CSF Sample Clauses

CSF. Fair and Equitable Systems Participates in the development and maintenance of fair, consistent systems for managing waiting times, appointment scheduling and referrals. Participates in the development and maintenance of entry and exit criteria and prioritisation criteria. CSF: Appropriate Locations Works positively and co-operatively towards achieving service goals and contract requirements related to changes in location of service provision such as increased ambulatory care, increased community home-based care, visiting services to rural areas and reduced emphasis on inpatient services. CSF: Efficient Resource Utilisation Uses time and resources effectively, efficiently and productively towards achievement of MidCentral Health's objectives and own KPI's. Maintains comprehensive, accurate and up to date records for all patients. Completes patient reports and dispatches these in a timely manner and according to any contractual requirement. CSF: Integrated Services Actively works towards maximising co-operation between services and with other providers. Recognises linkages between services and takes these into account when considering initiatives within own service. Has an up to date knowledge of relevant disaster plans, the department’s capabilities and responsibilities in the event of disasters, and other related resources in the region. CSF: Statutory Requirements Is aware of and complies with statutory requirements.
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CSF. Fair and Equitable Systems Participates, as appropriate, in the development and maintenance of fair, consistent systems for managing waiting lists, waiting times, appointment scheduling and referrals. Participates, as appropriate, in the development and maintenance of entry and exit criteria and prioritisation criteria. CSF: Appropriate Locations Works positively and co-operatively towards achieving service goals and contract requirements related to changes in location of service provision such as increased ambulatory care, increased community home-based care, visiting services to rural areas and reduced emphasis on inpatient services. CSF: Efficient Resource Utilisation Uses time and resources effectively, efficiently and productively towards achievement of MidCentral Health's objectives and own KPI's. Maintains comprehensive, accurate and up to date records for all patients. Completes patient reports and dispatches these in a timely manner and according to any contractual requirement. CSF: Integrated Services Actively works towards maximising co-operation between services and with other providers. Recognises linkages between services and takes these into account when considering initiatives within own service. CSF: Statutory Requirements Is aware of and complies with statutory requirements.
CSF. DHEA in the CSF correlates with circulating DHEA (Xxxxxxxx et al., 2011; Xxxxxx et al., 1996). Brain DHEA has been termed a neurosteroid. Part of neurosteroids may be synthesised de novo in the CNS, but also steroid metabolites may be synthesised in the CNS or transported through the blood brain barrier from the periphery. Although the validity of levels of DHEA in brain has been recently questioned due to the method used (solvolysis) recent studies that used a different analytic method (gas chromatography mass spectrometry) still found high DHEA levels in human brain (Xxxxx-Xxxxxxx et al., 2003). DHEA can then be measured in the periphery from blood, plasma, urine, saliva and these levels correlate with those found in the cerebrospinal and ventricular fluid.
CSF. Oligoclonal immunoglobulin patterns can be seen in both serum and cerebrospinal fluid as faint bands in the gamma zone. They are usually multiple homogeneous, narrow and discrete in appearance. When seen in serum, the bands indicate the presence of immune complexes which are associated with Xxxxxxxx disease or a non-specific early immune response to various disease states. In the cerebrospinal fluid their presence is supportive evidence for the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis (MS) in the proper clinical setting. Oligoclonal bands in serum are not indicative of MS. An oligoclonal pattern in the CSF is present in more than 90% of MS patients at some time during the course of the disease. It may be less sensitive during an initial attack and is not completely specific for MS. High resolution protein electrophoresis is less sensitive than isoelectric electric focusing with IgG immunoblotting for detection of oligoclonal bands.9,10,11,12 Other diseases commonly associated with an oligoclonal pattern include subacute sclerosing panencephalitis and some infections of the central nervous system.13,14 Urine High resolution protein electrophoresis is an excellent analytical technique to gain a broad overview of urine proteins.3,8 Glomerular-type proteinuria, tubular-type proteinuria as well as mixed glomerular-tubular patterns and the various overflow states can be easily distinguished and characterized, thus providing useful information on specific functions within the nephron. The Helena publications, “HIGH RESOLUTION PROTEIN ELECTROPHORESIS, A Clinical Overview with Case Studies” and “Introduction to High Resolution Protein Electrophoresis and Associated Techniques” provide a complete discussion of the uses and interpretation of high resolution protein electrophoresis. To obtain your copy call Helena Laboratories’ Literature Distribution Center using the toll free number listed at right. BIBLIOGRAPHY

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  • Přetrvávající platnost Tento odstavec 1.3 “Zdravotní záznamy a Studijní data a údaje” zůstane závazný i v případě zániku platnosti či vypršení platnosti této Smlouvy.

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  • WSIB & LTD An Employee who is receiving benefits under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, or under a LTD plan, is not entitled to benefits under a school board’s sick leave and short term disability plan for the same condition unless the employee is on a graduated return to work program then WSIB/LTD remains the first payor. For clarity, where an employee is receiving partial benefits under WSIB/LTD, they may be entitled to receive benefits under the sick leave plan, subject to the circumstances of the specific situation. During the interim period from the date of the injury/incident or illness to the date of the approval by the WSIB/LTD of the claim, the employee may access sick leave and short term leave and disability coverage. A reconciliation of sick leave deductions made and payments provided, will be undertaken by the school board once the WSIB/LTD has adjudicated and approved the claim. In the event that the WSIB/LTD does not approve the claim, the school board shall deal with the absence consistent with the terms of the sick leave and short term leave and disability plans.

  • Generelt A. Apple Inc. (“Apple”) giver hermed licenstager licens til at bruge Apples software samt tredjeparters software, dokumentation, grænseflader, indhold, skrifter og evt. data, som følger med denne licens, uanset om de forefindes som ROM (Read Only Memory) eller på andet medie (under et kaldet “Apple- software”) i henhold til betingelserne i denne licensaftale. Apple og/eller Apples licensgivere bevarer ejendomsretten til selve Apple-softwaren og forbeholder sig alle de rettigheder, som ikke udtrykkeligt er givet til licenstager.

  • Oddělitelnost Pokud bude jakékoliv ustanovení, právo nebo nápravný prostředek uvedený v této Smlouvě shledán soudem příslušné jurisdikce nevynutitelným nebo neúčinným, nebude tím ovlivněna platnost a vynutitelnost zbývajících ustanovení.

  • Special Situations The parties recognize that under certain circumstances a Change in Control may occur under conditions which make it inappropriate for Employee to receive the termination benefits or protection set forth in this Agreement. Therefore, in the event that a Change in Control occurs for any one of the following reasons, the provisions of Sections 2, 6 and 9 shall not apply:

  • Celsius 43 cents per hour extra; in excess of 54 Celsius 58 cents per hour extra. Where work continues for more than two hours in temperatures exceeding 54 Celsius, employees shall be entitled to 20 minutes rest after every two hours work without deduction of pay. The temperature shall be determined by the supervisor after consultation with the employees who claim the extra rate.

  • Per-pupil Funding The School's non-facility general fund per-pupil funding shall be as defined in Sec. 302D-28, HRS. The Commission shall distribute the School's per-pupil allocation each fiscal year pursuant to Sec. 302D-28(f), HRS, and shall provide the School with the calculations used to determine the per-pupil amount each year. All funds distributed to the School from the Commission shall be used solely for the School's educational purposes as appropriated by the Legislature, and the School shall have discretion to determine how such funding shall be allocated at the school level to serve those purposes subject to applicable laws and this Contract.

  • Vyšší moc The performance by either Party of any obligation on its part to be performed hereunder shall be excused by floods, fires or any other Act of God, accidents, wars, riots, embargoes, delay of carriers, inability to obtain materials, failure of power or natural sources of supply, acts, injunctions, or restraints of government or other force majeure preventing such performance, whether similar or dissimilar to the foregoing, beyond the reasonable control of the Party bound by such obligation, provided, however, that the Party affected shall exert its reasonable efforts to eliminate or cure or overcome any of such causes and to resume performance of its obligations with all possible speed. Splnění jakékoli povinnosti kteroukoli ze Stran, jež má být takovou Stranou splněna na základě podmínek této Smlouvy, bude prominuto v důsledku záplav, požárů či jiných projevů Vyšší moci, nehod, válek, nepokojů, embarg, prodlení dopravců, nemožnosti opatřit příslušné materiály, nebude-li dodána elektrická energie či jiné přírodní zdroje, v důsledku rozhodnutí, zákazů či omezení státního/správního úřadu či jiného prvku vyšší moci, který zabrání splnění takové povinnosti, bez ohledu na to, zda je shodný či odlišný od shora uvedeného, a který stojí mimo možnost ovlivnění příslušné Strany, která je takovou povinností vázána, to však za podmínky, že takto dotčená Strana vyvine odpovídají úsilí za účelem odstranění či nápravy či překonání jakéhokoli takového důvodu či příčiny a bude pokračovat v plnění svých povinností x xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx.

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