credit courses.
Human Sexuality. We believe that God has commanded that no intimate sexual activity be engaged outside of marriage between a man and woman (Hebrews 13:4 and I Corinthians 7:1-4). We believe that any form of homosexuality, lesbianism, bisexuality, bestiality, incest, fornication, adultery and pornography are sexual perversions in the sight of God and the church (Genesis 2:24, Leviticus 18:1-30, Romans 1:26-29, I Corinthians 5:1 and 6:9, I Thessalonians 4:2-7). We believe that the only legitimate marriage is the joining of one man and one woman by mutual covenant (Genesis 2:24, Romans 7:2). We believe that men and women are spiritually equal in position before God (Galatians 3:28), but that God has ordained distinct and separate spiritual functions for men and women in the home and the church (Colossians 3:18, I Xxxxxxx 2:8-15).
Human Sexuality. We believe that God has reserved all sexual activity to the marriage covenant as defined above. Scripture teaches that all forms of homosexuality, lesbianism, bisexuality, pansexuality, bestiality, incest, fornication, adultery, and pornography are sinful perversions of God’s plan for sexual intimacy. God disapproves of and forbids any attempt to alter one’s gender by surgery or appearance (Gen. 2:24; 19:5, 13; 26:8-9; Lev. 18:1-30; Rom. 1:26-29; I Cor. 5:1; 6:9; I Thess. 4:1-8; Heb. 13:4).
Human Sexuality. We believe the Bible teaches that legitimate sexual relations are exercised solely within marriage (Romans 1:26-28; 1 Corinthians 6:18; 2 Corinthians 12:21; Ephesians 5:3; 1 Xxxxxxx 1:8-11; Hebrews 13:4; Jude 1:5-8). Hence, The First Baptist Church of San Diego opposes all forms of sexual immorality, including, but not limited to, pre-marital sexual relations, adultery, homosexuality and pornography.

Related to Human Sexuality

  • Workplace Harassment The Hospital and the Union are committed to ensuring a work environment that is free from harassment. Harassment is defined as a “course of vexatious comment or conduct that is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome”, that denies individual dignity and respect on the basis of the grounds such as gender, disability, race, colour, sexual orientation or other prohibited grounds, as stated in the Ontario Human Rights Code. All employees are expected to treat others with courtesy and consideration and to discourage harassment. ref. Ontario Human Rights Code, Sec. 10(1). Harassment may take many forms including verbal, physical or visual. It may involve a threat, an implied threat or be perceived as a condition of employment. The Parties agree that harassment is in no way to be construed as properly discharged supervisory responsibilities, including the delegation of work assignments and/or the assessment of discipline. If an employee believes that she/he has been harassed and/or discriminated against on the basis of any prohibited ground of discrimination, there are specific actions that may be undertaken. The employee should request the harasser to stop the unwanted behaviour by informing the harassing individual(s) that the behaviour is unwanted and unwelcome. Should the employee not feel comfortable addressing the harasser directly, she/he may request the assistance of the manager or a Union representative. If the unwelcome behaviour was to continue, the employee will consult the Hospital policy on harassment and will be free to pursue all avenues including the complaint investigation and resolution. The Parties agree that an employee may have a representative of the Union with her/him throughout the process, if requested.

  • Accident Prevention Health and Safety Committee The Employer and the Union agree that they mutually to maintain standards of safety and health in the Hospital in order to prevent accidents, injury, and illness. ected or Recognizing its responsibilities under the applicable legislation, the Hospital agrees to accept as a member of its Accident Prevention Health and Safety Committee, at least one (1) representative sel appointed by the Union from amongst Bargaining Unit employees. Such Committee shall identify potential dangers and means of improving health and safety programs, and recommend actions to be taken to improve conditions related to safety and health. The Hospital agrees to co-operate reasonably in providing necessary information to enable the Committee its functions. Meetings shall be held every second month or more frequently at the call of the Chair if required. The Committee shall maintain minutes of meetings and make the Same available for review. Any representative appointed or accordancewith hereof shall serve for a term of one (1) calendar year from the date of appointment which may be renewed for further of one (1) year. Time off for such to attend meetings of the Accident Prevention Health and Safety Committee in accordance with the foregoing shall be granted, and any attending such meetings during their regularly scheduled hours of work shall not lose regular as a result of such The Union agrees to endeavour to obtain the membership in the observation of all safety rules and practices. Safety Shoes The Hospital will provide sixty dollars ($60.00) annually effective April and eighty dollars ($80.00) effective April to each employee who is required by the Hospital, as delineated below, to wear safety footwear during the of his duties. The Hospital will require employees the following functions to wear appropriate Engineering Services; Grounds; Transport; (only where frequently working in storage areas). (as determined by the Hospital) heavy carts on a regular basis, e.g., linen carts, food wagons. ARTICLE BULLETIN BOARDS The Employer shall provide bulletin that all employees will have access to them have the right to post notices of meetings and such other notices as may be of interest to the membership. The wage increase listed on a retroactive to contact,in writing (with a copy to the Union) at their last-known entitle who have left its employ, to advise them of their any retroactive wage adjustment. Any employees who have employees shall have notice from the Hospital in which to claim from the Hospital any adjustment to their remuneration entitlement. The retroactive payments shall be made by separate cheques to the employees so entitled within sixty (60) days from the date of ratification. All other adjustments shall be effective as set out specifically in this Collective Agreement.


  • WORKPLACE HEALTH AND SAFETY The parties to this Agreement are committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace and work practices. The parties recognise that illness or injury at the workplace is costly to the employer and the employees and also disruptive to the respective parties. To facilitate healthy and safe work practices, the parties to the Agreement are committed to discussing health and safety issues as they apply to the operations of the employer as part of the consultative measures under this Agreement. The employer and employees under this agreement may refer to their respective industrial representatives for appropriate advice or expertise in enhancing performance with due regard to health and safety initiatives. The parties also recognise the importance of conducting regular audits of the employer's operations, policies and procedures including the employees' skills, knowledge, qualifications and application of healthy and safe work practices.

  • ANTI DISCRIMINATION AND ANTI HARASSMENT Contractor and/or any subcontractor shall not unlawfully discriminate against or harass any individual including, but not limited to, any employee or volunteer of the County of Marin based on race, color, religion, nationality, sex, sexual orientation, age or condition of disability. Contractor and/or any subcontractor understands and agrees that Contractor and/or any subcontractor is bound by and will comply with the anti discrimination and anti harassment mandates of all Federal, State and local statutes, regulations and ordinances including, but not limited to, County of Marin Personnel Management Regulation (PMR) 21.

  • Department of Health and Human Services An employee notified of a positive controlled substance or alcohol test result may request an independent test of their split sample at the employee’s expense. If the test result is negative, the Employer will reimburse the employee for the cost of the split sample test. An employee who has a positive alcohol test and/or a positive controlled substance test may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal, based on the incident that prompted the testing, including a violation of the drug and alcohol free work place rules.

  • Discrimination and Harassment 3.01 The Company shall not discriminate against an employee because of membership in the Union or because of activities authorized herein on behalf of the Union.

  • DISCRIMINATION / HARASSMENT 22.01 The parties agree to comply with their obligations under the Ontario Human Rights Code.

  • Workplace Violence Prevention and Crisis Response (applicable to any Party and any subcontractors and sub-grantees whose employees or other service providers deliver social or mental health services directly to individual recipients of such services): Party shall establish a written workplace violence prevention and crisis response policy meeting the requirements of Act 109 (2016), 33 VSA §8201(b), for the benefit of employees delivering direct social or mental health services. Party shall, in preparing its policy, consult with the guidelines promulgated by the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration for Preventing Workplace Violence for Healthcare and Social Services Workers, as those guidelines may from time to time be amended. Party, through its violence protection and crisis response committee, shall evaluate the efficacy of its policy, and update the policy as appropriate, at least annually. The policy and any written evaluations thereof shall be provided to employees delivering direct social or mental health services. Party will ensure that any subcontractor and sub-grantee who hires employees (or contracts with service providers) who deliver social or mental health services directly to individual recipients of such services, complies with all requirements of this Section.

  • Drug-Free Workplace Contractor represents and warrants that it shall comply with the applicable provisions of the Drug-Free Work Place Act of 1988 (41 U.S.C. §701 et seq.) and maintain a drug-free work environment.

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